
Betrayal and Sufferings!

{Scroll up if you haven't read the prologue}

My name is Satoshi Rei; I live in a one bhk flat at the center of the busiest city, Tokyo. I am an otaku, a hikikomori and a useless piece of trash who does nothing but watching TV or anime.

Five years ago my parents died in a car accident and left me a house and a shop as an inheritance.

Since I wasn't going to live in their house or take over their business, I let both the places for rent. Money coming from the rent of the house and the shop are more than enough to let me live a quality life.

I have little to no friends to hang out with or to have a chat with. The only person I consider as a friend recently seemed to avoid me.

Let me recall the incident why I left the social life and turned into a Hikikomori.

I was considered an above normal kid at the start of my high school years. With good looks and decent academic performances, my high school life seemed to go well with a lot of friends and a cute girlfriend.

But that changed after an Exchange Student from Europe came in. He had blonde hair, good looking than me and also had come from a rich background. He was better than me in every aspect.

After his arrival, my girlfriend was getting closer to him that she was to me. She stopped eating Lunch with me and used him as an excuse. She rarely hung out with me while she was busy showing him the city. She only shows interests in chats, if it was a topic about Europe or about the exchange student.

I was getting fed up by this. But I didn't show that outside. I hoped that everything would return to normal after the exchange student return to his country.

But one day, for a change I went with my friends to the terrace to have lunch. And there I found the Exchange student was sexually harassing my girlfriend. He was groping her bosoms with one hand and other inside her dress.

I watched her tear-filled eyes and lost my cool. In anger, I went near him and pushed him to the ground and started punching him on his face. My friends started cheering for me. But my girlfriend didn't come to my side, rather push me off and helped the exchange student to get up. I was totally pissed off and dumped her before my friends and walked away.

But I didn't know the ashamed Exchange Student in anger would try to push me off from behind. Thankfully a lucky shout from my friend made me dodge a second before his hands touch my back.

But none there thought for a second that the Exchange student would slip from his own force and jump off from the terrace of the building and ultimately die.

His death caused a big sensation across entire Japan since it involves the political relationship between the two countries. The government wanted to punish me as soon as possible to soothe the tensions between both countries. I was terrified and scared but I believed my friends would save me as they witnessed the truth.

But I truly didn't expect that day would scar me for my entire life. Every single one including my Ex-girlfriend told police that I pushed the Exchange student off the terrace and killed him. They called me a murderer in front of my face. I shouted why did they do this to me, but they showed a cold shoulder and a mocking eye from my ex-girlfriend. The time stopped before my eyes.

Soon I was badged as a murderer in the media, my parents felt ashamed of me and disowned me in front of the whole media. I saw my whole world falling out, and tried many times to kill myself in my time in detaining cell. But failed to get the courage to do so.

But luck didn't give up on me. There was a big construction going on near the school, and at that time a Surveying Engineer was surveying the land using a Mavis Drone. It accidentally recorded the entire scene happening on the terrace. It clearly showed what transpired on the terrace that day.

The kind-hearted engineer gave the video to the media and the police. I was judged not guilty by the court and was released. When the police asked my friends and Ex-girlfriend why they gave a false statement against me, they replied that they were threatened by the Exchange students family and had no choice but to lie. Since they were minor, they were not charged and released by the court. I found there is no justice in this world.

I saw my parents waiting outside the police station with teary eyes, but I couldn't forgive them for what they did. I left the spot saying very harsh things to them. I filed a lawsuit against the family that set up me up and also against the media for destroying my image and for psychological damages. But since I was a minor, the government only allocated me a house and a monthly basis payment for me. And ever since I lived off from that.

But now am I here after 28 years in the hospital with my eyes covered. I hear the voice of a female nurse gossiping with the other nurse; they seemed to laugh and giggle in between. It feels like their source of gossips was me.

Soon the voice of the senior doctor echoed.

"Mr. Satoshi Rei, can you hear me?" I nodded, and he continued, "I am sorry to reveal it to you that you have lost the vision in your both eyes. The nerves attached to the brain is overly damaged, so there isn't an option for eyes transplantation. So sadly you have to live your life as a blind person."

Before he can continue, I passed out in shock.

"Mr. Satoshi, Satoshi... Quick take him to the emergency ward!" the senior doctor urged the nurse.

When I woke up, the doctor said the reason for my loss in vision was due to overindulgence in masturbation.

It was like a bomb set off on my head. I couldn't hear what the doctor was saying. Why me? Why? was the thought going on inside my mind. What am I going to do now? How can I watch anime? How can I cook food? Without eyes I cannot do anything! What did I do in my life to deserve this punishment?

My mind was in chaos and rage. Hate and Rage flooded my mind,

I hate the doctor who couldn't save me,

I hate the nurse who finds amusement in my suffering,

I hate my friends and girlfriend for betraying me,

I hate my parents for leaving me when I needed them most,

I hate the people who called me a murderer,

I hate God for making my life miserable, I hate everything.

"I hate everything!"

Hate overwhelmed my mind as I jumped through the window of the fourth floor of the hospital building. With my head first, to the ground, I had a quick death.