

A story about a boy who died and got transmigrated as Sung Jinwoo in the Solo Leveling Manhwa world. Follow how he became not only the Monarch Of Shadow but more then a Monarch. How he became the One And Only God Of Chaos. Join him on his journey and see how he also travel through different worlds. The cover is not mine. Additional Tags- world travel, yuir(only with the presence of mc), milf. Patreon- patreon.com/NOVELLOVER800

Novel_Lover459 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs


"Welcome, Jin-woo.' Yoora greeted Jin-woo with a wide smile, refraining from hugging him due to her mother's watchful eyes.

Upon seeing her, Jin-woo smiled and embraced her tightly, aware of the disapproving gaze of his mother-in-law. 'Seems like my mother-in-law isn't too fond of me,' he thought, noticing Rebecca's intense stare from inside.

'Hmm, let's see what's so different about you'. Rebecca thought observing Jin-woo with a penetrating gaze, wondering what set him apart.

Caught off guard by the sudden embrace, Yoora quickly recovered and returned the hug, sniffing his mainly scent to her heart content.

"Now that's a warm welcome," Jin-woo remarked, breaking the hug and stepping inside, closing the door behind him.

"Jin-woo, meet my mother, Rebecca," Yoora introduced him with a joyful smile as he entered.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am. I am Sung Jin-woo, an E-rank hunter and Yoora's boyfriend," Jin-woo respectfully introduced himself, his eyes fixed on Rebecca.

'I can see where Yoora gets her beauty from,' Jin-woo thought, admiring Rebecca's appearance. Despite being a mother to a grown-up daughter and battling illness, she remained stunning.

"Nice to meet you. Let's have a conversation over a meal," Rebecca said with a serious expression, leading the way to the dining table. Although she wasn't fully convinced by her daughter's assurances that Jin-woo was different from her ex-husband, who had abandoned them for another woman, there was one undeniable truth.

'My daughter really has found herself a handsome man,' she thought, taking a seat while Jin-woo sat across from her and Yoora beside him, glaring at her mother.

Witnessing her daughter's anger, Rebecca felt a pang of guilt, but she kept a composed demeanor. "Yoora, why don't you finish preparing dinner while I talk to Jin-woo?"

Hearing this, Jin-woo smiled, while Yoora was taken aback.

"But mom, I want-" Before she could finish her words, Jin-woo interrupted her.

"Don't worry, you go ahead and prepare dinner," Jin-woo said, flashing a gentle smile as he held her hand. Yoora didn't say anything in response, her anger evident as she walked towards the kitchen.

Rebecca observed her daughter's behavior and couldn't help but think, 'So she'll question me but not him.'

Once Yoora had left, Jin-woo shifted his gaze towards Rebecca, who was staring at him intently. "So, what do you want to talk about?" he asked.

Rebecca took a moment to look at him before responding with a serious voice, "What do you want from my daughter?"

Confused, Jin-woo asked, "What do you mean by that?" though he couldn't help but smile inwardly.

"I mean, why are you dating her when you already have a woman? Do you just want her body or do you want to play with her emotions?" Rebecca questioned, her words direct and piercing.

Jin-woo was momentarily taken aback by her straightforwardness. He knew she might ask such questions, but he never expected her to be so upfront. Pushing aside his thoughts, he looked at Rebecca and smiled.

"None of that," Jin-woo replied, surprising Rebecca completely. "I just want her to be happy."

Rebecca remained speechless, absorbing his words with full attention.

"I understand your concerns, but I assure you, that will never happen. From the moment I met Yoora, I felt a strong attraction towards her. At first, I wasn't sure about my feelings, but after going on a date with her, I realized just how much I like her."

Jin-woo glanced at Yoora and expressed, "I admire her choice to avoid fancy restaurants just to make things easier for me. I appreciate her simplicity and everything about her."

Jin-woo explained, his gaze shifting towards Yoora, who was now pouting while preparing dinner.

Rebecca was left speechless, having heard every word he said with undivided attention. She knew in her heart that what he spoke was the truth.

Jin-woo continued, his voice filled with sincerity, "I know it may be hard for you to believe even after knowing that I already have someone, but I genuinely care about Yoora. I want to be there for her, support her dreams, and make her smile every day. I want to be the person she can rely on, the one who brings her happiness and comfort."

Rebecca's initial skepticism began to waver as she saw the earnestness in Jin-woo's eyes. She had always been protective of her daughter, wanting only the best for her. But now, faced with this unexpected situation, she couldn't help but question her own judgment.

"I understand that you may have reservations about me," Jin-woo continued, his voice gentle yet firm. "But I promise you, I will never hurt Yoora. I will cherish her and treat her with the utmost respect and love. I want to build a future with her, filled with happiness and mutual understanding."

Rebecca's heart softened as she listened to Jin-woo's heartfelt words. She could see the sincerity in his eyes and the genuine affection he had for her daughter. Perhaps, she thought, it was time to let go of her own fears and trust in Yoora's judgment.

"I appreciate your honesty," Rebecca finally spoke, her voice filled with a mix of relief and acceptance. "Yoora means the world to me, and I only want what's best for her. If you truly care for her as you say, then I will trust in your intentions."

A sense of gratitude washed over Jin-woo as he heard Rebecca's words. He knew that gaining her trust was not an easy feat, but he was determined to prove himself worthy of it.

"Thank you, Rebecca," Jin-woo said sincerely, his voice filled with gratitude. "I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make Yoora happy and to be the partner she deserves."

Rebecca nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. She could see the genuine love and commitment in Jin-woo's eyes, and she couldn't deny the happiness it brought to her daughter.

As Yoora finished preparing dinner and joined them at the table, she noticed the change in her mother's expression. The tension that had filled the room seemed to have dissipated, replaced by a newfound understanding.

"Everything okay, Mom?" Yoora asked cautiously, her eyes flickering between her mother and Jin-woo.

Rebecca gazed at her daughter, a gentle smile gracing her face. "Don't worry honey, Jin-woo is truly a wonderful man." she assured, her eyes shifting towards Jin-woo with warmth.

Yoora was taken aback by her mother's approval. "You mean..." she trailed off, her voice filled with a hint of uncertainty.

"Yes, I give him my blessing." Yoora's words were barely out of her mouth when she rushed forward, embracing her mother tenderly.

"Thank you so much, Mom." Yoora whispered, tears welling up in her eyes.

Rebecca chuckled softly, returning the hug. "It's alright, my dear cough! cough!" she said, her laughter interrupted by a sudden cough.

Concern washed over Yoora as she witnessed her mother's coughing fit. Realizing her mistake, she quickly apologized. "Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"I-It's okay, I'm fine cough! cough!" Rebecca managed to say between coughs. Worried, Yoora hurried to get her some water, but before she could reach the kitchen, Jin-woo's voice caught her attention.

"Let me help her." Jin-woo offered, approaching Rebecca with his hand raised. Both Rebecca and Yoora looked at him, puzzled.

Suddenly, a green light emitted from Jin-woo's hand, enveloping Rebecca's body. Initially concerned, Yoora soon relaxed, knowing that Jin-woo would never harm her mother.

[Healing successfully done]

Upon hearing the voice of the system, Jin-woo withdrew his hand. "You're completely healed now." he declared, leaving Yoora utterly astonished.

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