
So Will I

"Going to jump off...!!" "No" "Then, what...? you here for fishing at this hour, in that position…!! "…." "That night., whenever I think about it, it never fails to amaze me. I wonder how I ended up at the edge of the bridge." A mumbling voice escaped from a mouth as that person stretches his arms and scratch his wrist. "All I knew was a massive headache caused by all those excessive alcohol. But maybe it was what people say, "Fate"! This is the story between 20 yrs old Kim Newmoon who is a confused extreme overthinker and a cold, detached, and reserved personality Lee Haemin who doesn't give a damn about people, and things...happened to get entangled strangely by fate one night. However, Both of them had a lingering past that they are prisoners of. As the saying goes, 'the present is the outcome of the past', Will they ever be free from the past? Will they ever embrace their true selves? Will, they ever be successful in unfolding every trivial secret that lies beneath their dark past? Or surprisingly got more tangled with it? And last but not least or the love between them unaware of? Note= Guys this is going to be a slow-burn romance. I hope you will not avoid and stay with me on my journey.

Mipany · LGBT+
43 Chs

Chapter=19(Listening to you makes me crazier.)


Mrs.song's cheek uplifted with laughter, "It's been a while since I had heard such warmful words. My grandson doesn't seem to care about me and yet you-

"Oh my!"

A crack could be heard in her words.

With a sudden change in her expression, she asked in a serious tone, "Oh right, Newmoon?"

He perked his attention, "Yes, Mrs. song!"

"BTW, Did Aiden come yesterday? I forget about him!"

Before answering her, he replied in his mind, "Only if you could have forgotten about him a bit longer..!"

"yes, Mrs.song! He arrived around dusk."

"Is he here right now or-?"

"- Yes, He's sleeping in his room. Yesterday, He asked me if I could join him for dinner as a treat, but for some reason, I had to turn him down. Later on, he got heavily drunk to a point he passed out and his friend bought him home at around midnight."

He says everything without leaving any detail.

Mrs.song wrinkled her already wrinkled brows, "That brat, He never gonna listen-

"Sigh! Sorry for the extra trouble newmoon!"

Once again, Newmoon shook his head, " No No Mrs.song please stop saying sorry. You've done nothing wrong. Youth won't be coming back, Let him enjoy his life.!"

Newmoon laughed out a bit.

"yes, he is right! Let him enjoy his life."

Mrs. Kwon appeared and joined the conversation in the kitchen.

"You keep on interfering with him. It's his time, his youth. If he won't be enjoying now then when would he right newmoon?"

Newmoon could only give a business awkward laugh.

Mrs.song let out a deep sigh, "Is that so? Haa~ anyway let's not talk about him. He always gives me a headache."

Meantime, newmoon seize the moment to ask Mrs.Kwon about the reasons for her presence there.

Seeing it, Mrs. song pulled out a long curve on the edge of his lips, "haha, see? Now that I think you should've married your son to him instead of Jina!!"

Newmoon, "…"

Mrs.Kwon, "Haha, I am thinking the same too! Too bad, only if he was a girl!"

"I know right? Haha!"

Amidst the laughter, Newmoon was the only sole spirit who was dumb as fuck. He just stared at them with a puzzled expression.


"What are they talking about? Me? Married to her son? Instead of Jina?...A girl?? What the fuck are they- wait- weren't we on the Aiden Hyung topic until now..so How?"

He silently thoughts, "And what too bad? 'Only if he was a girl ?? who was she implying with? Is it bad because I wasn't a girl? Or her son who wasn't a girl?"



By the time Newmoon reached the class, Haemin was already there, sitting at the same spot, eyes gazing at his phone.

"Lock the door properly and sleep well!"

"Otherwise you won't be seeing the sunrise tomorrow morning!"

It didn't even take a minute for his memories to buzz off!

As he approached his seat, his eyes sharpen into a high hawk-like piercing gaze and he glared at him all way around. But who would've thought his stare would go on in vain and nothing more. Haemin didn't flinch for seconds to move his muscles movement, let alone about turning his head and reflecting his gaze.

