
Slayer Fūjin

Daily chapters! Luis Tramontana, your ordinary teenage boy, just wants to live a normal life. But Luis’ plans are interrupted when a demon attacks his family, and Luis is roped into becoming a professional demon slayer in order to protect the ones he loves.

Palewhale · แอคชั่น
221 Chs

Rescue, Part 3

I then hear a howl and look back towards the stage. I see a flash of white hurtling towards King, as a flute begins playing in the background. The white flash charges towards King, but he stops it with ease, and the white flash finds itself next to me in the grass.

"AH!" I scream as I jump away from the white figure. It's a snarling white hound with large dripping fangs and fiery eyes. It has strong legs and a vicious bark. It's...a white wolf? The wolf howls then takes off towards King yet again, but is stopped yet again. The wolf...it seems to be an ally. The Cursed Ability of a fellow Pro Slayer?

This setback doesn't stop me. Grover's wormholes appear before Jamie and I again, and we recharge into battle. Grover teleports Jamie and I onto stage as we ready our respective attacks again. Meanwhile, the white wolf charges King as Austin fires off another sniper rifle bullet his way. Another golden arrows streaks towards King as well. Grover teleports onto the stage and joins in the fray.

Six attacks all flying King's way…

We can do this!

King smirks as he peers around, observing all of the chaos. "You think that throwing many attacks at me at one time is enough to stop me?!" He booms. King raises his scepter into the air, before slamming it back down onto the ground. "BLACK PRISM: TIME MANIPULATION!" He booms.

"Luis, here!" Grover shouts, and a wormhole opens up in front of me, which I hop inside. When I exit the wormhole, I find myself standing exactly where I was before, except this time, Jamie was teleporting back into the pews, the wolf was teleported back to the grass, Grover was teleported back to his building, and Austin's bullet and the golden arrow have disappeared as well.

"What?! How did you avoid my Black Prism?!" King booms. "That boy in green …he created a wormhole to a different point in space, teleporting you out of the range of my Black Prism?!"

"I don't know what kind'a freaky space-time abilities you and Grover have, but they ain't stopping me!" I roar. "NICK, MIKEY, I'M SAVING YOU BOTH!"

In a fit of rage, I charge King. I bring my katana up as I wrap my wind around it, using the attack that I first used in the Slayer Exams, my extra-powerful wind sword.

"WIND CONTROL: SKY GOD'S KATANA!" I roar as I slash my giant wind blade down towards King.

"Black Prism!" King desperately cries, attempting to send me away, but it doesn't work. My body, it moves on its own, and for a split second, I swear I can see the veins on my arms glow blue. My wind, it feels like…it cut through King's space alteration defense, my wind sword dissipating as I do so.

And then…for the first time in a while, the voice of my second wind reaches out to me. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT SAVING THEM, JUST DESTROY THAT MAN!"

"RAHHH!!!" I let out another roar as I drop to the ground besides King. I then chamber my non-katana wielding hand and launch it outwards, punching King straight in the face and causing blood to squirt from his nose. King stumbles backwards as he clutches his broken nose, clearly in shock.

The audience gasps as King's four black-robed subjects and the women in the dress ruhs to his side. "KING!" The cry, as they circle around King, forming a barrier around him. Five pairs of eyes glare at me intently, with the desire to kill. I can feel five bloodlust-filled Cursed Power Bursts activate, but by activating my own Cursed Power Burst, I'm able to restrain their emotions, just a little.

Through King's shield of flesh, I can see him gingerly touch the bloody flesh wound on his stomach, then hold his bloody fingers up to his eyes to see, his bright crimson blood glistening under the setting sun. King says nothing for a moment, but then, an unsettlingly wide, creepily ecstatic smile spreads across King's face, one so wide that even his eyes squint in glee.

"Twenty long years, no…maybe more…" King whispers to himself, still staring at his bloody fingers intensely.

"King, are you alright?!" The woman in the dress cries. King doesn't answer. Instead, he simply looks up, fixing his creepy, gleeful smile on me.

"In over twenty years, you, boy, are the first one to not only draw my blood, but to so much as touch me without my allowance," King says, his normally loud, booming voice replaced by his regular speaking tone. "What is your name?"

I'm silent for a moment, staring at King in confusion, but then, I know what to do. I stand up and aim the itp of my katana at King, causing all five of his guards to flinch in anticipation.

I take a deep breath in…then out.

"I'm here to save my captured comrades!" I shout. "And my name…you can call me Slayer Fūjin!"

King smiles at me. "This battle is now far more interesting," he says, before slamming his scepter back into the ground. "BLACK PRISM: ADVENT OF THE DEMON KING!" King booms. I try to summon that power that I used earlier, the one I used to slash straight through King's attack, but it doesn't work. Instead, in the blink of an eye, I find myself kneeling at King's feet, with what I can only describe to be the force of gravity itself weighing me down. Besides me, are the rest of my squad, an unbound Nick and Mikey included, as well as three Pro Slayers that I don't recognize, and the wolf.

