
Slayer of Babylon

A normal person goes to the FT world 400 years before the plot starts. What will he do while he was there, he doesn't remember the plot? ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ My grammar in the first chapters was bad. Until I fix these chapters, this will be here :)

KAABS · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs

The Bet

After almost a day of running, they reached Wrenwall. Shyvana transformed her human form before they went there.

Eric also took his zampaktous from his dimension. 'Better safe than sorry.'

"HALT!" yelled a soldier as soon as they reached the outpost's door. "What bus-," he didn't finish his sentence as he saw the injured man on Eric's shoulder.

His eyes wide opened. "OPEN THE GATE!" he yelled. "Come inside!" he said them.

As soon as they entered, soldiers took the injured soldier from Eric's shoulder and led him to the infirmary.

'They indeed fast,' thought Eric and looked around. He saw plenty of soldiers were looking at Shyvana with awe as they were whispering themselves.

Shyvana was restless for that, but Eric knew that she didn't want to make a ruckus since that made the situation worse.

Eric frustrated. 'What a disappointment,' he thought as

he narrowed his eyes to them. When he was about to speak, he saw a soldier with a different armor coming towards them.

He stood in front of Eric and glanced at Shyvana with disgust before he looked at Eric. "Thanks for saving our King. As the castle commander and as a proud Demacian I sincerely thank you," the now-named castle commander said.

"You were looking at your 'KING'S' savior with disgust just now," Eric said with a cold voice. "You better thank her than me, Demacian," he added.

Commander narrowed his eyes to Eric then turned to Shyvana.

"Thank you for your service for our kingdom," he said flatly he eyed Shyvana. "Do any chance, are you a mage?" he asked with a stern tone to Shyvana.

Shyvana looked at him with angry eyes. "No, I am part of a dragon," she said as she looked directly at the commander's eyes.

After a minute of thinking later, the commander's expression changed. He hummed a little and bowed. "I'm sorry," he said. "I thought you turned out like that after some evil magic or experiment," he said.

'He believed this easily?' Eric thought and looked at Shyvana. She has taken back a little as Eric smirked at her attitude. 'She is not used to this,' he giggled inside of his mind, then he looked at the soldiers to if they agree to their so-called commander.

'As I thought,' he murmured. Their eyes looking at Shyvana with awe. "Well, not everyone agrees with you, eh, Commander?" Eric said sarcastically as he looked at the soldiers who surrounded them.

Commander glanced his soldiers, and they lowered their heads, the commander's authority was an unquestionable law.

After they lowered their head, commander sneered. He looked at his guests with respect. "May I ask how did you find our king?" asked Commander. His behavior changed dramatically. Shyvana was not used to this behavior from others.

Since she was not used to this attitude, she twitched a little. Her usual serious and tetchily expression to strangers changed to a confusing look. "W-we-," She didn't finish her sentence as Eric put his hands on her shoulder. Shyvana looked at him, and after a minute later, she sighed.

"May I?" Eric asked her as she nodded.

"I am sorry, she is not used to this as you can see," Eric said as he looked at soldiers with a fury. "Now, how can we find? We were training in the woods. We have a goal to kill a certain dragon who destroys the people, armies, towns," Eric said as he took a deep breath. "You see, her name is Yvva. Not too much time before, I guess about three weeks before, she attacked Piltover. We aimed to kill her for what she has done," Eric said with a serious expression. "So, we were training in the woods. I heard Shyvana was running towards me. When she came, I saw your king was carried by her. I bandaged his wounds, but I couldn't heal his fatal wounds, so we came here," Eric said.

"Understood," said Commander and turned his face to some soldiers. "Prepare two rooms for our guests, they need to rest," he ordered them. "I hope you don't mind. I assume you guys should be tired," he said with a smile.

"We don't want to be a burden," countered Eric, but the commander said with a stern voice. "NONSENSE!" he yelled. "You saved our king, this is at least one of the things we must do," he added.

