
Chapter 39

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me about Deacon yesterday? It’s not like you didn’t have the chance to. She knew about it.” Mick thumbed toward Maribel, who was just entering the hotel. “But me you keptin the dark.”

Wynn started to say something, stopped, ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “First off, I don’t know he’s going to come after me. He could just have been trying to frighten me—playing some weird game just for yucks and grins. If he’s like Lionel, he’d get off on that.”

“Uh-huh. Try again, because that excuse isn’t cutting it.” Mick stared icily at Wynn and blew out a long breath. “You were afraid of how I’d react—because of what happened with Danny. Admit it.”

Wynn dropped his gaze, nodding. “To some degree, yes. Different scenario but still…”