
Solo Gamer (Dropped)

Ever wonder what it feel like to be forced to go to another world to kill transmigrator? Probably not.

BlurryHamster · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs


A person in a cloak was flying around while killing some Titan along the way.

The cloak was like the survey corp cloak but it didn't have any symbol on it and it was a dark grey color.

The person then stopped on the roof of a building.

"Finally 30 Kills!"

{Mission: Attack On Titan #1}

{Description: Survive "The Struggle for Trost" arc and eliminate 30 titans. You will be rewarded an extra of 100 SP for each additional kill.}

{Progress: 30/30}

{Failure Penalty: No Reward}


What should I do now?


I'm running out of gas and my blade is getting rusty…

Guess I can use some new supply.

In the anime, the HQ contained all of the supply but it was surrounded by titans so the cadet had to team up to get in.

But for Arthur, even with all the titans around the building, it was still easy for him to get in.

When he was about to go to the supply room, he suddenly heard footsteps.


Someone is here!?

"We made it!"

"It's all thanks to that abnormal titan!"

"Stop celebrating, there are still people outside who need our help so quickly get your supply!"

Isn't that Armin!?

And that Mikasa.

They're here with their group, I think this is the part in the anime where they got their supply after Eren, who was unconscious while in titan form, helped them kill the titan.

Hope they won't find me…

Sure, it would be pretty cool to join them but it would only give trouble.

They probably won't trust me since I'm a stranger to them.

And I don't need them for my mission so it is best to just stay far away from them.

"Alright, lets go and kill the titans!"


Sigh...Finally, they left.

Time to gear up.

Arthur grabbed new blades from a wooden box and filled up the gas cylinder.

Finally satisfied with his gear, it was finally time to grind some SP.

"Eh!? Who are you!?"


Arthur looked toward where the voice was from and saw a girl with blonde hair who was in a battle stance.

He sprayed gas from the tube which he was holding with my right hand to blind her.


Before she can shout for help, Arthur quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

"Shhh! Quiet"

Ahh! What a headache…

The girl in front of him was Krista Lenz, her real name was Historia Reiss.

Since she was an important character in the anime, he did not want to involve himself with her.

"Don't start shouting or I'll kill you" Arthur said as he removed his hand from her mouth.

"I don't care if you kill me! HELPP--"

Arthur covered her mouth again…

Calm down Arthur…Calm down…

As much as he wanted to kill her, it would only invite trouble.

He didn't know if the system would give him a penalty if he did kill her.

Since the last time he saved Sung Jin-Woo, the system gave him a bonus but what if he killed him?

Who knows what would happen…

"Look here, I'm not an enemy, if I was then I would have already killed you."

Krista was still not convinced

"I was sent by the scout as backup, just believe me, I don't have time to argue with a girl. There's people out there who need my help"

She stopped struggling after hearing that and thought about it for a moment before agreeing.

"Fine...But! you will follow me so just in case, you won't be able to escape!"

"Did you not hear what I said? I should be the one ordering you…"

"I will tell everyone your here if you don't comply"


'Even if you came from the scout, there's a reason why you haven't exposed yourself to everyone yet so I will use it to my advantage!" Krista thought to herself.

While Arthur is just complaining to himself how he got taken advantage of by a girl younger than him…

"Let go! My friends are waiting for me" Krista said as she start flying.

"Eh? Wait!?"

Arthur quickly wore his gear and started following her.

They arrived on a roof with other people, including Mikasa and Armin.

They watched as the 'abnormal titan' killed other titans.

"Krista your finally here!" Ymir said as she went next to Krista.

"Who is that behind you?"

"Oh! H--He's a retired veteran and he helped with killing titans!" Krista said proudly for being able to come up with an excuse.

Arthur facepalmed himself in his mind, THIS IS THE BEST THING YOU CAN COME UP WITH!?

'Ummm, he seems too young though...whatever I trust my Krista!' Ymir thought to herself.

Luckily no one thought about it too hard because they were more focused on the abnormal titan.

The abnormal titan then fell down after a long battle and started to disintegrate.

"Is that a person coming out from a titan!?"

"Wait...Isn't that Eren!?"

"What the fuck!?"

While they were all shocked, Arthur thought that this was the perfect moment to escape.

After Krista calmed down, she found out that Arthur was missing!

She looked around for him but couldn't find him, she then finally gave up.

"Phew, Finally alone! Or… Not"

Arthur looked at the abnormal titan in front of him, it was crawling using its hands and legs.

"What perfect timing this is...I do need to take out my anger on something"

He took out two swords from his waist as the abnormal titan jumped toward him.

Arthur planted his grapplers on the titan ears and flew over the titan. No one would actually dare to do this but him.

The titan tried to grab Arthur with both of its hands after it landed down, it was impossible for him to dodge since he was floating midair.

The moment its hands got close to him, all of its fingers started falling off as the blood sprayed onto Arthur's clothes.

"The blood is disgusting but at least it automatically evaporates so I don't have to clean it" Arthur said as he finished off the titan.

Arthur flew on top of a roof and looked for his next target.

"Oh! Found three, sweet!"

He started flying toward his delicious prey of SP.

End of Chapter