In the end, he gave up. He received nothing but an eye sore instead. Relaxing his eyebrows and eyes he plopped down mumbling to himself, "Hmph, Look at him, He only looks back and caught me in unnecessary."

From the day yesterday, he was highly agitated by the phrase he spoke in the last few minutes. The words kept on ringing inside his head. He was frustrated to the point where he directly decided to glare him right in the face to let him know how much he can't stand him. But-


His phone vibrated with a message.

Cursing haemin in his head, he unconsciously checked out the messages.

Little did he know he never had closed off his Acebook's account from yesterday too!


Before he could have time to figure out what in the world was in the messages box, to talk about time sanghae appeared and titled her head out of blue!

"Hmm, your girlfriend's body is so curvy!"


As soon as newmoon heard a clear voice near his ear, he jumped out while accidentally slipping the phone on the bench.

Patting his heart secretly and chanting sacred mantras to calm down, he ranged out, "WH-

But before he could open his mouth, sanghae continued in a loud voice, "Wow sunbae you hit the jackpot. She is hella hot!"

Thanks to her, now nearby people heard it and he got a center of attention too!

Looking around with an anxious face, he shushed her, "SHH!! Why are you so loud? And what are you assuming huh? This isn't my GF's photo!"

As if April had been perking her ears all this time from her side or if she heard recently, she burst out into laughter suddenly.


Hearing the demon-like laughter out of nowhere, Newmoon was startled once again, and immediately afterward he turned around.

He clenched his phone and protested in an agitated tone, "You psycho, what are you laughing about?"

At this time he began to lose his thing. He didn't give a damn about whoever the person was, Boy or girl.

Wiping the tears from one corner of her eyes, She clarified in a bluffing voice, "It's funny how sanghae could even come up with..pfft..such assumptions. A Gf..? hahaha!"

She spoke out in a lot of shattered words.



Sanghae lifted her eyebrows and sounded as though she was offended for some reason,

"Wait- why are you laughing about? Are there any problems here..? or any reasons that give proof why he isn't eligible to get a gf or what? Can't he have a!

"Haha..do you think he will have one.. with such temper like that?"

Newmoon, "…"

"No girl will ever resist him. I can give a bet for a million wons for that. To speak the truth, if I were his gf, then I would've dumped him ages ago..!"

"If it's with you, I would be in clouds if you would dump me!!"

Newmoon brushed off her words as he chuckled.


Hearing it, Sanghae almost choked on his saliva.

Small veins popped out on the right side of April's forehead while she smiled clenching her teeth, swallowing her embarrassment, "Common sunbae don't be so harsh upon me! Who knows what life has got in storage for us!"

In a carefree tone, Newmoon just brushed off, "Yeah yeah, we'll see about that!"


As usual, newmoon sat on the bench in their free time while waiting for lecture class again.

He casually pulled out his phone.


Surprisingly he saw the missed call from mom twice.

Instantly he dialed back.

And as expected, His mom picked up on just the first ring.

"Hello? Mom? Is everything alright?"

Whenever Newmoon saw the missed calls notification of mom on the front screen, he couldn't help but get anxious and worried.

"Yes yes. Until now it seems so!"


"Anyway, I wanted to ask you how are they? Mrs. Kwon and Mrs. Song? Are you taking care of them?"

Straightly mom jumped up onto the topic. However, a wave of desperation could feel in her tone.

He took a deep breath before he opened his mouth as he lightly massaged his temples, "Mom, rest assured you don't have to worry about that!"

"I'm seriously taking care of them. To let you know despite her age, Mrs. Kwon is surprisingly healthy and strong to a point where she doesn't need anybody though!! Now isn't that shocking? I mean I did hear about such rumors on social media but seeing with my own eyes feels surreal indeed!"

"Oh about it, yeah I heard it too. All thanks to their high living lifestyle and balanced diet maintenance. They lived in such a carefree environment not worried about trivial matters like money and other related things and then we are here! There is no need to be surprised at all. Even we'll be strong and healthy if we're to live like that!"

