
★DARK MAGIC .......★


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 27❣️28


Avia just dropped my dinner and left. I walk over to the tray of food and take a seat.

I take a spoon of the delicious looking stew . As I swallow it, I get a faint whiff of black magic.

I examined the stew and noticed some pellets inside the soup. I froze the stew and broke it into pieces.

I stand up to go to the kitchen to find out who dared to poison my food. Suddenly I feel an overwhelming power and my mind feels numb.

I feel like I am no longer in my body. I feel like my subconscious has been pushed to the back of my mind.

I wonder around and it seems like I am trapped in a maze. I try to find my way out but every turn I take proves futile.

I come across a little boy. He was squatting with his face buried in between his crossed arms resting on his knees.

I walk towards him and held his shoulder. What's wrong?, I asked and he raised his head. It's a younger version of myself

You have to protect her, don't let her die, he says to me with teary eyes yet his words held a sense of firmness.

I suddenly hear a voice. It seemed faint yet very clear. Please... Darren... snap out of it

I hear Avia's voice and I could feel my heart tighten. I follow her voice and managed to get out of the maze. I see a little girl by the end of the maze.

Save me Darren, she says with tears in her eyes. She runs towards the end of the maze and I run after her. As I walked through the opening, I suddenly regained control of my body.

I felt dizzy but I quickly stabilized myself. I looked forward and my heartbeat doubled.

Avia was covered with frost and her body had turned pale blue. She laid lifelessly on the floor, blood dripping from her nostrils... Did I do this?


I had planted the pellets inside the soup Avia served to the Ice lord. I sit down on a table and eat the leftovers from the kitchen.

The chicken doesn't taste as good as it used to. I suddenly don't have appetite for anything. Why am I feeling so guilty?

I have done bad things in the past to keep myself alive. I should be happy that I was able to complete my mission... Darren is in no way related to me. He can die for all I care but... Avia

I put the pellets for Darren, it shouldn't affect Avia in anyway right? But if he dies then the blame will be on Avia. I should take her with me when I escape tonight, she doesn't deserve to take the blame for any of this.

She trusted me and took care of me. I can't remember the last time someone has treated me with such care. The least I could do is help her escape.

I walk out of the kitchen and head stealthily towards her room. I felt someone was coming out of her room so I jumped up to the ceiling and hid in a shadowy corner, suppressing my energy.

It was Darren! And he was holding Avia in his arms. Her face was completely pale and her body was covered with frost.

I could feel the pellets energy coming from Darren. Does that mean the pellets weren't meant to kill him... I can't understand anything. I know Maleficent has hated Darren for a long time but Avia??

She looks lifeless and I can't feel her energy. What have I done?


Darren summoned me so late in the night and he asked me to bring Nightingale.

Nightingale is one of the most powerful oracles and a spellcaster. She has served the royal family for years now. She was supposed to meet with Darren tomorrow but he sounded urgent.

I walk towards his chambers with Nightingale beside me. As I walked in, I see Avia laying on his bed and her condition was very bad.

What happened? I asked Darren but he immediately turned to Nightingale who appeared in front of Avia. She blew a flame out her mouth and it rested on Avia's chest and soon it engulfed her body yet it did not consume her.

Nightingale turned towards Darren who was looking perplexed. I walk over to him and hold his shoulder.

Darren, talk to us... What happened to Avia and what is this weird energy I'm getting from you?

Someone messed with my food and once I ingested it, I lost control of my body. Once I regained control, I saw Avia in this state... I think I'm responsible, he muttered.

Nightingale stepped forward and placed her hand on Darren's chest

It's dark magic! I can feel the pellets energy, it's still inside you and it's still active. You need to get rid of it or you could have another episode. This time it was the slave, next time it could be the whole palace and even neighbouring villages.

How will we get rid of it? I ask and she opened her eyes which were initially closed.

He can get rid of it with the venom of a black widow spider but it is dangerous. If he can't control his energy and the venom finds it's way to his core, it will feed on it like a leech and he will completely lose control and go on a rampage until his energy burns out, she said.

It's too dangerous, isn't there another way? I ask and she turns her head from left to right, it meant No.

She hasn't come around yet, is she going to be fine?, Darren asks Nightingale.

This flame will help to warm her up, Your powers are very strong so it might take some time, Nightingale said.


Avia's condition doesn't seem to be improving.

I can use my fire powers to warm her up, I said but Nightingale blocked my path. You cannot use your powers until the pellets are removed from your body.

Your powers will only be absorbed by the pellets and it'll make it harder for you to keep control of your body, she says and I sigh.

I'll make preparations for the venom, stay calm and try to suppress your energy, Nightingale says and bows her head slightly before vanishing.

Summon everyone to the ballroom! I order and Calix walks out to do just that.

I sit next to Avia, I feel a sharp pain in my chest anytime I see her hurt. It feels like I've failed when I owe her nothing. She is no one to me, yet I feel like she's everything.

That little girl in my dreams appeared again in my head... and what was my younger self talking about? Who am I meant to protect?

It can't be Avia... can it? But I've never met her before now. How is it that I feel a connection with her? My head is throbbing and my mind is in shambles. I don't understand anything.

I need to first address the matter at hand. Who would dare to poison my food? And why is it that I only attacked Avia? I could have gone to Anaya's room or the guards at the entrance of the floor. It can't be a coincidence, I can feel it. Someone here wishes bad for me and his or her plans are connected to Avia.

I'll find out who did this and when I do, I won't have mercy!


Darren finally joins us in the ballroom. Everyone has anxiously waiting for him. We want to know why he summoned everyone.

He makes all the servants and guards stand in lines. He begins to go round from person to person.

Someone here wishes bad for me. Someone here had the audacity to put dark magic in my food, he scrawled

Everyone begins to murmur between themselves.

Who dared to tamper with Darren's food?

Your majesty, If I may... The lynx was in charge of making your dinner and she served it as well, one of the maidens said with her head bowed.

Yes your majesty, I saw her preparing the food along with her friend, if anyone tampered with it, it can only be her, the other maiden replied.

They both look alike , they must be twins. I've never actually liked the way these maidens look at Darren but today they are in my good books.

I've been looking for an opportunity to slander her name and have her thrown out of this palace

Where is Avia anyways? If I'm not mistaken then everyone was summoned here. Is she too mighty to obey you Darren? I ask but I received no response.

Where is this friend of Avia's? Darren asks and all the servants began to look at one another.

He isn't present here, one of the guards says.

Who is this friend of hers? Calix asks.

He is a new comer. Avia recommended him to me and I allowed him to work here. I don't know why but it just felt like I had no other choice but to accept, Derek speaks up.


Someone has infiltrated the palace walls. I want him found at the earliest and I want him brought to me alive, understood! Darren growls and the response was as expected.

Darren walks out of the room followed by Calix. Derek followed shortly after.

Why does Avia have to be at the center of every drama that goes on in this palace? I ask and Lauren sighs.

I could sense some weird energy coming from Darren, I don't think he told us everything, she says and walks after Darren.

Where is Avia and why isn't Darren questioning her? I have to find out.


You have done well, I say to Alvin, through the magic mirror.

Everything is going according to plan. The only way to get rid of my dark magic is the venom of the black widow spider.

If Darren uses this method, he will be vulnerable to attack. If he fails to control his energy, he will go on a crazy rampage.

Whatever the outcome, it will be in my favor.


Yes my queen, he answers with his head bowed.

Prepare the ghouls, we are going to pay Darren a little visit soon