

With Jayden Williams out of the country, Emily Styles went for a sleepover and the popular Alexander Blake just had to be there. what will happen if Emily starts getting the attention of her secret crush? will cheating come in,or will her self control remain untouched? If you are looking for a hot, funny and interesting high school romance or teen fiction, you are at the right place.

davidson_chinyere · วัยรุ่น
7 Chs



"I really enjoyed the movie,thanks a lot."I told Xander as we got into the car.

"Do you want to go have more fun?" He asked me smiling and showing how happy he was to be here with me or so I guess.

"No, thank you .

I think I already had enough fun for today and I will really like to do this another time."I  said chuckling.

"Just one more place please."he said pleading.

"Okay, only one more" I agreed as he took me to McDonald and we both had ice cream of any flavor of our choice.

I think I'm gonna be drunk in ice cream.


"Oh God! I'm so so happy Xander and thanks for your company, I really appreciate it and it's been kinda long since I had this kind of fun so it's all thanks to you." I said smiling.

"Nah, I think you got that all wrong because I'm meant to be thanking you and not the other way round. I did not only have fun but I had it with a beauty." He said and that statement alone brought a blush to my cheeks which prompted me to turn away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, I think I'm really tired." "Or just so flattered." My subconsciousness added.

"Today has been a lot."

"Well, I will really love it if you can feel free to tell me about whatever is bothering you." He said shocking me.

Well, I wasn't expecting that.

"Alright but I'm not sure I can tell you everything that is bothering me." I replied looking down at my hands.

"And, why is that?" He asked looking directly at me as he stopped the car.

"Because, no offence but I have a boyfriend and I feel I can tell him about anything that is bothering me.

Besides, that's what I have always done ." I replied picking my finger nail.

"I don't see the problem there and it's obvious he is not around for the mean time so there is no harm in letting me in." He replied taking my hand but I truly didn't feel right about what he just said.

"What do you mean?" I asked slightly raising my voice.

"Don't overthink this dear, I'm not trying to take his place." He said and I wonder why I grew angry with his statement.

"Well, you won't have to because he is coming back on Friday.

So, can we please not bring this up again?" I asked.

I honestly don't even know why I'm angry.

"Okay, if you say so." He replied with a pained reaction as he continues driving.

As we got to the house, I murmured "thanks." to him then I came out of the car and headed to the door.

"Emily wait,why are you walking so fast?" He asked me as I came to a stop.

"I'm not walking fast." I grumbled as I held my waist.

"I'm really sorry for what I said earlier, It seems to have changed your mood. I promise it won't repeat itself."he said and his apology made me feel kind of guilty.

I had a fun day because of him.

"It's alright,you didn't offend me.

I think I just need to rest,it's been a long day." I replied with a soft smile.

"Alright, goodnight." He said as we both entered into the house and I headed to my room.

  As I got to the room, I saw Smith siting on one of the beds.

"Hey." I said with a smile as I hugged him.

"Hi, I seem to have lost my friend.

When was the last time we even spoke?" He asked me.

"Well, you have been busy with Kelly lately and I have also been busy with my own stuff so, I won't blame anyone." I replied as I sat down on the same bed with him.

"I guess I can say you are right about that.so where have you been?" He said giving me a knowing smile.

"We just went to the cinema." I replied  as I removed the band from my hair.

"We,you and who?" He asked his voice showing me he already knows who.

"Xander." I replied turning away from him.

"Wow, you guys are really hitting it off." He said which prompted me to blush and I'm so happy my hair is in the view so he can't notice I'm a red tomato right now.

We chatted for a while then my yawn came which showed I was tired .

"You seem really tired,you need your bed." He said laughing before he told me goodnight and went to his room.

I changed my clothes, took a quick shower and went to bed.

It's been a really really long day but I was interrupted by the loud volume of my ring tone.

I looked at the caller ID and it was Jayden.

"Hey baby." He said and I'm very sure he is smiling right now.

"Hi." I replied smiling too.

"So, how is it going and what are you up to?" He asked.

"Just finished taking a shower." I replied not adding the fact that I was about to sleep before he called.

" So, you are naked right now?" He asked which made me laugh.

"Ofcourse not, you creep." I replied as I tucked myself into the blanket.

