
Sole Weapon Sorcerer: Mastering Victory

If a dagger doesn't work then he'll use a spear, if a spear doesn't work he will use a sword, and if a sword doesn't work then he will use an even bigger sword. Ray Ace a boy who had to move out from his parents home because he wanted to chase his dream of being a gamer, he started playing a vrmmorpg game called victory online, using his character Abysall lord watch as he becomes unparalleled in the game world. It's short because i don't think anyone likes a long prologue. A friend helped me make the cover art and he's also a fellow author. His name is MaxandMills and the name of his novel is comeet legacy so you guys should give it a read This is my entry for webnovel spirity awards. If i can enter power ranking. Top 200- 2 chapters per day Top 100- 3 chapters per day Top 50- 4 chapters per day Top 10-5 chapters per day

Amnotgay · เกม
19 Chs

A Normal Day

Ray sat up, the weight of his defeat still fresh and heavy as he could still remember the pain he felt going against the wolf boss. Elric, calm as ever, watched him with a puzzled expression. Ray's frustration spilled over as he began to speak.

"I thought you already knew," Elric said, his face a picture of confusion. "There was a manual and rules for this game stated before anyone started playing."

Ray clenched his fists, trying to keep his voice steady, so as to show some respect even if just a little. "Why didn't you guys take into consideration that some people wouldn't actually read it?" he retorted. "Not everyone sits down to read a manual before jumping into a game."

Elric raised an eyebrow, maintaining his calm demeanor. "It's common practice to have instructions and rules laid out clearly for players. It's expected that players read them."

Ray sighed, shaking his head. "Either way, that's the end of it. I was killed by the wolf boss. I need you to teach me everything I'm supposed to know so I can kill that thing."

Elric nodded, understanding the determination in Ray's voice. "Alright, that's what I'm here for. But don't you think it's getting late? You've been playing the game for hours straight and you haven't logged out. I know you want to learn more, but there's a time for everything. You need to get some rest, or your gameplay will be affected."

Ray looked around the virtual cabin, noticing for the first time how long he had been immersed in the game. The digital sun was setting outside the window, casting long shadows across the wooden floor. "I guess you're right about that," he admitted, feeling the fatigue in his bones.

"Now, how do I exit? I didn't really read the manual for this thing; I just started playing," Ray confessed, a bit embarrassed.

Elric chuckled softly. "In the left corner of your system, there's a toolbar. In there, you'll find options. Select the exit button, and you should be able to log out of the game."

Following Elric's instructions, Ray navigated to the options menu and selected the exit button. Instantly, his vision was enveloped in darkness. He reached up and removed the virtual reality goggles from his head, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the sudden change in lighting.

The room around him came into focus—a small, cluttered bedroom with posters of various video games and fantasy landscapes on the walls. His gaming rig, a powerful machine with glowing LED lights, hummed quietly in the corner. The soft light from the monitor cast a blue glow across the room, highlighting the organized chaos of cables and gaming accessories strewn about.

Ray checked his phone, realizing it was already night. He had spent several hours in the game, completely losing track of time. His stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since before he started playing. He stretched, wincing as his muscles protested from being in the same position for so long.

As he stood up, he took a moment to look around his room. It was a mess, with clothes strewn across the floor and empty snack wrappers on his desk. The glow from his computer screen cast a soft blue light, illuminating the room in an eerie glow. Ray made a mental note to clean up tomorrow.

He walked to the kitchen, his legs feeling stiff from hours of inactivity. The kitchen was dark, the only light coming from the dim glow of the refrigerator as he opened it. He rummaged through the shelves, finally settling on a leftover sandwich. He ate quickly, his mind still replaying the events of the game.

After eating, Ray returned to his room and sat down at his desk. He opened his gaming notebook, where he kept notes about various strategies and tips. He started jotting down everything he could remember about the wolf boss, trying to figure out where he went wrong.

"Okay," he muttered to himself, "the wolf boss had incredible speed and power. My hammer attack didn't do any damage, which means there's probably a specific strategy or weakness I need to exploit."

He tapped his pen against the notebook, deep in thought. "Maybe I need to level up more before taking it on again. Or perhaps there's a special weapon or skill that can bypass its defenses."

Ray's thoughts were interrupted by a message notification on his computer. He turned to the screen and saw that Elric had sent him a detailed guide about the game's mechanics and tips for battling tough bosses. The guide included information about different weapon types, enemy behaviors, and strategies for overcoming difficult encounters.

Ray felt a surge of gratitude. "Thanks, Elric," he said to himself, opening the guide and starting to read. The guide was comprehensive, covering everything from basic combat techniques to advanced strategies for boss fights.

