
Sole Weapon Sorcerer: Mastering Victory

If a dagger doesn't work then he'll use a spear, if a spear doesn't work he will use a sword, and if a sword doesn't work then he will use an even bigger sword. Ray Ace a boy who had to move out from his parents home because he wanted to chase his dream of being a gamer, he started playing a vrmmorpg game called victory online, using his character Abysall lord watch as he becomes unparalleled in the game world. It's short because i don't think anyone likes a long prologue. A friend helped me make the cover art and he's also a fellow author. His name is MaxandMills and the name of his novel is comeet legacy so you guys should give it a read This is my entry for webnovel spirity awards. If i can enter power ranking. Top 200- 2 chapters per day Top 100- 3 chapters per day Top 50- 4 chapters per day Top 10-5 chapters per day

ScarletVeil · เกม
16 Chs

A Hidden Quest

Ray fidgeted with impatience, attempting to distract himself with homework and reading, but time dragged on. After dinner, he set an alarm for midnight to wake up for the new server's launch and quickly fell asleep.

Waking up a bit too early, Ray logged into the game to pass the time. There, he found Elric in his usual spot.

"Elric, I guess this is it. I'll be leaving soon," Ray said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Elric smiled warmly. "You've grown strong, Ray. It's time for you to move on."

Despite knowing Elric was just an NPC, Ray felt a pang of sadness. "I'll miss you, Elric. You've been like a mentor to me."

Elric's eyes twinkled with a mysterious light. "Before you go, I have something for you. Consider it a parting gift for completing my hidden quest."

A quest notification popped up in Ray's interface:

Hidden Quest Complete

Quest details: Spend time with Elric


+1 Level up

 Elric's Scythe

Elric handed Ray a beautifully crafted scythe, its blade gleaming ominously. "This is my Scythe. It has a unique ability to steal the life force of those you attack. Use it wisely."

Ray accepted the scythe, feeling its power course through him. "Thank you, Elric. I won't forget this."

As midnight approached, an announcement appeared in the sky above the main server:

**Congratulations! Abyssal Lord is the first player to conquer Elric's Hidden Quest.**

The game world buzzed with excitement and disbelief. Players all around discussed the announcement.

"Who is this Abyssal Lord?"

"How did someone already complete a hidden quest when the server just opened?"

"He must be insanely strong!"

Ray's heart raced as he logged into the main server, seeing the chat explode with messages.

"Did anyone see the announcement? Abyssal Lord? Already?"

"Yeah, I saw it! How's that even possible? The server just opened!"

"A hidden quest on day one? This guy must be a pro."

"Does anyone know who Abyssal Lord is? Never heard of him before."

"Whoever he is, he's probably miles ahead of us now."

"I bet he had some inside info or something. No way someone finds a hidden quest that fast."

"Or maybe he's just that good. Either way, he's someone to watch out for."

Ray couldn't help but smile. This early achievement filled him with confidence. He wandered through the bustling virtual town, noticing players gathering in groups, discussing strategies, and sharing tips.

A player named Zephyr approached him, his avatar dressed in intricate armor. "Hey, did you see the announcement about Abyssal Lord? Crazy, right?"

Ray nodded, trying to hide his amusement. "Yeah, pretty wild. He must be something else."

Zephyr laughed. "I'm just trying to figure out how he did it. Hidden quests aren't easy to come by."

Ray shrugged. "Maybe he just got lucky."

Zephyr's eyes twinkled. "Maybe. But luck can only get you so far. Skill matters too."

As Ray continued exploring, he overheard more conversations.

"I heard Abyssal Lord got some rare weapon as a reward. Anyone know what it is?"

"No clue, but if it's from a hidden quest, it's gotta be powerful."

"I hope it's not something game-breaking. The devs might nerf it if it is."

"Or they might add more hidden quests to balance things out. Either way, it's exciting."

Ray decided to head to the town square, where a large group of players had gathered. A player standing on a makeshift podium was addressing the crowd.

"Alright, everyone! We need to form parties and start exploring. If there's one hidden quest, there might be more. We can't let Abyssal Lord have all the glory."

The crowd murmured in agreement, and players began forming groups, eager to dive into the game's mysteries.

Ray couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Not only had he completed the hidden quest, but he had also sparked a wave of excitement among the players. The thrill of discovery and competition filled the air, making the virtual world feel even more alive.

As he wandered through the town, Ray came across a blacksmith's shop. He decided to check it out, hoping to learn more about his new weapon. The blacksmith, a burly NPC with a thick beard, looked up as Ray entered.

"Ah, a new customer! What can I do for you?"

Ray showed him the scythe. "I just got this. Can you tell me more about it?"

The blacksmith's eyes widened. "Woah, this is an amazing scythe. You've got yourself a rare piece there. It's said to have the power to steal the life force of those it strikes. A weapon like this is both a blessing and a curse. Use it wisely."

Ray nodded, feeling the weight of the blacksmith's words. "Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind."

Suddenly, a message appeared in front of all the players:

**All players are to report to the town square immediately.**

Due to the sheer number of players, it was a bit hard for everyone to move through, as they couldn't phase through each other like in other games. In the town square, there was an old man who appeared to be in his late 50s, sweating with wide eyes.

"How could someone complete a hidden quest in just a few minutes since the server launched? Someone like that is a prodigy," thought the old man. "And how could he complete a quest from a man such as Elric? I thought he was banished."

Pushing his thoughts aside, the old man addressed the crowd. "Hello all adventurers, my name is Elder Keita. Welcome to my world. I want to make this introduction brief. You are all adventurers who have trained for this. You are in a world called Eldoria, filled with dragons and other amazing creatures. There are different realms and continents. The only ones who can help you are yourselves. This is a world where only the strongest survive and the weak are pushed to the side."

"There will be no further introductions; you will have to figure things out for yourselves. But I will answer some of your questions, so please begin."

A player then asked, "Hey, can you tell us who this Abyssal Lord is?"

"I cannot do that. Even I, as powerful as I am, can't know who someone is unless the person allows it."

Hearing this, Ray felt relieved. He had no reason to keep his identity a secret, but it made him feel pretty cool. However, if he could make money out of it, he wouldn't hesitate for a second, as he was broke.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You can kill beasts, NPCs, and even other players. The stronger you are, the more severe the consequences you face for dying. You can complete quests to grow stronger or just kill beasts—whatever your preference is. Just get stronger."

Elder Keita then disappeared into nothingness, shocking all the players there.

Back at the cabin, Elric was seen, but this time he wasn't drinking coffee as usual. Instead, he had a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Abyssal Lord... no, Ray. I hope you won't disappoint me."

In a different scene, in the building where the Radiant Stars stayed, a man could be seen huffing and panting. His friend walked up on his training.

"Hey, man, what's up?"

"What do you want?" asked the man in a cold voice.

"Did you hear there's this player who completed a hidden quest just like two minutes since the server was created? He even beat your record."

"Do you want to check it out?"


"Why, are you jealous?"

"No, it would be a waste of time. Besides, if he's strong, then it won't be long till he enters the professional league."

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