"So the sleep over is ending tomorrow night,right?" He asked me.

"Not really,today is Monday and it's ending on Wednesday." I replied.

"Alright."he replied.

"Hope you are having fun over there." I said as I spread my hair on the pillow.

"Yeah, I'm having fun but it would have been better if you were here." He said.

"Awwwwn,my baby sure misses me." I teased.

"Ofcourse I do." He replied with a sad tone.

"I miss you too." I replied as I exhaled.

"Oh! I'm flattered." He replied in a ladylike voice  which made me laugh.

"You seem really tired and I will let you rest even though I really want to talk to you,Goodnight love.

And most importantly ,I Love you." He said.

"Goodnight too and I love you more" I replied before he ended the call.

Almost closing my eyes, Steph came into the room.

I was wondering where she has been since I came back.

"Hey Steph." I said as I waved at her from the bed but she seems lost and I don't think she even heard me so I called her name again but louder this time.

"Umm.. Emily, hi." She replied with a faint smile.

"What's wrong? You look lost." I asked her concerned.

"Nothing really,Just thinking about home." She replied and I sat up no longer feeling sleepy.

I guess the interruptions had their effects.

I stood up in my black short and black singlet which I later covered with a black hoodie as I put on my strawberries designed fluffy slippers.

"I thought you were having fun here." I said as I picked up my phone from the night stand.

"Yeah,but I kind of miss home already." She replied.

"Don't worry, we will soon get back.

In about two days we will be back home and don't forget you can always leave whenever you want.

But I don't think you should do that, let's do something fun together tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, Emm." she replied as her face brightened with a smile.

"I need to step out for a short time,hope you are going to be okay alone and won't miss me too much." I replied with a smile as I left the room.

"Alright." She replied laughing.


Coming down from the stairs, I saw a text from Xander asking me to come downstairs that they are grilling beef.

I came down from the stairs still scrolling through my phone then I bumped into something quite hard.

No,someone actually and the impact caused my phone to fall but as I bent down to pick it up, someone picked it before I could.

"Let me."Austin said as he picked up the phone.

Thankfully, the phone was proofed.

"Sorry,my bad but I don't think it's broken." He said as he gave the phone to me.

"Don't worry about it,we are both at fault here since I was also distracted." I said as I was about to leave.

"Emily," he called.

"I believe that's me." I replied with a smile.

"Sorry to bother you but I have been seeing you around." He said looking unsure of what to say next.

"Ofcourse, I was invited for the sleep over."  Obviously.

I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Umm,I know that." He said laughing uncomfortably.

"You are heading for the grill right?" He asked.

" Sure." I replied.

"Okay I'm heading there too,can we go together?" He asked as a question tugged at my mind but I didn't ponder on it as he was motioning for me to go first.

"Sure, let's go." I replied and he smirked in return.



    As I looked up from my phone, I could see Austin and Emily through the French windows.

I couldn't hear their conversation but I don't know why I felt bothered about their sudden show of friendship.

Was that a smirk Austin just gave Emily?

No, it couldn't be.

I know that smirk too well.

        They came out through the back door so they couldn't see me because I was behind the bushes that ornamented the garden.

Emily looked like she was searching for someone.

I had this unfamiliar hope that I am the one she is searching for.

She looks so hot, black must be her lucky colour because it really highlights her features and skin tone.

I really wish I could yank Austin out of that scene and place myself there beside her.

I continued pressing my phone while they both sat down on the bench.

I couldn't resist so I stood up to go meet her.

She saw me and smiled.

If only she knows what her smile does to my insides.

I smiled back as I got to where they were sitting down.

Austin didn't look too happy about my presence or am I mistaken?

I gave him a soft tap on his shoulder as a sign of greeting.

"I guess I will say thanks for telling me about the grill." She said pointing at the other guys.

"It was really nothing,I thought you would be interested so,why not tell you?" I said smiling.

"Excuse me." Austin said as he stood up and left.

As I took my sit beside Emily, I had this happy feeling within me.

"So, let's go grill some beef. Isn't that why we are here? " She said snapping me out of my thought.

"Ofcourse." I replied as we both stood up and my gaze couldn't stop lingering on her frame.



Do I sense jealousy somewhere?

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Till next chapter.

davidson_chinyerecreators' thoughts