
Chapter 28

The odor of urine and sweat rose from the man who now crouched in terror at the base of the tree. The cat stalked toward him, fangs bared again.

“Oh God, oh God,” the man whimpered, burying his face in his hands. “I didn’t mean to…I just wanted…”

The cat paused, one ear cocked forward as he listened.

He should die…but…

The white cat lifted one paw, sharp claws extended.

The man fainted.

* * * *

“Damn, I thought you’d taken off on your own,” John said when Wynn walked into the sheriff’s office forty minutes after Mick had been airlifted to the hospital.

Wynn nodded. “Almost did, was half-way to the Interstate when I realized I didn’t know where I was going. Have you heard anything?”

“It’s too early yet. I’m going down, though, if you want to ride with me.”

“I do.” Wynn rubbed his forehead between his fingers.

“Headache?” John asked with concern as he headed toward the back exit of the building.

“Just worried and scared. Damn it, John, he has to make it. He has to.”