'I guess one day won't be bad,' Eric thought and looked at Shyvana. "What do you think?" he asked with a smile.

"One day off should be okay," she said with a smile.

"Alright, one day it is."


~Nex day, morning~


"ERIC!" yelled Shyvana.

"Irene~," Eric murmured in his blanked.


"ERIC WAKE UP!" she yelled again.

"Irene, please~ 5 more minutes~" Eric murmured again, then he heard a voice.


Suddenly, his room's door sent flying towards the wall as it shattered. Shyvana looked at Eric's half-opened eyes with a deadly glare.

She laid her hands on his chin and grabbed it, pulled his head upward. "Eric," Shyvana said with a scary smile. "I am trying to wake to fuck you up for a goddamn thirty minutes," she added. "What should I do to you as a punishment?"

Eric smiled. 'Yeah, a pity you can't bear to do things to me,' he giggled inside his head. "Oh, sorry, Shy. I was having a good dream," Eric said with a smile.

Shyvana sneered. "Whatever," she said as she released Eric. "Let's go, the king wants to meet us," she said.

"Oh, he waked up with those wounds?" asked Eric.

"No, he died so his spirit wants to meet us," Shyvana said sarcastically as she looked at Eric.

Eric laughed a little. "Alright, let's go," he said, and they started to walk.

They went to the garrison's cantine. Eric saw a tall, muscular man. His entire body was bandaged, but he seemed fine enough to eat and laugh with soldiers.

"Ah, you must be my saviors," said the king. "Maybe you know me, but allow me to introduce myself. I am Jarvan IV. Current King of the Demacia," he said with a smile. "May I know yours?"

'I hate demacia,' thought Eric with a sigh. "I am Eric," he said flatly. "And I am Shyvana," she said respectfully.

"I see," said Jarvan with a smile then his smile turned to a serious expression. "I will want to have a friendly conversation with my saviors, but," he said, and his expression began to change. "I heard we have the same goal," he said seriously. "My mission was also to defeat that dragon, but sudden Noxus ambush and jungle beast injured me," he said as he stretched his wounds.

Eric looked uninterested. 'If you knew I am a mage, I bet you will attack me already, even with those wounds,' he thought inside his mind.

Meanwhile, Shyvana looked at him with a frown. "Why did you want to kill her? You, mortals, do not capable to do such a thing," she said.



"YOU LITTLE FREA-," the last one sent flying from Eric's fist before he couldn't even finish his sentence.

Some of the soldiers bewildered. Eric was fast, but he didn't use his full speed, yet he was able to punch a soldier who was inside of the large group an instant.

"You lots," Eric said with an ice chilling voice. "Behave you mounts or I will be sure they will never open again," he said as he pressured them with his killing intent.

Veteran soldiers were sweating little, and rookies' legs started to shake. "If you can't even handle a simple truth, you should just quit," he said as he walked back to Shyvana.


Jarvan made a fake cough as Eric turned his head to him. "I am sorry for my soldiers' behavior," he said with a bow. "But please let me ask a thing," he said with a frown.

"You shouldn't bow a random person, Demacia King," said Eric with an uninterested tone. "You should be an example of why people have to follow you. Apologizing is okay to a certain extent, but bowing to a random person is not," he said. "Even if they are your savior," he added. He turned his head to the soldiers again.

"So, what were you going to ask?" said Eric flatly.

"I can understand her fighting," Jarvan said as he looked at Shyvana. "But, aren't you also human? If we can't do it, you shouldn't as well," he said with a stern voice. He was pissed because of Eric's behavior.

"I am stronger," he said without hesitation. "Much stronger then you," he added.

"I am pretty sure, this isn't the case," Jarvan countered.

"I will fight with you know to prove this, but we will leave today," Eric said flatly again.

'I am not interested,' his message was clear.

"I may be injured, but tomorrow my general is coming here," said Jarvan sternly. "Let's see, how about a bet?" he said suddenly.

"What's with that suddenly?" asked Eric with a raised eyebrow.