As he read through the guide, Ray felt his confidence returning. He realized that he had approached the game too casually, relying on his instincts rather than fully understanding the mechanics. He made a plan to study the guide thoroughly and practice his skills before facing the wolf boss again.

He spent the next hour reading and taking notes, absorbing as much information as he could. The guide explained that the wolf boss had a special ability that nullified certain types of damage and suggested using specific tactics to counter its speed and power. It also recommended leveling up to increase his stats and improve his chances of survival.

Feeling more prepared, Ray decided it was time to get some rest. He set an alarm for early in the morning, determined to start fresh and tackle the game with a new approach. As he lay in bed, he couldn't help but think about the game and how real it felt. The pain, the excitement, and the sense of adventure were all so immersive.

Before he drifted off to sleep, Ray made a promise to himself. "I won't let that wolf boss beat me again. Tomorrow, I'll be ready."

With that final thought, he closed his eyes and let sleep take over, his mind filled with strategies and plans for his next adventure in the virtual world.

The next morning, Ray awoke to the sound of his alarm blaring. He groaned, reaching over to silence it. His body felt stiff and sore from the previous day's gaming marathon. He stretched, feeling his muscles protest at the movement. As he got out of bed, he resolved to spend some time exercising later to counteract the hours of sitting.

Ray walked into the kitchen, still groggy, and started making himself a simple breakfast of toast and eggs. The smell of food soon filled the small apartment, making his stomach growl in anticipation. He sat down at the small dining table, scrolling through his phone as he ate. He checked his messages and social media, trying to wake up fully before diving back into his gaming plans.

As he was finishing his breakfast, he heard a knock on his apartment door. Ray frowned, not expecting any visitors. He got up and walked over to the door, opening it to reveal his younger sister, Lily.

"Hey, big bro!" Lily said cheerfully, bouncing on her toes. She was holding a small bag, clearly excited about something.

"Lily? What are you doing here so early?" Ray asked, surprised but happy to see her. They were close, and Lily often visited him, but she usually called ahead.

"I wanted to surprise you!" Lily said, stepping into the apartment and looking around. "Wow, your place is a mess. Have you been gaming all night again?"

Ray rubbed the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, something like that. I lost track of time. But it's good to see you. What's in the bag?"

Lily grinned and held up the bag. "I brought us some snacks and a new board game to try. I thought we could spend some time together today."

Ray's heart warmed at her thoughtfulness. "Thanks, Lil. That sounds great. I could use a break from the VR world anyway."

They spent the morning cleaning up Ray's apartment together, chatting and laughing as they worked. Lily scolded him playfully for the state of his place, and Ray promised to keep it cleaner in the future. Once the apartment was tidy, they sat down at the dining table and opened the board game.

The game was a fantasy-themed adventure, much like the VR game Ray had been playing, but in a more traditional format. They spent hours immersed in the game, strategizing and working together to overcome challenges. It was a refreshing change of pace for Ray, and he enjoyed the quality time with his sister.

As they played, Ray shared his experiences from the VR game with Lily, who listened intently. "It sounds intense," she said, her eyes wide. "But I know you'll beat that wolf boss eventually. You're good at figuring things out."

"Thanks, Lil," Ray said, smiling. "I just need to be more strategic and prepared next time."

They finished the board game in the late afternoon, having successfully completed the adventure. Lily stretched and yawned. "That was fun. We should do this more often."

"Definitely," Ray agreed. "Thanks for coming over and for the snacks. I really needed this."

Lily hugged him tightly. "Anytime, big bro. Take care of yourself, okay? And don't get too lost in that VR world."

Ray laughed. "I won't. Promise."

"Oh and when are you coming back home."

"You know mum and dad won't let me go back home till i drop my silly dream of being a gamer." replied Ray.

"Will you still be going to school" asked Lilly with a worried face

"Yeah i will, they are still paying my fees, they just want to teach me a lesson, don't worry i will be in school when we resume" replied Ray to the excitement of his sister.

After Lily left, Ray felt more refreshed and motivated. He returned to his room, determined to take what he had learned from the guide and his sister's encouragement and apply it to his next gaming session. He spent the rest of the evening reviewing his notes and practicing his skills in a lower-stakes environment within the game, focusing on improving his reflexes and strategic thinking.

As the night wore on, Ray felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that with patience, practice, and a bit of help from his friends and family, he would eventually conquer the wolf boss and any other challenges that came his way. He set his VR goggles aside, feeling a sense of accomplishment from his day and looking forward to the adventures that awaited him.

He had to clean his apartment up because of his sister, even though she helped clean it she still made a mess

"just like she usually does, i guess she will never grow up" chuckled Ray to himself.

After cleaning up the apartment, he took a shower, made some dinner to satisfy his hunger and then he went to sleep preparing himself for his day tomorrow