
Snow's Diary

This is the story of Snow's Journey before his death and his Dad getting over his daughter (snow) passing.

D_R_L · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Normal Day

Greystone even though bothered by how the last page, goes to work although on his way to work he was mostly spacing out thinking about why was the last page is unreadable. Although still questioning the book Greystone himself has an idea for why the last page was unreadable, "There's might be some top secret written at the last page that can't be seen that's why it's like that. I'm sure that I'll need to have decipher the last page for me to know what's the message is." Greystone uttering while on the train the nearby passenger was weirded out by what Greystone is saying. Greystone finally noticing the other passengers looking at him, Greystone blushed so hard that his face became beet red. Greystone finally arrived on the building he's working, he heard a familiar voice that's coming from behind screaming his name, " Morning!!!, Greystone!!!!" Turning around Greystone saw his female coworker with her Red hair still messy as if she just woke up, and running towards him. " Yo, sorry about yesterday I must have disturbed what you were gonna do." Greystone immediately shrugged it off and told her it's nothing to think about and that he was simply out of his mind.

His female coworker looking at Greystone wondering how did Greystone changed in not even a day but in a night. Meanwhile Greystone wondering why is his female coworker looking at him intensely, and for some reason Greystone feel safe around his female coworker it's as if he can relax around her, " Hey Glenda" Glenda stopped, " Yeah?" And thought to herself (" Why the sudden name drop? I wonder?) while still looking at Greystone eye's " I just have a question, why are you running in the early morning and while your hair is messy? " Glenda being confused as to what she heard, And finally remembering why she's running and rushing to get to work she hold Greystone arm's and Shaked him Yelling, "AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!, Greystone were going to be late!!! " Greystone being confused looked at his watch and saw the time, also realizing that they were going to be late to work. They both rush to enter and check as immediately as that can," haahhhhh..... We almost didn't make it...." Glenda being relieved at the saved they both did.

"Hey Greystone, are you fr-" As Glenda about to ask Greystone again if they can hang out later after work she was quickly interrupted by another coworker "Heyyyy, Glenda you're late again." Beside Glenda is a friend of her with silver hair and blue ocean eyes boasting her beauty, "hahhhh, what do you mean late? For your information I am not late! I'm still have 1 minute before I officially become late!" While pumping her chest out and having a smug face, asserting that she's not late today. Meanwhile Greystone thought to himself, (if Glenda is not late today doesn't it mean that she's late frequently?) As he looked at Glenda's friend wondering if they met somewhere.

Glenda seeing Greystone looking at her friend, she pouted her face and send a barrage of light punches on Greystone arm. As the barrage of punches is hitting his arms Greystone was called to his workplace by his another coworker, " Sorry Glenda I need to go. " While heading to his workplace still wondering if he met Glenda's friend somewhere.

As Greystone is leaving, "Glenda, I forgot to ask but who is that guy beside you earlier?" Surprised by the sudden question of her friend Glenda immediately thought that her friend was interested in Greystone, " Yo-You it can't be?! *Hiss* *Hiss* I won't let you! You can't capture Greystone with beauty alone you know!" Thinking that her friend might steal Greystone Glenda suddenly became protective like a cat that smelled Enemy Cat on their Owners body.

Glenda's friend looking at the confused cat that is Glenda raised her hand and handchop Glenda head to make her stop, " Dumbass, You know that I have a boyfriend. I just think that I met him somewhere." Glenda finally being cleared from confusion introduced Greystone to her friend, " So that's what happened, so what are you doing with a man that just lost his only family?" Glenda getting caught on her actions tried her best to evade the question, "He-Hey lo-look they're calling us now le-lets go we need to work! " Desperately evading the question Glenda immediately run away from her friend.

Back to Greystone finally reaching his work place, looking at his table and the work he's about to do. Greystone took a deep breath before focusing on doing his work, animating 2d characters the only work that he loved and the only thing that take his worries away from him.

After doing work and time passing break came and as Greystone was about to open snow's diary he was invited by Glenda and a couple of co worker to a lunch. Unexpectedly Greystone agreed to the lunch and took a 10 min lunch with his co worker, chatting about the shows they like or what happened in the news yesterday. Greystone can be seen laughing and happy, but deep inside Greystone knew that the mystery of his daughter death is still unsolved and will remain at that until he finished the diary. Glenda seeing Greystone happy now after of what happened was relieved that Greystone is slowly but surely moving on about his daughter's snow death.

But as Greystone finished his lunch he immediately excused himself and immediately go to his workplace, sit at the chair and took out snow's diary and opened the next page from what he read last time. But this time unlike any other chapter Greystone was surprised as the first words from the page was about her daughter seemingly sudden death.

*" One week After the arrival of the angel the kid that I've been observing since I've been tasked to take this kid soul. Now in front of me with an eye that was all black as if it lost all it's light, with a cold and pale skin I was certain that the kid was dead. "*

Tried to dive deep on Greystone normal day!

I hope you guys like it!

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