
Slime's Legacy

This is the story of a guy named Tokota Yuu. Yuu died from a truck accident. He thought it was over for him before he reincarnated as a Slime. But when he learned that he could get powerful by eating and absorbing Creatures and such. He started his adventure. What will happen to Tokota Yuu as he journeys in the Unknown World of Tagawa? Will he make Friends? Will he make Enemies? Will he be able to become the Strongest? Join our Official Discord Server : https://discord.com/invite/8KuJ4gBmgD

RyoguroMeguna · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


Tokota Yuu opened his eyes.

He thought "huh, where am I?" as he said that he tried to move his body, but to his surprise. He couldn't feel his arms or legs.

"What the hell!" shouted Yuu as he said that.

"Ahhh am I in the afterlife or something!!"

"Wait calm down. Everything is dark here. Where in the world am I?" Yuu said.

"Am I in the hospital?" He thought.

« The Host has been awaken. » a faint voice said.

"What the hell was that?" Yuu thought.

« There is nothing here other than you. »

"I can't see you. But I can hear you. Show yourself. Who are you?" Yuu said.

« I am System. » said the voice.

"System?" Yuu questioned even though he couldn't see it but could hear it inside his head.

« Yes. » the system said.

"What is a System?" Yuu questioned.

« A System is a generally modelled after video game RPG from Earth. »

"You talk like this is not Earth." Yuu said, he thought this was the Afterlife.

« This is not Earth. This is a different Universe from your Universe. »

"Different Universe?" Yuu questioned.

« Yes, for example. This planet is called "Tagawa" »

"Tagawa?" Yuu questioned once again.

« Yes, This planet has 2 times more population than Earth. It has the so-called Magic. »

"Magic?!" Yuu asked curiously.

« Yes, Magic is part of this World. »

"Wait What?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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