
Smoke Rising..

Bounty Hunter John Smoke never liked the rules. As a result of his overly aggressive- and often illegal- arrest methods, he ended up behind bars. But the Bureau won't let him be. Placed in the care of beautiful, no nonsense, Sidney Shaw, his new FBI handler, Smoke needs to alter his loose cannon- ways to remain a free man. But there is an unchecked evil festering deep in the nation's capital. A shadow conspiracy that won't be defeated by conventional means. A vast, hidden network of criminals with the ability to shapeshift into monsters spreading it's supernatural sickness in the very fabric of human society. No ordinary mortal can fight the evil. But there is nothing ordinary about John Smoke. Sidney Shaw is about to discover for herself as she follows Smoke's trail into the darkest, most secret corners of Washington D.C. Smoke and Sidney most fight the evil that will stop at nothing to tear them apart while destroying a nation as well.

TravisLaRoweIGfQ · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
1 Chs

(Prologue. )

The man- like thing lurched up and smacked Smoke in the chin. He staggered back. It started walking down the hall, arms dangling at it's sides and a hole clean through it's back and chest. Sidney took aim.

Blam! Blam! Blam!

It tumbled over with it's kneecap blasted apart.

Good shot. Smoke wiped his brow and headed after their fallen attacker where it withered on the floor. I think it's a zombie. He pointed his gun at it's head.


Sidney holstered her pistol, caught her breath and said, Zombies aren't real.