
Slice of life in Tensuraverse

A person gets to choose the powers of his favorite anime characters in a dream and then he reincarnates....Yeah that's it....find more in the novel. ----------------------------------------------------------- This is just a wish fulfillment novel. I wanted to write my original but well i'm not that good at it. So i thought why not just start by writing fanfiction, so this will mostly follow the original plot as I'm just practicing writing. I included powers from jjk, one piece etc...and i have just watched first season only...so i'll take reference from wiki fandom. If you think it's wrong then you can comment and I'll fix it as long as it doesn't affect the plot. ----------------------------------------------------------- Just read the novel, if you don't like you're free to drop it. #What to expect * Overpowered MC from the start * Harem (well I'll try to keep the numbers in control so don't worry lol) * Different animeverse ( first is 'reincarnated as a slime', then probably solo levelling etc..) * Your favorite MC's working together. * Probably lot of cliché scenes....maybe not that many but yes.... # What not to expect * netorare (I ain't into that shit dude, i'm not sure about netori lol) * yuri ( hell naw, maybe a little during threesome other than that fk no) * Rape( nope absolutely not, i hate this shit more than netorare) ------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: This story is a fan fiction and I do not own any of the characters. Also I found the cover image in google so Contact me if you want it removed. -

LuciferTheDevil767 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

The human, slime and a Dragon

(A/N: MC doesn't know about the Tensuraverse okay, it'll be no fun if he know everything...)

I tried to open my eyes but it feels like someone attached weights on my eyelids. After a few seconds my eyes opened...and why is the grass dark??....oh shit I'm wearing glasses. I was in some large grassland on my left, a large pond on my right. There is also a cave in front of me...well it looks like a cave, so yeah...Wait!! was that dream real!!

(A/N: Something feels missing you know. What do you think?? Ugh... this is frustrating, if you can improvise this scene do comment please...)

I tried to stand up but my body seems weird....like I'm not used to it. I check my body, I'm wearing a white shirt and black pants, at least I'm not naked. And this body feels like that of a kid around 14 to 15 years.

Didn't I chose Gojo's body?? Why am I in the body of a kid?

I stood up and did some warmup to get used to this new body. All those years of training is at least helping me stay calm in this situation. I'm doing jumping jacks and suddenly..


something hit hardly on my face and I fell down. 

"Urghh..." I groaned and looked around....a slime..

<Ahh...Sorry, are you fine?> I heard a voice in my head. A slime that can speak human language or is it me who understands slime's language??

"I'm fine. Who are you? and where are we?" I asked.

< Ehh...you don't know?? You are the first human...fuck human, you're the first living creature I met after coming here, and you look like child version of Gojo you know??> It replied.

"Dude, I was in a dream customizing characters like a game and I'm here now...wait how does a slime know about Gojo??" 

< I got stabbed and died, when I opened my eyes I was a slime.>

"Damn that must have felt bad...."

<yeah... >

"So, you got isekai'd and I got kidnapped from my dream...."

<seems like it...>

"Well hop on we need to get out of here at least" I gave my hand and he jumped on my shoulders.

I started walking away from the cave, well not a place to go, who knows what shit is waiting inside there but then I heard another voice.

(Can you hear me? Hello?)

"Did you hear that voice?" I asked the slime on my shoulder.

I started moving towards the cave. The entrance was dark but I could see clearly, probably the benefit of having three overpowered eyes.

After passing through the tunnel, the sight I saw, was a sight I'll probably never forget.

A dragon!!

A literal fucking real dragon!!

Gleaming like a black steel, flexible and durable, like the scales of a fish...

The visage of an evil dragon...

<Geh! Dragon!!!> The slime shouted.

"Dude don't scream in my head!!!" I shouted.

( Oi!! stop screaming) 

"Sorry, but you look scary you know?" I replied.

<yeah... >

(Interesting, a slime born from magical energy drawn from myself and.....a human with magical energy even more than me....)

"Bro looks like you found your father who left for the milk" I blurted...

<.... >


"What? Nobody got the joke? You guys are lame..."

<It's your joke that's lame...> The slime replied. 

Damn that hurt!!

(I 'm not his parent. After all, I do not possess reproductive capabilities. Some monsters can reproduce, and some cannot. The monster who can think are very few and those that possess true intelligence are majin..)

"You can't reproduce?"

(Nope. There are inferior tribes which reproduce. Goblins and orcs, along with lizardmen-to name a few. These are special among the monsters, and are commonly referred to as demi-humans.

Among demi-humans, there also those who have befriended humanity. Elves, hobbits, and dwarfs-those belonging to the fair magical races.

