
Sold to a mafia

Dante Romano, the most powerful Italian mafia leader is forced to pick a bride by his cruel father in a week. When a man betrays his trust and steals from him, Dante is about to kill him before the man mentions he has a daughter around his age and will sell her to him to marry her. But this guy and girl never believed in love because of something to do with their cruel fathers. What will happen when these two broken souls meet each other? Will they help each other in finding their true selves again? Will they actually fall in love? Keep reading to find out...

ooladolapo · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs


Dante POV:"Meeting you"

"I think you know why I called you here" my dad said, as I entered his office.

"No, I actually don't know why you called me father" I said.

"Well, as you know you're twenty-four and the most powerful and feared mafia leader, and you're still not married yet. I want you to get married as soon as possible and to give me an heir, so you can continue our family's name" my dad explained.

"I told you, I don't want to get married!" I shouted.

"You have to, and you will do as I say, because I am your father!" he shouted, slamming his hands on his table, making me slightly flinch. 

"Of course, father. Now may I leave?" I asked, trying to calm him down, best i could.

"Yes, you may leave, and I want you to bring me a girl to marry in less than a week" he said, as I walked out.

As you can see, I always have to listen to my father, whether I like it or not, even though I want nothing to do with marriage, because marriage in my eyes is just a waste of time, like how do you swear your love to your

partner by a few vows at your wedding day. I don't believe in love either, but I have my father to blame for that, he always treated me and my mother horribly, he would force to train me till I would feel like I was about to collapse, because to him men, never stop fighting and training, because men aren't as weak as women, which I don't agree. Maybe that's why mum left his poor ass, she couldn't put up with his bullshit anymore, so she left me with that motherfucker, which I'll never forgive her for it, because he treated me like shit all my life.

I was on my way to my own office, when one of my men came up to me.

"What is it?" I asked him, frustrated of all the shit that's already happened today.

"We got him!" he said, with a stern face.

"What? About fucking time!" I shouted, making my way to the basement. I turned on the light, to see a man in his mid-fifties tied to

a chair, he looks pretty beaten up, and may I add drunk as fuck.

"Wake up, asshole!" I shouted, slapping him across the face.

"Where the hell am I?" he asked, half-drunk.

"Where's the five thousand you owe me?" I shouted, making him flinch from my sharp tone.

"I um, give me some more time and I'll get it, I swear!" he said.

"Why should I trust you? You told me that twice already, so why should I trust you now? I should just kill you!" I said, pulling my gun


"Wait, wait!" he shouted.

"I'm sorry, are you begging now?" I said, with

a smirk growing across my face.

"Yes, I'll give you anything you want, just don't kill me!" he begged.

"And what can you give me?" I asked, still holding my gun up to his head.

"Boss, he has a daughter around your age, what if you pay him for her to marry you?" he said.

"Oh, you have a daughter?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, not that I care or anything" he said, rolling his eyes.

"What?" I asked, not sure of what he said.

"Nothing, I'll give you my daughter for fifty thousand!" he said.

"Deal!" I said.

"Now let me go!" he demanded.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" I said, punching him. "Untie him and let him go. I want your daughter here tomorrow!"

Ella POV:

I woke up to the bright light coming in from my window, I groaned at the new day I just woke up to. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I washed my face, from my freshbruises. I cleaned the cuts on my wrists and walked into the shower. As I felt the warm water on my tense muscles, I sort of calmed down. I took a deep breath in and excepted the fact that I had woken up to a new day. What is even the point of my life anymore? I mean my mother died when I was only three, which lead to my dad drinking and doing drugs. He started abusing me at the age of five, I fell into depression at the age of fourteen, and I started cutting myself and I'm now twenty-one and I never stopped doing so, my dad still comes home drunk every night and when I try to help him, he just hits me and blames me for everything that happened to him and mum, I have to work two jobs because my dad won't go to work, so I have to pay for the bills myself. I honestly don't know why I haven't moved out of here yet. Could be because I'm too kind for my own good, and it would hurt me to leave him here all alone to fend for himself. Sometimes being too kind could turn into a weakness.I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I quickly changed and headed downstairs to find my dad bruised on the couch.

"Dad, what happened?" I asked, worriedly.I ran up to him trying to get him off the couch to heal his wounds, but when I helped him up, he grabbed my wrist which made me wince in pain, because of my cuts and he started dragging me out of the house.

"W-wait, where are we going?" I asked. I tried to get myself free from his grasp, but he was holding on too tight.

"No questions, now come on!" he shouted, not looking back at me.

