

Damien POV


"Jeremy, speak to me." I demanded.

"Yes Alpha Damien…Our crew has been rounded up, we are heading your way now. I have left Louis and Ellie in charge of running things on our territory while we are all gone." He seemed a little on edge.

"And?" I questioned. I know Jeremy and I know when there is a slight hesitance in his voice, there is always something more that I don't want to hear. And he is always fearful of how I will react.

"Well…I asked Gianna to do surveillance on Gretchen. The thing of it is…No one has seen Gretchen since late last night." He croaked out.

"Get here fast." I growled out as I threw my phone across the room. How could I be so fucking stupid, so blind? How did I not know that there was someone plotting against my mate the whole time she was with me? Rage was consuming me, my wolf fighting to take control. All I could see was red as I was consumed by the need for blood, Gretchen's blood. I started tossing things in our room, the little table being the first thing to be tossed.

I heard the door to the bedroom slam open and looked to see Todd in the doorway. "What the hell man?" he shouted. "What the fuck are you doing to Amber's room?" he moved towards me to stop me.

"Todd, get the fuck away from me! Unless you want to be my next target I suggest you walk out of this fucking room!" I bellowed.

Todd took two more steps towards me, grabbing my shoulders. "Damien calm the fuck down! This is Amber's room, what the hell is wrong with you right now?"

I grabbed his hands, twisted myself so that I could slam him on the ground. He landed with a thud and let out a groan. "I told you to get out of this fucking room Todd! Why don't you fucking listen? I can't be around anyone, I can't think right now. This is all my fucking fault!" my chest was heaving trying to take in as much air as I could. I was letting the rage consume me because the last thing I wanted to do right now was break down.

Todd jumped back up and grabbed me from behind, looping his arms around and locking his hands together so that I could not break free. But that wasn't what shocked me. In the next second, there was a bright glow coming from behind me, and I suddenly felt eerily calm. No rage left in my body. "Damien, I'm sorry, I don't like to use my powers on anyone, but you needed to calm the fuck down. I am going to let you go and you are going to tell me what you are going on about."

As Jeremy said, he released me. All the rage being out of me, I just fell to the ground. All I felt now was calm, but also so fucking broken. "It's Gretchen" I choked out. "It was fucking Gretchen who helped Jeb and I just let it happen. I had no clue she was planning anything against Amber."

Todd bent down to my level. "Damien, this is not your fault. You didn't know. You didn't intentionally look the other way and you sure as hell didn't help Gretchen plan on how to take your mate away from you. The chick must be crazy as it is. Stop blaming yourself; we aren't here for a pity party. Get your big boy britches on and man the fuck up. We have a job to do. That is to get your mate, my cousin."

For the first time since I met this guy, I smiled at what he said. This guy was annoying as fuck, but he sure knew how to give a pep talk. "You are an asshole," I mumbled. "But you are right." I slowly made my way back to a standing position.

Todd put his hand on my shoulder and looked straight into my eyes. "You are damn straight I am right, now clean this shit up before Amber or My Uncle beat the shit out of you when they see it." Todd said as he walked away shaking his head.

After cleaning the room up best I could, I made my way downstairs. Walking around looking for everyone, I found them in Amber's father's office. Everyone stopped talking as I walked in. "Don't stop talking on my account." I coolly stated.

Adam looked at me, studying me closely. He then turned to Todd, "Todd, what did you do to Damien?"

Todd looked at his father flabbergasted. "I uh…what…what do you mean?" he stumbled over his words.

"Todd you are not fucking dense, and I am not fucking stupid or blind. You used your powers on Damien. Are you fucking stupid?" he yelled.

Todd stood up quickly with an incredulous look plastered across his face. Using his hands to motion towards me he started rambling, "You didn't see what this lunatic was doing to Amber's room! If I hadn't used my powers on him I'm pretty sure everything in her room would have been destroyed and I would probably be dead right now with all the rage this guy was carrying around!" He pointed his finger at his father and rather proudly stated to his father, "If anything I should be getting a medal for saving the day! Maybe even a thank you would be warranted!"

Adam moved in the blink of an eye towards his son, slapping him on the back of the head he yelled, "You dimwit! You don't mess with someone's emotions unless it is a life or death situation, and you and I both damn well know Damien would not have killed you!"

I chose that moment to step in and diffuse the situation. "No, Todd is right, I probably would have killed him. He was stupid enough to walk up to me while my wolf was taking control and put his hands on me. I've killed many people for less than that." I said nonchalantly.

Todd jumped up excitedly, snapped his fingers and pointed to me. "See! I told you! Damien even backs me up!" he yelled grinning from ear to ear. Walking over to me, he put his arm around my shoulders and goofily stated, "See, I just knew we were going to be such great friends! Now sit down with us while we try to figure out how we are going to bring my favorite cousin back home."

Hey Everyone!

As promised, here is another chapter! Sorry it is such a short one, I just wanted to give more insight on Todd's personality. I always have so much fun writing his character into the story. I hope you all are enjoying the story, I absolutely love hearing all your comments! As always, i try my hardest to respond to everyone's comments, usually taking a day to read through them to make sure there are none that i have missed.

If you all could comment, vote and/or share it would mean so much to me!

I will try to update as soon as possible, at least one more update this week!

Til' next time!


Swift_Sondercreators' thoughts