"Uh..that makes sense too!"

Newmoon agreed with mom's assumption too which wasn't all wrong. Being under the sheets of money obviously would heal any other problems.

"Oh right-

He snapped.

"Btw mom, Jina noona had sent some gifts to all of you! I'll bring it once I'll return home."

Newmoon floats in excitement.

"Oh yes, she was telling me last night."

Surely, how the thoughts of it would simply slip through jina noona when she actually could share way more trivial matters than this? It would be shocking to the world if she didn't then!

"Hmph, there she goes. Can somebody tell me if there's something she hadn't told her?"

The same thoughts always wander in his head.

"Come to think of it, when will you be back?

"Um. Exams will start one week later. And I will return once it'll be finished."

A long 'oh I see' escaped from his mother's voice.

A short pause later, she deliberately spoke in a small voice, "Newmoon, take care of them although they denied your help. You know they're from a highly influential family. They won't say a word directly and pretend to be blind, or naïve while to be honest, their eyes are on overall everything! So before speaking or doing anything, think several times!"

Newmoon, "…"

Not only did she lower her voice but also changes felt within her tone too!

"And not only that, try to find out how they treat Jina as well. I asked her but she only gave me a short quick answer but still I feel..something is off. As a mother of her, I doubt something must be going on behind the scenes. So keep your both ears and eyes open. Be cautioned and alert in every step."


Surely, many questions were raised in those few minutes inside his head but he could only wonder the fact if mom says so then it must be.

For some reason, he agreed without bothering to brag it further.

"Surely mom!"

Her tune got cold in an instance, "If you find any suspicious act.. then report to me straightly. They will know then!"

Terror-filled emotions. Out of a sudden, the silence became suffocating. Mom's brutal yet honest confession left a great impact on him. Knowing her personality, she wasn't just bluffing around. It took him a moment to realize it.

Being touched by her love.., Newmoon could only rest assured, "Mom? Jina is your daughter! She is just like you..No- way more brutal and stubborn than you and the rest of us. There's no doubt on it."

"Even you had a hard time dealing with her as well so think about the situation then?"

When he said the last sentences then he wasn't wrong. Jina indeed inherited the qualities of her mom from A to Z but engulfs herself in a more violent way. She had a long record of being one of nasty and hot-headed temper. Once in a while, she had some sort of incident going on. Only when she got married was she calm as an ocean. So, Newmoon had 100% belief in her jina noona that she wasn't a target of being bullied.

Agreeing with his point mom commented with a deep sigh, "Yes, I know, that's the reason why I am more worried about her. Sigh! That girl..although she is married now still gives me the same anxiety. Whether she is here or not."

Newmoon comforts her, "It's natural mom. However, she is way stronger than we think. At worst she will be bombarded like a bomb at least which isn't all bad too..! Sometimes our emotions need to be balanced-

"-Just shut up! Listening to you makes me crazier."

"Haha, why mom? It's the fact."

"Take your fact with yourself. Anyway, don't forget what I said to you."


After being hung up, Newmoon fell into the huge deep pool of thoughts. His body was laid there, but his soul and mind were in whole different dimensions. And why wouldn't too? Suddenly his mom started to order him with a certain task that he never had expected to hear. And talk about the topic..it was weird and strange. Without any reason, mom would never ask him about such things too..and for Jina noona, she too hadn't spilled a bean about her in-laws and family members. A lot of debating was going on inside his head. Unconsciously, he tilted his head up towards the sky resting his neck on the edge of the bench once again like back then.

In a meantime, April passes through the same direction and saw coincidently Newmoon rests there all alone.

"What's up?"

April asked as she sat down beside him carefreely.

On the other side, Newmoon who was lost deep in his thoughts startled as soon as the voice reached his ears.


However, strangely enough, he kept his charms and calmness on his outer face. Looking up into the vast blue clouds he answered in a leisure tone, "Sky"


His response made him in dilemma for a few seconds before he burst out into laughter as if she realized.


