
So this is what's like to transmigrate?

After a hurricane there was a heatwave. Then there was the voice in her head telling her she only had a few minutes to pick 5 things before she was transmigrated to another world. So what does she pick? A purse A cellphone Her Cat A Tenticle Kitty IT plush toy Her diary When she wakes up she is a baby, and NOT a human one either. Wasn't she only supposed to be transmigrated? Why the reincarnation? Why this species? What's going on? [Welcome to Teragaian] ******* Hello everyone, this is my very first Webnovel on here. As you can probably tell I'm not a gamer so my system story telling will seem a bit off until I perfect it, so I hope you give me a pass until then. Disclaimers: 1. The cover will be added later I'm trying to get it commissioned or to just draw it out myself. 2. There will naturally be some errors within my story. I will do my best to proof read before updating my chapters but if I happen to miss something let me know so I can fix it. 3. Since I'm new to this I'm trying to push out at least 1~3 ch / day. Please though don't hate me if I don't reach those expectations, I'm only human. 4. As I'm still writing / developing this story my synopsis is what it is until I have more to reveal. The romantic content of the story is the same as well, I've not reached that point yet so I've not labeled it. When I do I'll make sure to update here accordingly. Again thank you for checking my story out. = ^. ^=

Atg036Succubus · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Finally whole / Found

"When we sync up you should know that your going to feel weird at first. Like really weird. Our minds have been separated since birth because you transmigrated to this world. Had you been from this world naturally then we would already be linked as one ~"Here the voice pauses with a sigh. "Now for us to sync up all you need to do is reach out and pour your mana into me."

'Okay good to know. So all I needed to do was pour my mana into you?' I asked while focusing inward. I began to circulate my mana and urged it towards my stomach to the beast located in a ball of red and purple mana. The mana combined and began to surg into the beast making it's whole body pulse and vibrate.

"Little mate why do you suddenly smell different? " Shadows voice brought me back outside my inner body. He sniffed my neck then my chest then back up to my neck. "What is going on? Are you okay?"

'You mean you don't know, you didn't hear her? ' I asked him as I felt more and more of my mana being pulled towards my stomach.

"Hear her? Who did you hear? " Shadow asked concern laceing his thoughts as he kept sniffing me.

'Oh so you didn't hear her. It's my beast form. She said we were one and that we needed to sync our separated minds in order for me to gain her power. Which I might need because she says what's coming is really big and ~ '

I couldn't continue because the pulsating inside of my stomach intensified to the point it felt like a knife suddley got plunged into it. I couldn't even scream because my voice locked up.

"Synchronization complete. We are FINALLY whole."

Her voice sounded relieved and more now like my own. In fact I felt relieved, I felt whole. Like I had been something missing my whole life. She was me and I was her, now I knew what she had meant, or rather what I had meant. God this was so weird.

"Your smell, it has stabilized. You also seem more...complete? " He cocked his head and sniffed my chest again. Making me push his head away.

'Enough of all that please mister! ' I chided playfully in my head. 'Besides isn't there a big freaking monster we don't know about stomping around outside?'

Shadows chuckle died down and he somberd up quickly. "Your right sorry little mate. That thing that is outside is even worrying Altia, I've never seen her act like that. Well only one other time and that was ~ " He stopped because the next second a loud roar echoed throughout the cave causing us all to flatten our ears in pain.

Whatever it was out there it had apparently caught our scent. 'Shit I think we've been found.'

Surprise another update tonight. I hope you enjoyed it. Goodnight ^. ^

Atg036Succubuscreators' thoughts