"We are going to hunt that dragon," said Jarvan seriously.

"So, I sent a message to the capital for reinforcements," he added. "Currently, my general Garen is coming here. If we win, you have to apologize for your behavior," he said.

A grin formed Eric's smile. "Amusing," he said. "But, what did I gain if I win?" he asked with an amusing voice.

"What do you want?" asked Jarvan.

'Hmm... what was its name?' thought Eric with a thinking pose.

"Your walls," said Eric with a grin.

"Walls?" bewildered Jarvan. "I don't think you want our walls or land from demacia. Do you want petricite?" he said.

(Petricite is an antimagic material that basically raw material of Demacia Walls. Also, Galio made with Petricite as well.)

"Yes," said Eric amusingly. "As much as possible," he added.

Jarvan started to think as he looked at him. "I will consider this with one more condition," he said suddenly.

Shyvana's eyes narrowed, but Eric found that amusing. "Oh, do tell," he said with a smile.

"I want you two to serve Demacia," Jarvan said. "If we win, of course," he added.

Eric laughed a little as he looked at Jarvan's seriousness.

"We are clearly disadvantaged ones here," said Eric with a smile as Shyvana's hand started to blaze.

Eric saw Shyvana was furious. 'She is easy to anger, really,' he thought with a smile and put his hand to her shoulder. "Relax," he said with a soft smile. "Let me handle it," he continued as Shyvana's flame burned out.

Eric then looked at Jarvan. He was looking at him with a serious expression, but his eyes were glancing at Shyvana betweenwhiles. 'He really wants Shyvana as his soldier,' thought Eric.

After thinking a while he decided. "So be it," he said aloud. "I will fight with Crownguard," he continued with a sadistic grin.

"It's been a while since I fight seriously," he said as he drew Indra. He looked at his reflection from Indra and his sadistic grin turned mad one.

"I am really itching for a fight, so before the dragon, it will be a good warmup," he said. 'I will eventually leave here anyway, and Shy was a demacia soldier in the story. It should be okay,' he thought and started to walk away.

"I'll be in my room. When Crownguard came, knock the door," he said.


Knock Knock

"Come in," said Eric as he saw Shyvana was there with a confusing look on her face.

"Why did you accept the bet? we would walk away," she said.

'Because I will leave here and you,' thought Eric with a sad chuckle. "Trust me on this, it will be alright," he said with a soft smile. "I know it's been only three weeks, and I do not give you too much reason to trust me, bu-," Eric couldn't finish his sentence as Shyvana shook him from his shoulders.

"Nonsense!" she yelled. "Y-you were here when I had nobody left. You bear my attitude, help me to learn how to control my flames, you were there when I cried from sadness and grief," she said. Her eyes were watery, and his voice was hoarse. "You will be with me when we fight with her too," she added as her head fell on Eric's chest as she made a bone crashing hug to him. "While I am only giving you a burden," she said again.

'That Demacian wanted this because he wanted me,' that was what she wanted to tell.

'Please, don't be like that...' Eric thought. 'You are making my job harder,' he added as he hugged back. "Ahahah, it hurts, Shy," he said with a chuckle as he was caressing her light purple hair.

'I guess I have to tell her,' he sighed as he looked at her.

He saw the teenage girl who is abused, tortured, blamed, humiliated, and his words stuck at his throat.

'I am an asshole,' he thought. 'But if I tell her this later, it will be worse,' he added and took a deep breath. He looked directly at her yellow eyes.

"Shy, I want to tell you something."





The meat is done √

Visiting relatives √

Talking and arguing shitty internet company √

Decide the next chapter is the last chapter in Runetera √

Decide to beat Garen √

Woah, this feast of sacrifices is a hard one. But I am HOMEEE NOOOWWW!!


2K people collected this novel already? Oh, god. What will happen if I didn't have to work :O

Either way, thank you all of you! I'll try to write something good for 2K!

Did I say I hate Demacia? Well, you know now.