
Slime's Legacy

This is the story of a guy named Tokota Yuu. Yuu died from a truck accident. He thought it was over for him before he reincarnated as a Slime. But when he learned that he could get powerful by eating and absorbing Creatures and such. He started his adventure. What will happen to Tokota Yuu as he journeys in the Unknown World of Tagawa? Will he make Friends? Will he make Enemies? Will he be able to become the Strongest? Join our Official Discord Server : https://discord.com/invite/8KuJ4gBmgD

RyoguroMeguna · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

First Encounter

As Yuu was exploring the Unknown lands. A Carriage came from behind. It looked very expensive.

"Whoa, That carriage looks very cool!" Just as Yuu said that the Carriage went past him.

Yuu hide in a nearby rock and looked at the carriage go. Unfortunately, some bandits attacked the carriage.

"There are bandits in this world too?" Yuu thought.

"What do I do. What do I do." Yuu thought in his mind.

"Alright fine I'll save them!" Yuu decided.

Yuu went to the carriage as fast as possible.

"Haha! Surrender and we won't kill more of your knights!!" A bandit said, he seemed to be the leader of the group.

Just as the leader said that, he was trapped in a spiderweb.

"Huh! Who did this to me?!" the bandit Leader shouted at everyone.

"I did it." Yuu said from a distance.

"Huh? Who?" all of the bandits looked but couldn't see the one who said it.

"Down here!" Yuu shouted to the bandits.

"A Slime?" all of the bandits said in unison alat the little slime.

"How did a Slime like YOU use Spiderweb?" The Bandit Leader asked.

"Do I look like I'll tell you?" Yuu said in rage.

"Uh..." Bandit Leader couldn't think of a reason.

Just as the bandit leader was thinking of a reason, Yuu casted ten fireballs at the same time and fire them at the bandits.

"Multi-Casting? How the hell did you-" The bandit leader died before he could finish it.

After the fire died out. Yuu went to the carriage and opened the door with magic because he didn't have hands in his slime form sadly.

There was 3 People in the carriage. The first one being a man, a woman and she was holding a little baby.

The man looked at the slime while being scared.

"A.....a Demon Slime?!?" The man became more scared as he said that.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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