
Slime's Legacy

This is the story of a guy named Tokota Yuu. Yuu died from a truck accident. He thought it was over for him before he reincarnated as a Slime. But when he learned that he could get powerful by eating and absorbing Creatures and such. He started his adventure. What will happen to Tokota Yuu as he journeys in the Unknown World of Tagawa? Will he make Friends? Will he make Enemies? Will he be able to become the Strongest? Join our Official Discord Server : https://discord.com/invite/8KuJ4gBmgD

RyoguroMeguna · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

I'm Free.....?

Yuu's current stats.

Name : Not Named

HP : 290/300

Strength : 75

Endurance : 80

Speed : 50

Mana : 400

Level : 49

Skills: TBA

"I'm very tired..." Yuu said as he was walking in the labyrinth for 2 Hours now. Before he could say more he fell to the ground becoming one with the ground.

12 Hours later.

Yuu woke up and started to see his surroundings. He started walking again.

Some more hours later.

He came across a very big door that was shining lighting from the inside.

"What's in there?" Yuu thought.

He then opened the door... And it was the OUTSIDE!

"I'm.... Free?" Yuu took a moment to proceed all of that and became very happy. He started smiling in his smile form enough thought it couldn't be seen..

He then got outside with excitement but what he saw was...

He saw fire burning and a whole castle being attacked by a Dragon. This dragon was different from the one he met before. But because it was very away made him not able to appraise the dragon.

"I guess the outside wasn't what I expected." he then ran away from the kingdom.

2 Months Later.

It was a rainy day. Yuu was walking from a forest, he killed some forest monsters and got their abilities.

He then came across a carriage on the paved road. He quickly jumped and went there but sadly. All of the knights and everyone in the carriage was dead.... He felt bad for those people.

"What if I eat one of those Humans.. Will I be able to transforms into a Human again?" He said as he also felt bad that he will have to eat them. But fortunately he won't feel the taste.

He then got to a human and ate him.

« You have unlocked "Transformation" »

« You have reached the Level thheresold (Level 70) »

« The host will begin "Evolution" now. »

« Choose your race »

"What... Alright.. I'll choose one." Yuu said as he looked at the screen.

There were two races that Yuu could choose.

Demon Slime

Heavenly Slime

"I'll choose the Heavenly Slime.." Before he could say that he fell into "Evolution".

« The host did not choose in time »

« Initiating Auto-Choose »

« Taken Demon Slime »

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