
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
175 Chs


Another day of work, another series of customers who seem quite happy to abuse their livers harder than Brian Banner abused Bruce Banner's emotions.

Meaning I made good money.

Honestly, I was pretty sure that the reason the customers were always taking the expensive and high alcohol drinks was because we were in Gotham and most of them were hoping that their drinks would kill them before they had to pay.

Suckers didn't know I could literally follow them to hell. Thought that was too much work so I had instead just put a low level enchantment on every chair that healed the customers from the self harm they caused with alcohol. It was the kind of spell demons used on their prisoners so that they wouldn't die no matter how much they were tortured.

As they say, modern problems require modern solutions.

Business was good though, at the rate things were going I could buy some of the things that I wanted and turn this place into a restaurant as well. Sure; I could just do that with magic, and I likely will, but earning with one's own work makes one a bit prouder.

"Quite the gathering, isn't it?" My newest customer, a knockout of a woman with pitch black hair wearing a red dress, said with a laugh as she pointed towards the table where Killer Croc, Mister Freeze and Bane were playing cards.

"I am surprised you didn't just call the cops and tried to hide in a corner when they first came in." She said as she slowly circled her finger on her glass.

"They aren't exactly as bad as people make them out to be. They are still paying customers as long as they don't cause a ruckus. It would be a different matter if someone like Pyg ot Zsasz came here though." I said with a shake of my head as I cleaned the glass in my head.

I wasn't even lying. None of the rogues that came to drink here were actually uncivilized or anything. Not to mention their current professions of crime weren't because they were pure evil, each of them had been more or less forced into crime for one reason or another.

Freeze had just wanted to save his ill wife but knew nothing of biology and medicine, his expertise was thermal science and in the cold section of that.

Croc had been born looking like a crocodile human hybrid, leading him to becoming a wrestler and a freak show in a circus. It was actually a wonder it had taken so long for him to snap and bite back at those who ridiculed him.

Lastly Bane, a man born in a prison and somehow people in charge decided that Bane should pay for the crimes of his father. The dude didn't have a life where he wasn't treated as a criminal, he likely didn't even know how to live a life of anything not crime. Likely didn't care anymore either.

Sure, they weren't nice people. They were giant assholes most of the time to most people. But they had enough of my sympathy combined with their less destructive nature while at my bar meant that they were welcome as long as they paid for their drinks and didn't cause problems. If they had been like Pyg, I would have just said one thing to them.


And then I would have deep fried them, Batman or no Batman.

"You are unexpectedly nice, has anyone ever told you that?"

"There may have been a few who called me a 'total pushover dick' but I believe that is just asshole speak for what you just said." I replied with a smile, but there was a feeling in my head; an uncomfortableness like a fly hovering right next to my ear. Telling me that I should know who she was.

"Thanks for the drink." Before I could actually ask, she paid for her drink and left.

Oh well, this world was filled to the brim with heroes who always poked their noses where it didn't belong. So even if she was problem, she wouldn't be my problem. With those thoughts, I took the newest order and started to prepare the drink.


She had to admit, she was surprised.

When she had felt the presence of a new Sabbac on the mortal plane, she hadn't cared about it much. So Satanus was playing his old games again, it was about time since there was a new champion. She was more surprised it had taken him so long.

She had started to care when there were no news of a rampaging demon trying to kill the hero of the Fawcett city, likely causing unprecedented amount of collateral damage to their surrounding. No, there were no rampages. It wasn't normal.

Finally, she decided to check out why the newest Sabbac wasn't causing chaos, mayhem and misery around him and ended up in a bar in Gotham. Understandable, as the city was boiling with sin and a bar was technically a good place to... well, sin. What was less than understandable was the newest Sabbac giving out drinks in his mortal form.

The world's worst demon was actually the legal owner of a bar and living peacefully! It was funny as shit, she didn't think Satanus had ever failed as spectacularly as this time; and he had failed more times than she had bothered to count.

This, might actually be good for her. She would watch this Sabbac, learn more about him. He might be her ticket to saving him. To undo the cost of her mistake from over three thousand years ago. Also to stick it to that old bastard Shazam, that was always a good bonus.

But, first she needed to see if he was strong; or if he was working at a bar due to being a weak coward. She didn't know how yet, but she would figure something out.

Then Angelica Blaze would see what her brother's newest failed project had to offer.