
Snow's Diary

This is the story of Snow's Journey before his death and his Dad getting over his daughter (snow) passing.

D_R_L · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

The impossible

Greystone work is finally done. And going home he heard the voice of his female co worker, " Hey, Greystone are you free right now? " The female co worker gaze lingered on the floor as she waits for greystone reply. Greystone who are dead set to discovering the cause of his daughter death his only family left has leave a huge hole on Greystone heart that avoids to socialize to the people near her. Unfortunately greystone who are not in his right mind looked at the female co worker that is still looking at the floor while blushing, anyone can tell that the female co worker took all it's courage to ask greystone that question even though she knows what's going on greystone life.

She was trying to help him to move on about his daughter death, sadly the message didn't reach Greystone at all which lead to greystone refusing the offer as he said that he's busy. The female coworker was sad that she can't help but for some reason she can't give up on Greystone, it's not an exaggeration to say that she has no intention on backing down at all and made up her mind to help Greystone overcome his daughter death.

Greystone finally reaching his home immediately opened the door and head to the living room sat on the sofa and immediately took out the diary and open it...

*" Hey kid wanna hear a story? It's from the last time when there's an emergency and got called to the scene! " Snow was oddly happy to hear the story at that point I figured that snow liked stories as she herself wasn't allowed to go outside, she herself doesn't even move much even in normal days, " So I was called in to help subjugate a really strong demon that occasionally pop out when humans commit too much sin. And guess who's sin it is!? " At that time snow only looked at me with such dead eye's as if she's mocking me for making her speak but still with all that said and done she still didn't speak at all. "Whattt, Don't look at me like it's hurtful you know. Alright, Alright I'll tell you it's one of the deadly sins! Lord of sloth! Apperantly it forms if humans commit such lazy act's that ruin's one's life . Like you know those those people who confined themselves in their home's and ruining their social skills thus further ruining they're lives-." At that time I was interrupted by snow who after hearing the situation that happened is praying right in front in my eyes. That time is shocking to me because the girl who usually doesn't express herself much, much less move herself is now praying in front of my eyes for someone she doesn't know. I was taken a back by what she did that I stopped all I was doing and didn't move at all until she was finished praying.*

*While I was in awe her praying, after she was done is thing that baffled that crap out of me. An ANGEL came down on earth something that is not impossible to happen but incredibly rare after that the angel took off outside I didn't dare to tail it as tailing such being isn't gonna end up good for me. But that only re affirm my suspicion on snow at that time she wasn't just a special girl that defied fate, she's also able to summon a being such as an angel through a prayer alone,A feat that not even some pope was able to do. After that I don't have much to do as it said that when an angel descended on earth the place the angel descended into was cleansed and no crime nor evil doing was going to occur. At that day I wasn't able to complete the story due to the absurdity of what happened it even shaked the hq where Deaths work. Because of that I was able to increase the time of my observation to 8 hours for at least 3 weeks.*

Back at the real world Greystone was confused and surprised as to what he just read, "What the hell angels!? What king of absurdity is happening to my daughter? I gotta see the next page-----" As Greystone about to turn the page he was hit with fatigue that he has ignored for the whole day. Greystone worked himself to death on work today even though he's mental health is still not okay because he thought that overworking himself will somehow fix his mental state right now but clearly all it did was made him forget all the problems which in of it self was a great help for Greystone. Also with the help of his female coworker constantly reminding him that there's someone out there for him that he can rely on. All of what happened today flashed at Greystone as he was about to sleep...

The next day Greystone waking up to the same alarm and trying to reach his phone only to hit snow's diary again causing it to fall and opening pages near the end. As he shut the alarm off he stand up and bend over to pick up snow's diary only to find out that that the pages near to end is blank with no words written on it. Greystone tried his best to find where the writing ended, Finally after a few seconds of flipping the pages he found out where the end is but somehow he can't read it, or more likely that there's some kind of force that unables it to be somehow read because all he can see is gibberish but when he opened the book again at the first page all the writing is readable. Although Baffled by the predicament of the last page Greystone put it aside as he thought he's gonna have his answer if he keep reading the diary and focused more on what's in front of him.

Hope you like it!

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