Well, in a few words, those the support the Majin are called monsters, and those that support humans are recognized as a part of their species.

These demi-humans would be the representatives of the reproducing monsters. Though to me they are no more than trash!

Next, about the Majin.

Although these have been born from magical energy, they are generally beasts and magical beasts who have evolved beyond themselves.

Reproductive capabilities and true intelligence are considered their special features. Most of all, these tend to vary as individuals.

Among these, there also the high class majin. They are the most disorganize and diverse bunch.

The conclude, the giants, the vampires, and the devils are the high class majin with the longest life span.

Although these too can reproduce, they normally abstain. Hosting overwhelming magical energy, their flesh never decays. And so, there is no need to leave offspring. Though perhaps if their numbers were to decrease due to a war or some great calamity, that may change.

As one would expect, they are strong. I myself have fought with them many times, yet they are not an opponent you can face many at a time.

A perfect brawling partner!

All together, these are referred to as the demonic races.

Of high intelligence, capable of reproduction, and laying waste to humanity-these are deigned as demons by them.

As for why I cannot reproduce... there is simply no need.

I art a "A being perfect as one, one of the four existing dragons.

The Storm Dragon Veldora!" Such is !!

I am bound by neither time nor flesh! A mass of pure magical energy, and thus I art endless!!!

Fu.... hahahahahahaha!!!)

Is he the guide for a newbie in a game world or something? but the explanation is really helpful. This world seems larger than earth and looks like all the elves, dwarves things exists for real huh....well there is a literal dragon in front of me.

After listening to all the explanations, we introduced ourselves. The slime's name was Mikami Satoru from Japan. He died while saving his junior and got stabbed in the process. 

'At least I died easily....' I thought.

I introduced myself as 'ghost'. After four years of a torture and brainwashing, I forgot my name and they used to call us by number. 'Ghost' was a code came i picked up for myself, inspired by ghost from the COD game.

If I had been a normal person, I probably would have been panicking, waking up in an unknown place, meeting a slime who got reincarnated, seeing a huge ass dragon which can probably kill you with a flick of a finger or claw, isn't really pleasant. At least he doesn't seem to be in the mood of killing us and I still haven't been able to sense any powers or skill in my body. I can't even defend myself properly currently, all I can use is probably martial arts and close combat skills which won't do shit to a dragon. I think Mikami got some skills or powers but I don't think it's going to work if this dragon became hostile to us. *sigh*

(I see, so you got reincarnated huh...) Veldora said to Mikami...(But I don't understand how you got here, you probably got reincarnated by some unknown or lost method...) he said to me.

"Method?? There are methods for reincarnation? Isn't it supposed to be by chance or something?" 

( Reincarnated appears once in a while, though reincarnated from another world are rare. Souls which are strong enough to withstand the transportation from one world to another are reincarnated mostly.. The hero who sealed me here was a 'summoned'.)

So there are a few who are reincarnated huh...maybe we can find someone from earth, although the possibility is very low. Wait a minute...he was sealed, a fucking dragon was sealed??

"How did you get sealed?" I couldn't help but ask. 

Then came a three hour long story. 

In summary, Veldora-kun got pissed off for some reason, went and destroyed a town and got sealed by the hero, who used her skill [unique severance] and [ endless prison]. So he is sealed here for three hundred years or so. His skills also got sealed along with him so he couldn't break free and used the little bit power he had to telepathically contact us. 

<okay so, can we be friends?> Mikami asked.

Oi Oi that's a dragon you know? they are pretty prideful creatures, I doubt he'll be interested in being friends with humans.....well a human and a ex-human..

(Wha, what did you say? For the feared Storm Dragon Veldora to become f-friends with h-humans??)

See I told you so and dude why the hell are you stuttering? 

<Ah...well, if you hate it that much...>

(Stupid! Nobody said anything about hating!)

<Eh, then?....What will you do?>

(...let's see...well, if you insist...I can consider...)

The fuck? A tsundere dragon? Somehow my eyes are hurting seeing this scene.

( I insist! Decide! If you hate, the deal is off. No second chances!!!)

( Then I have no choice! I'll become you two's friend! Show me your gratitude!)

I didn't even say anything! I wanted to shout out loud but then again....nevermind.

(Then we'll be in your care!)


(A/N: Second chapter and I couldn't write much.....guess this is the advantage of writing fanfic, if nothing comes to your mind copy the original lmao.....Well i'll try to improve in next chapter I guess *sigh* whatever....writing is hard guys....or maybe i'm just dumb)