
Slime's Legacy

This is the story of a guy named Tokota Yuu. Yuu died from a truck accident. He thought it was over for him before he reincarnated as a Slime. But when he learned that he could get powerful by eating and absorbing Creatures and such. He started his adventure. What will happen to Tokota Yuu as he journeys in the Unknown World of Tagawa? Will he make Friends? Will he make Enemies? Will he be able to become the Strongest? Join our Official Discord Server : https://discord.com/invite/8KuJ4gBmgD

RyoguroMeguna · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


"Whoa Whoa, Calm down. Calm down." Yuu said in a hurry.

"H-H-how can I? " The man said in a frightened tone.

"Just calm down." Yuu said irritated.

"Right.." The man said as he calmed down.

2 Minutes later.

"Thank you for saving my family from those bandits" The man said as he bowed down to Yuu.

"It wasn't that hard haha!" Yuu said, in his past life nobody thanked him for anything but here was different.

"I don't have money right now but I swear I will repay you someday!" The man said.

"Anyways, What's your name?" Yuu questioned the man.

"My name is Louis von Alaska. This woman is my wife and that baby is my child." The man introduced himself and his wife and child.

"May I know your name if it's not rude." Louis asked Yuu.

"Very well, I am Tokota Yuu." Yuu answered Louis question.

"Tokota Yuu? That is a very strange name...Not that it's bad!!" Louis crossed his hands to not offend Yuu.

"By the way, Where were you going. Louis?" Yuu asked Louis.

"I was going to the Royal Capital. Would you like to travel with us?" Louis offered Yuu.

"Uh.... Sure I guess.." Yuu said. He didn't know anything about the Royal Capital or this Kingdom.

"Please get in the carriage and travel with us." Louis said.

Yuu then got in the carriage.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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