"Can you at least let go of my wrists, you're hurting me!" I pleaded.

"Deal with it!" he shouted. In about ten minutes we made it to a huge mansion.

"Where are we?" I asked again, hoping to get an answer this time. He just ignored me and rang the doorbell. A tall man, with blonde hair and hazel eyes opened the door.

"Come on in, and follow me, they're already waiting for you inside." He said, as we

followed him inside.I was waiting for this girl to arrive in my dad's office; there was only my dad and I in there. I honestly had no idea of her name, what she looked like or if she was a bitch. I had my back turned to the door when the door swung open.

"Boss, she's here" Alessandro said, standing at the door.

I turned around to see the man holding onto his daughter's wrists. She looked so fragile; she had bruises on her face for some reason. She had long black wavy hair that fell on her shoulders; and beautiful emerald green eyes, she wore a white tank top with a grey pull over and denim shorts. I must say I wasn't expecting her to look this beautiful.

"Dad, where are we?" the girl asked her father, with fear in her eyes.

"Shut up

will you!" her father shouted. Why does he treat her that way? It kind of

reminded me of how my father treated me when I was younger.

"Come with me miss" I said, grabbing her

from her arm.Wait, where am I? And who are you?" she asked, with terror in her eyes.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to talk to you" I replied, as I led her to my room, I closed the door behind us and let go of her hand.

Ella POV:

Who is this guy? And what does he want with me? He looked extremely good-looking though, he had dark brown curly hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes that you could get lost in. He wore a black buttoned up shirt, with white jeans. He had tattoos all over his arms. He looked dark and mysterious, like he doesn't care what people think of him.

"What do you want?" I asked, looking for ananswer.

"My name is Dante Romano, and probably know me, I'm the most feared and powerful mafia leader in all mafia kingdoms. Now your turn, introduce yourself" he said.

"I um, I don't actually know who you are, and why should I tell you about myself? I don't even know you, so why should I trust you?" I asked, afraid of what he might answer with.

"Listen girl, I'm trying my best to act nice towards you, because I'm usually a dick towards other people. So, speak!" he shouted. 293

He started walking towards me, I tried to walk backwards but my back slammed against the door. And his hands slammed on the door, making our faces only a few inches apart.

"P-personal space!" I stuttered, pushing him away.

"My name is Ella Avril, I'm from France and I'm twenty-one. I moved to Italy with my father when my mother died, at the age three." I said.

"See, was that so hard?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No, I just uh, I want to know why I'm here" I said.

"You're here, because we're getting married" he said.

"What?" I shouted, in disbelief.

"What?" he asked.

"I will not marry you!" I shouted.


I couldn't tell him because I didn't believe in

love, because my father broke me so much that made me no longer believe in love, because love doesn't exist in this cruel world, at least not for me.

"Listen, I don't want to marry you either, but I have to because I need an heir or else our family's name will end with me!" he said.

"An heir? I have to give you a baby?" I yelled.

"Yes, you do. Now you'll be sleeping in here with me because if we're going to get married, we need to get used to each other. My men will move your stuff in here. And let me make it clear with you, you are to never leave without my permission! Understand?" he shouted.

"Y-yes" I stuttered, as he left the room.

I have to marry this guy, and give him a baby? I just met him, and I can barely take care of myself, I'm still dealing with depression and self-harm, and now I find out that I have to marry a mafia boss!? Can my life get any worse!? This is all his fault; this is all my father's fault. He's the one who made my life a living hell.

I ran out of the room, even though I was told not to, I ran back the way I came from, to see my dad about to leave. Dante was here, and so was the guy with blonde hair who let us in, and the other man from the office.

"You monster!" I shouted. Everyone turned to look at me.

"I thought I told you to stay in my room!" Dante said.

"I hate you!" I shouted, running up to my dad, with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, don't hate me, hate yourself, you're the reason your mother died and you're the reason I stole from this guy and you're also the reason he was going to kill me. So, blame everything that happened to you on yourself!" he shouted.

"Blame myself? BLAME MYSELF? So, I'm supposed to blame myself for you coming home drunk every night, for every bruise you gave me, for the two jobs that I had to work because your drunk ass couldn't get up and and get a job. AM I?" I shouted. Everyone was shocked about what I just admitted to.


"Shut up, you bitch!" my dad yelled, slapping me hard across the face.

When he slapped me, I saw a tall figure in front of me, and he punched my dad in the face. It was Dante.

"Dante!" a man shouted.

"LEAVE! Or I'll put a bullet in between your fucking eyes!" Dante shouted. My dad stayed silent and quickly ran out the door.