
How they met

It was a warm, sunny day. Everywhere on campus you looked it was teenagers laughing and smiling or someone just enjoying their day. But the one place you could look where it wasn't all happiness and rainbows was the boys bathroom of the school. There laid a boy, with fresh blood dripping from his nose and a pain in his stomach from the kicks to the side he was enduring. "Fucking f*ggy tw*nk! Get out of our school you stupid fucking fairy!" Unfortunately this was an average day for Chase Dunnam. Chase was one of the few gay people in a school in Texas, and even though he never came out, people just seemed to know. What really sucked for Chase was that because of his sexual orientation, he was bullied relentlessly. The only safe haven for him in the school, the soccer club. The soccer club was a small group of boys who got together after school to kick around a ball, and it was so small because most of the people on it got bullied because soccer is apparently a "girly sport" because it's not football. Naturally, a lot of them received kicks to their balls, in the football boys' weak attempt to make a joke about their sport which consisted of simply kicking balls. Later that day, once it was time to seek refuge in his few friends, his day was brightened up by the concern of his best friend, and crush, Noah Thompson. He and Noah had always had a special connection, but neither of them ever talked about it, or the thought of being more than friends, though that would all change within the next few minutes. As usual Noah suggested that Chase needed to go see the nurse and as usual, he agreed and walked to her office with Noah. But today was different, today Noah seemed to have something to say. "Look dude, I can tell you want to say something so just-" Chase started to talk but was cut off by the realization that he was suddenly thrown against the wall, not hard enough to hurt him but hard enough to make a thud, and was being kissed by Noah. His eyes widened and if it weren't for the lips against his, his jaw would've dropped. Once the realization set in he put his arms around Noah's broad shoulders and kissed him back. When he finally pulled away and smiled he said. "Well then. I guess you wanted to do something instead of say something. Noah smiled and they started to walk down the hall again, now holding hands and for once, smiling.