How did he find all of us?

"Luckily, my subjects found all of the Pro Slayers so I could use my Cursed Ability, Black Prism, to round you all up," King explains, as if he had read my mind. King then turns to face his subjects. "Queen, Clover, Diamond, Spade, Heart. You five stay here and deal with the Pro Slayers. Joker, you retreat. Kill them," King orders, causing me to gulp.

"Yes, my King!" Joker cackles.

"But what will you do, my King?" The woman I'm assuming to be Queen asks.

King smirks. "Why do I think I keep you around, my subjects? To be my shield, my spear. Preserving the life of the King should always be your number one goal. I'm retreating," King answers. And with the slam of his scepter again, King (alongside the person I'm assuming to be Joker) disappears.

What an ass, treating a hot woman that way. I'd never dare to do such a thing.

"Evacuate, the sermon is canceled! He will reveal our new location shortly!" Queen calls to the audience, who screams and shatters, rushing away from the church. Queen then turns to face us. "Let's go!" She orders.

And then…the Cards of the King charge.

Queen begins crackling her fingers as two coffins appear beside her. Threads of cursed Power extend from Queens fingers and latch onto the two corpses (One hand per corpse, a Cursed Power thread per finger, for each limb and the head) from the coffins, which begin to stand up, like puppets.

"Yajiri, Shizen, Ōkami! We'll take Queen, she seems to be the strongest! Let Hachi's squad deal with the rest!" The unknown Pro Slayer with the camera orders.

"Right, Renzu!" The Pro Slayers whom I'm assuming to be her squad booms before following after her. The wolf howls in agreement.

"So that leaves us with them…" I say as I turn to face Clover, Diamond, Spade, and Heart.

"Naw, that leaves you with them," Nick says as he gets into a running position, his entire body crackling with electricity. "I'm going after King. He's too strong for you six, you'll stay here," Nick orders, before turning and peering over his shoulder at us. "Thank you for saving me," Nick smiles.

"Don't let the Bumblebee go after King, get him!" Diamond booms. The four then attempt to restrain Nick with a blast of Cursed Power, sinkholes, and flying hands, but Nick's too fast. The electricity around Nick's entire body intensifies, before Nick takes off zooming after King, and all we can see of Nick is a flash of yellow and black.

"Your opponent is us!" Clover then shouts as he reaches for the sake of metal rods against his back, tossing it into the air. Clover's iron poles land in various locations in the ground, with caution tape attaching each of them together, forming a circular arena around Clover, Diamond, Ella, and Austin.

"Once you enter my Arena of Caution, you'll never escape!" Clover booms. "Alive, at least!"

Ella shrieks in fear.

"Grover, teleport us out of here!" Austin orders.

"I'm a little tied up at the moment!" Grover shouts as he uses his wormholes to fend off flying-hand attacks from Spade, as well as Cursed Power Emissions from Heart, Jamie as well.

"It looks like we've found our opponents!" Jamie cries.

"What the Hell what the Hell what the Hell…" I mutter over and over in shock, but my ramblings are interrupted when Mikey grapes my shoulder and roughly shakes me from side to side.

"Yo, Luis," he says.

"Yeah?" I ask as I turn to face Mikey.

"Everyone here already has their opponents, they're fine. "Let's go join Nick," Mikey replies.

"WHAT?!" I cry.

"We both want to become strong. If we want to do that, we need to prove ourselves in battle with the strongest against the strongest. If we want to become strong, then we can't keep letting Nick roder us around! Let's go!" Mikey then turns around and takes off after Nick, but I don't budge. "You coming?" Mikey asks as he pauses and turns to face me. "I'm going whether or not you come."

"I…I'm scared," I stammar. "Fighting alongside Nick and against King…I don't think I'm ready for that."

Mikey sighs. Mikey then turns around so that his back is facing me, and I swear I can see a bit of a blush creep across his face. "I'm only saying this once, so listen up! Thank you for saving me! I'd be dead if it wasn't for you!" Mikey shouts, causing my eyes to widen. "But don't get used to it!" MIkey then continues as he spins around and points towards me. "I'm gonna become strong, stronger than someone like you can never even dream of becoming! So strong that you won't even have the right to rescue me! As it stands right now, I'm pissed off that I let such a coward like you save me!" Mikey shouts. "So…COME ON AND FIGHT ALONGSIDE ME AND NICK, OR I'LL KILL MYSELF FROM EMBARASSMENT!!!"

My eyes widen even further, before squinting into a smile. "Alright, let's go!" I reply.

Mikey smirks back, before turning around again. "Just try ta' keep up!" Mikey cackles as he aims his dual pistols behind him which begin to spew flames. Mikey then takes off running after Nick, using his exhaust to increase his speed.

"That's my line!" I smirk back as I wrap my wind around my ankles then summon tailwind behind me, increasing my speed before taking off after Mikey as well.