

With Jayden Williams out of the country, Emily Styles went for a sleepover and the popular Alexander Blake just had to be there. what will happen if Emily starts getting the attention of her secret crush? will cheating come in,or will her self control remain untouched? If you are looking for a hot, funny and interesting high school romance or teen fiction, you are at the right place.

davidson_chinyere · วัยรุ่น
7 Chs


Austin's  POV

     I stood at one corner of the house watching Emily as Xander held her hand and they started heading to the grill.

Why did he have to come now that I was already thinking of how to make a move on her?

As I look at her laughing at something that Xander said, I feel like going over there and disrupting their conversation but too bad I can't do that.

Xander will beat the shit out of me even before I begin to move.

No, a head on challenge won't work. I need a plan, a plan to get Emily for myself.

I deserve to have a girl like her, I deserve to have her maddening beauty, shape and all to myself.

I made up my mind on that and began to walk out when I saw Steph heading towards me.

"Oh hell! What does she want now?" I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes not knowing she was already standing  in front of me.

I don't even care if she saw me or not because even if she did, she will still kiss my feet if I tell her to and I guess that's why I've kept her for so long, we both like people who don't like us.

"Um. Austin?" She broke into my thoughts.

I really hate the way she calls my name like one of her little puppies. That's if she even has one.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked her irritated, looking away and sipping a cold drink I got earlier from the refrigerator.

Just then, I saw Emily chasing Xander 'cause he took her phone. They were laughing like children all happy and giddy.

Damn! I hate the way he has the power to make her smile.

I noticed Steph looking at them too.

"You know..... You can't fight with Xander over a girl, he is your best friend and besides you don't stand a chance against him, he is most of the things you are not, I really....."

"Shut up! what do you know?" I told her as I stomped out.

How dare she talk to me like that?


Xander and I were talking about the things we like doing the most and I found out he prefers basketball to football and he has an elder brother who is almost done with college.

I also told him somethings about myself. For instance, he was very surprised to know I am an only child and my best colour is black.

He couldn't believe a girl's best colour could be black.

I guess he hasn't been meeting the right girls and before you tell me that black isn't a colour, yes I know.

It is to me though.

After sometime I continued going through my phone then he snatched it from me.

"Hey, give it back." I shouted and he broke into a run before I followed him.

"What's so special about your phone?" Xander asked as he raised the phone higher above his head and I tried to reach it but it was no use because he is obviously taller than I am and it is really awkward stretching like this.

"Why are you always looking at it?" He asked.

"What else am I supposed to look at, your face?" I asked still trying to reach for the phone.

"As a matter of fact, yes I am so good looking. Girls swoon over me and some guys too.

This face has gotten me to so many places." He boasted as he pointed to his face with his free hand.

"Wow!" I said giving up stretching and folding my arms.

"And who told you that, I don't even think you are handsome one bit." I said looking at him.

I know it's a very big lie but I just had to prove him wrong.

After a little argument concerning his face, he handed my phone over to me.

"I thought you were never gonna give it back."I said smirking.

"Oh My! Did you just smirk?" He asked grinning.

"I'm sure I didn't." I reply blushing.

"Ofcourse you just did." He said coming closer to me.

"No, I didn't." I moved back then I stepped on a stone.

"Whoa! careful,don't fall down."he said as he gripped my arm.

" I can't afford you getting hurt." He said and it sounded so intimate but I regained myself and released my arm from his hold but unexpectedly, he dragged me back then my body came in contact with his them he moved a strand of my hair behind my ear and trust me, I didn't see this coming because his lips were on mine the next second and I was so drawn to him that I started kissing him back, slowly and intense.

He put one of his hands and I couldn't think of anything else when he softly gripped my butt and it was as if I was swimming in my own dream Land.

Tongue to tongue, lips to lips.

The kiss was so pationate.

I always suspected he could kiss this well but I never knew I was going to be in the receiving end at one point in time.

I put my hand on his back then I continued rubbing him and the kiss grew deeper.

I was hot everywhere I can imagine and that was when it clicked that we were outside and anybody could see us.

I broke the kiss and my face was so hot as I felt his gaze on me.

"Sorry, I really need to go." I said as I walked out of the place as fast as my legs could carry me.

I turned back and he was still standing in the same spot I left him,guess I'm not the only one struck.


As I got inside the room, I dropped my phone on the bed and I couldn't stop pacing around the room.

"Oh no, what have I done? I have a boyfriend for crying out loud." I said to myself as I saw the door jerk open.

I turned around to see who it was and it just had to be Xander.

"What do you want?" I asked him angrily but without raising my voice.

"Emily, relax." He said as he came close to me.

"I know you may be angry for a reason unknown to me but I have no doubt that we both wanted this and I don't regret kissing you.

Infact, if I have another chance to do it again, I will do it in a heart bit." He said in a low tone as he held my hands.

"Stop it Xander, you of all people know I have a boyfriend and nothing can work out between you and I." I said in a low tone.

"I know I'm not in a position to ask you for anything but please don't blame yourself for this,I can't handle that." He said.

"Well, I'm very sure you haven't forgotten that I kissed you back." I replied raising my voice.

"What am I going to do? I'm just, I'm jus...." Before I could finish my statement, he gripped me and started kissing me again.

I don't know why but I didn't fight him instead I responded to the kiss, closing my eyes.

He released me and I was so short of words that I had no other choice but to sit on the bed.

He joined me and I'm very sure he was searching my face to see my reaction.

"I know, I look so messed up right now." I said combing my hair with my finger as I broke the uncomfortable silence.

"No, you look better than ever." He said looking at me with a wide smile on his face.

Is that admiration I see?

Wow, look at me thinking about how rough my hair is even in this situation.

I stood up from the bed and he was quick to mirror my action.

"Where are you going ?" He asked me looking worried.

"I just need to wash my face and pack my hair,It's everywhere." I said before entering the attached bathroom that was inside the room.

In about two minutes, I was out of the bathroom.

"Have I told you this before?" Xander asked me as I came to the edge of the bed and sat down.

"What?" I asked him.

"You are really beautiful and your beauty don't seize to affect me anytime I see you." He said.

"Thanks." I replied not knowing what else to say.

"So, have you stopped blaming yourself now?" He asked me as I nod my head in reply before answering.

"Yeah, but I'm afraid Jayden is going to find out and I don't know how but I just have that feeling." I said.

"Do you know what?" Xander asked as he came to squat in front of me and held my hand.

"What?" I asked not sure where this is going.

"The truth is, I want Jayden to find out." He replied calmly.

"What the hell, what do you mean by that?"I shouted.


Guess we are going to end this here.

I'm sure you weren't expecting that.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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Love you all

Till next chapter

davidson_chinyerecreators' thoughts