
Chapter 121: It Didn’t Work


It didn’t take more than a couple of days for Archer and me to get to the outskirts of the kingdom.

With just the two of us and limited gear, we traveled much faster. I’d sketched a map of the valley we were looking for and I carried an image of the Lunalily. I’d cut it out of one of the old books I’d used for research.

Archer and I paused for a quick drink of water. When we were traveling, we didn’t talk much and that also sped things along much faster than I was used to in some of my most recent trips.

“So, does the map or picture tell us where to look for this flower?”

I took a swig of water and pulled the image out of my pocket. Underneath the picture there was a small inscription. I squinted to read the tiny letters.

“It says that the Lunalily grows on cave walls or the sides of cliffs in this valley.”

“That’s not too vague, is it?” Archer scoffed.

I shrugged. We finished our quick break and headed off again.