
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
171 Chs


The people of Gotham must be crying in despair at the moment, cursing the heavens for the injustice that was their lives and questioning why they existed.

Or they could be looking for a different bar, cause mine was closed at the moment.

I needed some small breaks too, though what I was doing was less of a break and more of a business plan. I wanted to decide how to expand. There were a few methods that would make such a course of action very easy, but they were also very noticeable and would definitely get the attention of the pajama people. Which was bad.

More and more heroes were appearing every day, the Justice League had just inducted Captain Marvel and several other heroes to its roster. They didn't have as many members as the Justice League Unlimited, but they still weren't a small organization. More heroes meant more chances for misunderstandings, so being away from them was the best decision.

Sure my enchanted weapon collection was growing, making things was quite fun, and even in my untransformed form I would give myself a good chance against anyone who wasn't a part of the higher tiers among the league, even them if I was properly equipped! But none of that was…

Before I could try to assure myself of my chances against heroes in my head some more, a very big shadow fell upon me, and I was six foot two!

"If you don't want to get hurt…"

"Waylon?" And it was indeed the good old scaley behind me, in all of his shirtless sharp teethed glory.

"David?" His threatening posture dropped when he realized who I was.

"Umm, are we gonna continue?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I might somewhat like the lizard face, but if he was gonna try to mug me then he had another thing coming. Fortunately he seemed to decide it wasn't a good idea, don't shit where you eat. Though his whole will to live seem to leave him along with aggression as his head hung low.

"What's the point?" I shouldn't do it. Getting involved an trying to learn what was wrong would only get me in trouble later on. So I should not do it!

"...wanna have a drink?" Fuck!


In the end I ended up not only bringing out some of the better vintages I had, but I also cooked some chicken and eggs for Waylon. The dude looked like he needed a proper meal to give him some proper joy.

"So, you wanna talk about whatever was that about?" I asked as I pulled a chair for myself.

"…I… I ended up meeting a… friend a few days ago." Waylon started to speak as he put his fork down.

"He's a nice guy, nice enough that he wouldn't make fun of a kid who had scales growing out of his face. The kind of guy that would make fun of himself if he thought that it would make you smile." Waylon said with a smile and I had to admit, this friend of his sounded like a nice guy.

"He… he has put his life back together. He seemed happy and I thought… I thought it was about time I did too."

"You mean?"

"I tried to find work, legitimate work. With paperwork and all that shit."

"I am guessing it didn't work out." I said drily and Waylon chuckled with no life in his voice.

"Nope, turns out being a guy who fought with Bats and look like a fucking monster means you don't get to have a proper job. That you either have to be a crook, or a monster." I wanted to give him some sort of encouragement but to be perfectly honest, he was kinda right.

Even in more liberal places, most people would be hesitant about giving work to someone with a criminal record; much less to an actual supervillain. Add to that the fact that we were living in Gotham, the armpit of America, well… you get the point.

Unfortunately, that was the moment a really bad idea entered my head. One I really shouldn't, really…

"Can you cook?" Fuck it.

"Huh?" My question had taken Waylon off guard as he actually dropped his fork, a small piece of chicken jutting out of his mouth.

"Can you cook?" I asked once more and Waylon hesitantly shook his head.

"Are you willing to learn?" This time I got a nod, still hesitant though.

"Okay, get into the kitchen. Fist lesson now and you start working tomorrow at the booth giving people drinks and looking menacing." I said and finally got myself a glare.

"David, if you think you can just use me as some sort of muscle right after I…"

"Give me your hand." I said with a roll of my eyes as I put my elbow on the table.

"What are you…"

"Just shut up and give me your hand, we're gonna arm wrestle."

"Are you crazy?" The scaled man's jaw fell as he asked and I rolled my eyes again.

"I opened a bar in Gotham instead of buying a car and hightailing out of this city, what do you think? Give me your hand already." I finally growled out and Waylon hesitantly took my hand, putting his elbow on the table; and then he flipped in the air and fell to the ground.


What just happened?

What just happened?!

He had gotten goaded into a fucking arm wrestle of all things by David, one of the few people in this sewer of a city he actually liked; ready to slowly beat him cause even if his words were pissing him off, he still didn't want to hurt him.

Instead he felt the back of his hand touch the wooden table and felt himself flip in the air before falling down on his back. So, again, what just happened?!

"Hopefully this makes you realize my offer isn't some sort of four dimensional chess move in order to make you my goon." David said gruffly and Waylon looked up to him and realized.

"You have powers."

"Yup. I'm strong, I'm fast and I can likely kill every moron that calls themselves rogues in this city within one night. Get over it."

"Then why don't you?" Waylon asked as he started to get back up, if David was as strong as he claimed to be he could very well become the king of Gotham.

"Tell me Waylon. What happens after I kill every competition in the city, beat up Batman and his sidekick and declare myself the ruler of Gotham?" David asked with a glare as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You… rule it?" Waylon's answer became a question as he lost his confidence under David's glare.

"Yup, I rule it for about fifteen minutes before Batman decides that his pride isn't worth letting the city fall into the hands of a villain and gives a call to his super friends. Then I'm getting punched by Superman, getting kicked by Wonder Woman, put inside a green cage by Green Lantern and Aquaman talks shit about time to the fish." David scoffed.

"Criminals of this city bitch and moan about Batman beating them up but trust me, the other option is far worse." The barmen said before turning around.

"Now follow me to the kitchen. The sooner I teach you how to make a edible meal the sooner I can hire you as my chef and pay you like one."



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