
So I Became Superman

Devin McCannon was just your average 28 year old guy. However, one day while reading his first ever owned Superman comic, everything changed...

Ellendria · อื่นๆ
5 Chs

Hero Training

Now that I've got a plan, now to make things happen. "Hey system, let's call you Sarah okay? Is there a good way for me to train? I know you have the quest system."

[Name Sarah approved. Certainly Devin, there are many ways for you to train to be the best Superman ever. However you're not ready for those types of training. So, for now 10,000 pushups, situps and squats and running 6,000 miles a day for now. Yes this'll be your first quest. The reward is one level of Super Strength and Super Speed. The duration for this training shall be every day for 3 years. Now begin.]

3 years later

So, in a word the last 3 years have been an utter hell. But today, at long last I've completed my training, and now to check my status!

Name: Devin McCannon

Race: Kryptonian

Class: Superman

Age: 31(∞)

Strength: 100----> 275

Stamina: 78----> 196

Endurance: 80----> 170

Speed: 124----> 260

Charm: Heroic

Luck: Unquantifiable


Super Strength Level 1----> Level 2

Super Speed Level 1----> Level 2

Super Hearing Level 1

So it really was worth it then! The days of running nonstop on the ocean for weeks at a time, while also destroying the tsunami like waves I created while running, doing pushups on top of Mount Everest Everest while naked for 3 months straight, performing squats while lifting boulders the size of a whale. Man, the journey was long, but so worth it! I've got the power! I think I've trained enough for now. Now it's time to fight crime!

I'm now back in the USA and I'm currently in New York City. With the debit card the system gave me, I got myself a nice rooftop apartment in the city. I decked the place out with all kinds of stuff you'd find in a rich guys place, but my bedroom is dedicated to my nerdom. Posters of anime, and manga and light novels galore! Okay, now my cover as a manga artist has been set, now to begin my days as Superman!

I quickly activated Hero Persona, and equipped my Superman power suit through the inventory. I walked to the edge of the rooftop, and looked down across the New York City morning skyline. In a word, it's breathtaking. I gathered strength in my body and took flight into the air, and used my Super Hearing to see if anyone needs my help. At that moment, I heard a crackling sound and a woman's scream. Without a moment's hesitation I upped my speed and rocketed over to the location. Upon arrival I found an apartment complex on fire. Using my thermal and x-ray vision, I detected only one person left in the building. I quickly flew over to the 22nd floor and broke in through the window. I found a little boy huddled under his covers by the window crying and rocking while holding a Superman figurine. I gently picked the boy up and said, "It's okay buddy. You're safe now."

Making my way out of the building quickly, I then flew down to the ground. Suddenly a woman screamed, "Jason! Oh my God, oh my God you're okay! Thank you uh..." The woman was staring at me in disbelief as she took in what actually happened. The little boy Jason giggled and said, "Mommy you're silly! That's Superman obviously mommy!" I chuckled at the woman's expression, as hundreds of people were recording this on their phones. I looked up to the sky and said, "Back up everyone, I'm flying now. Up, up, and away!" Like a missile from a submarine to the air, I rocketed into the air, and turned around to wave at everyone. Ah that was satisfying! I saved a child! My heart is at ease now!

Suddenly Sarah sent me a message.

[Congratulations Devin, or should I call you Superman? You've gained your first Hero Point. You've now earned 5 lottery tickets for the lottery feature.]

"I'll use those 5 tickets. Now, what will I get I wonder?"

What should Devin get for his five lottery tickets you guys? Everyone comment below what you think. Thanks, and hope you enjoyed.

Ellendriacreators' thoughts