"Haha, I mean what are you doing?"

He stared at her with a perplexed expression, "Dancing. I guess?"


Now the reply threw her more confusion.

For the first time, April was silent for more than a few minutes.

Having not received any words from her made him somewhat proud of himself. He successfully won against her in some strange way?

He opened his mouth, "Can't you see with your own two eyes what am I doing?"

He chuckled as he continued, "Hmph. What's wrong with people nowadays? They keep on asking though they know the answers!"

Each word was directly striking her heart.

Seeing her speechless for a while he secretly celebrates in his thoughts, "See? Now you see right? How did your mouth got bottled up in an instant? How it feels to-

"-Sunbae? Did you ever fall from the bed or somewhere high in your childhood days?"

Perking his eyebrows Newmoon quickly answered, "What? No! But why?"

For some unknown reason, April shook her head randomly in a flow. She returned a smirk on his face in a way as though she was knowingly doing it for a purpose and mocking him.

Her unbearable attitude got on his nerve. His mind began to make chaos on the surface of the ocean thinking of thousand criminal ideas to set off from the earth but once more he swallowed his anger just because she was a 'girl.'

"Yeah! Calm down calm down newmoon. She is a girl. If she was a boy then-"

Then? he wouldn't do anything at all either. It was just an illusion thoughts shadowing his pride beneath it. The main reason was deep down he knew there was no way he would win against her at any cost…Like how he has been doing till now.

So, he decided to twist the topic, "Why?"

But who would've thoughts he would accidentally butter out the exact thoughts that were popping out in his mind for a while.

Only did he realize when he spoke.


Whereas April didn't seem to be flustered or mind.

"Because Sky is very high you can't fly! Hahaha!"


While April began to laugh hilariously at her joke. On the other hand, Newmoon's expression was on the spot.

Her laughter came to halt as soon as her gaze suddenly fall upon him.

The phrase 'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?' was written all over his face. Oh and not to mention about his wrinkled mouth which was about to cripple like a paper in disgust.

Not only his face but so was his tone too, "That was the lame joke I've ever heard."

All the temper, stress, and anxiety he had been hiding and pushing down had alternatively erupted like a volcano now. At this point, he eventually lost it and he blasted out in the coldest tone he ever came up with,

"You and haemin are the same- So arrogant and so full of themselves!"

Newmoon flinched when he heard the name 'Haemin' escaping his mouth. The fact his words had been wandering around his head from yesterday spilled out on its own. It was unexpected and coincident.

"I have lost it. I finally lost it!"

A panicked voice roared in his thoughts.

Hearing the word haemin April was a loss for words. Nobody knew what she was thinking at that moment or got shocked? But soon all the doubt got cleared up a minute later.


Her eyes got widened.

"Don't you dare joined my name with him!

She shrunk her eyebrows deep.

"He is way more arrogant, brutal, and ice-hearted than me!"

"Although sometimes my words are hurtful, difficult to handle and digest but at least I talk! I respond! But have you looked up at him, he treats people like flies. Judging from his behavior, I doubt even if he knows his bench mates' faces."

Newmoon, "…"

"Like you know how the handsome protagonist's personality is portrayed in the films and drama. No wonder they were adapted. People like him do exist in real life too!"

One thing was crystal clear that day. Like newmoon, it appeared that even April seemed to be not so fond of haemin.

All this time when April went on rapping about him at a supersonic speed while A long, thick question mark clouded all over newmoon's face.

Coincidently or not, April stole the words from his heart. He was bewildered by the fact or intuitive nature of April. Though she spoke rubbish every time however he learned she had some sense of humor in her talks as well.

For a long while, Newmoon didn't utter a word.

Suddenly, April's voice seemed to be mumbled somewhere out there, "But honestly to me, it's more like both of you act the same way."


Newmoon went home a little late than usual because of some work. When he entered through the door and walked a bit inside, Aiden was laid downwards in a sleeping position on the couch.