
3 - Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun

Chapter 3 - Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun

Written By Curiostyx


~{Great Elroe Labyrinth, Middle Stratum}~

'Woah, Woah, Woah...! Slow down, Voice!' The Wyrm was left momentarily stunned after the sudden wave of notifications.

'Hunt an Anomaly... And it's me!?' Who was this Local Administrator, and why did they want to kill him?

Not like he could fight back or anything...

'Wait, the order should have gone to every Wyrm and Dragon... Shit, my Mother is going to crush my egg!!!' Panic engulfed him as he realized this terrible possibility.

he quickly Appraised the substance around him whilst trying to figure out a way to accelerate his incubation.

However, the results were not as he expected.

〈Elroe Gunerush ﹝Pregnant﹞︱LV 6〉

HP - 138/160 ︱MP - 90/150 ︱ SP - 70/150 - 155/155

Offense: 80 ︱Defense: 77 ︱Magic: 75

Resistance: 76 ︱Speed: 85︱


Fire Wyrm • Parent


Fire Wyrm LV 1 • Heat Nullification • Swim LV 3 • Hit LV 2 • Impact


'Wha...? I'm... Inside a womb? I thought Dragons laid eggs...' It was an understandable assumption. Dragons were always portrayed to lay eggs in media, but perhaps they were viviparous in this world.

'And Gunerush... That means the Monsters of this world are like Pokemon. They evolve after reaching a certain level... But why is my mom only level 4?' Perhaps Monsters evolved at every level, but that was unlikely.

Or maybe the levels are reset after each evolution. That would slow down progression a lot though... But the System probably doesn't care about that.

The chances of mommy trying to kill him before birth rapidly decreased as she would need to either know modern abortion techniques and how to use them or inflict severe wounds on herself, both of which he doubted she would do.

And judging by her incomplete status, she probably just came out of a hot tussle... Not likely she would try anything funny soon.

This gave him some time, time which he wouldn't waste.

He tried to Appraise the surroundings, searching for any unborn siblings he could make use of. Most animals usually had multiple babies at once, with the typical exception being those of greater size.

He was betting on the Gune-Fire Wyrms to have multiple babies in every pregnancy. Perhaps he could be the first ever creature to level up in the womb...

Such a devious and sinister plan was out of the ordinary for him, but desperate times call for desperate measures, damn it!

Eventually, he found what he was looking for...

〈Elroe Gunelift ﹝Unborn﹞︱LV 1〉

〈Elroe Gunelift ﹝Unborn﹞︱LV 1〉

〈Elroe Gunelift ﹝Unborn﹞︱LV 1〉

〈Elroe Gunelift ﹝Unborn﹞︱LV 1〉

There were four other infants inside... Was he really going to do this?

No time for moral questions. Besides, don't goblin sharks also do the same?

'Yeah, that's right...' After latching on to the weak moral justification he struggled to break free from the sack covering him and failed.

'Agh, I forgot about this' He needed some way to get out of his sack, and he needed to figure it out quick!

There was no time to waste...

'Could I...'

『Fire Wyrm: LV 1 - Fireball Breath』

That's right. The first ability granted to any Fire Wyrm, the ability to breathe fire... Could he use this?

Of course he could! but that's not what he meant... Would it actually do anything? like, at all?

Mommy also had the Heat Nullification Skill, so would Fireball Breath even accomplish anything?

Let's fuck around and find out, why don't we?

For the first time in his second life, the Wyrm opened his jaws wide ( which wasn't much considering the shrimp-like anatomy) and a hot bubbling sensation welled up inside his throat.

'This feels weirder than I imagined...' It felt like he was about to physically puke out a whole river of liquid charcoal. It didn't feel nice.

He couldn't imagine what the Earth Wyrms felt. Puking out dirt like that must give a new meaning to eating shit.

His draconic instincts guided him through the whole process, as the hot smoldering energy manifested in the back of his throat and climbed upon his tongue, taking the shape of a sphere.

He felt the heat in his tongue dance around as he felt the urge to propel it forward using his tongue. So that's how Fireballs worked...

The heat burned on his tongue and he could feel the full intensity of it... Yet he could not feel even a smidge of pain or discomfort.

Rather... It seemed that the presence of this heat actually pumped him up with excitement!

Dopamine, probably.

After feeling the heat dance around for a short while, his tongue lunged as it propelled the ball of flames forward like the Beast Titan throwing those stones toward Wall Maria.

The Fireball exploded in heat and intensity as it impacted the walls of his egg sack. A tearing sound could be heard as the walls were ripped open, revealing the entirety of Mommy's womb.

"Nreighh...~!" A howl of agony reverberated, sounding like the pained neigh of a distressed Horse.

A quick appraisal of his mother provided him with the fact that only a few points of HP actually decreased... Looks like Mommy was hurt by the Fireball's explosion and not its heat. This is a good thing to keep in mind when fighting against fire users.

'Alright, it's baby eating time...!' He said as he slowly crawled out of his egg sack to enact the "eating" all over those unfortunate infants.

He took a few minutes to actually crawl out as he gained his bearings. It was literally baby's first step- swim? for him, after all.

Surprisingly, the insides of his Mommy were actually very bright... That came out very wrong, but anyways, this is because she was a Fire Wyrm and thus had very fiery insides.

His vision was still very blurry though, which made sense considering he literally just forced himself to crawl out of his egg sack prematurely, so he utilized Appraisal to guide him toward the nearest sibling.

He slowly waddled about as he made his way across his Mommy's oddly large womb and stumbled upon the egg sack he was looking for.

'Okay... Time to... Murder my sibling...' Even though he was saying it like that, he actually felt nothing for some reason, which unnerved him greatly.

He wasn't a Psychopath... So why was he thinking like that!?

But that thought disappeared back into the back of his head faster than it appeared as he considered the egg sack of his unborn sibling.

'Goodbye, little bro... Or sis...' He said as he tore open the sack and started the abortion procedure.

What happened next didn't need to be said as a Wyrm crawled out of the sack with a corpse in his claws.

『You have slain ~Elroe Gunelift LV 1~ Experince Points awarded.』

He felt no sense of attachment as he looked at the dead prawn-like Wyrm sprawled on the floor of Mommy's womb.

Instead, he felt hunger as he looked at the corpse not as Kin, but as Prey.

『The Title ~Kin Eater~ has been bestowed.』

『The Skill ~Taboo~ has been raised into LV 2.』

How he gained such a disgusting Title did not need to be explained.

『Soul successfully subsumed. The Stats Offense, Resistance, and Speed have been raised by (4) points.』

『Maximum HP, MP, and SP-RSP have been increased by (7) points.』

『The Skill ~Fire Wyrm LV 1~ has been plundered.』

『The Skill ~Fire Wyrm LV 1~ has been integrated into ~Fire Wyrm LV 1~. Skill Proficiency increased.』

Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.


"Spoiler alert: The Souls of his siblings are not going back to the Reincarnation Cycle =)" -Remark

Come on guys, where the stones at?

Stone me, Daddy~

Dr_Armstrongcreators' thoughts