
★ QUEEN ELIZA......★


( melting his icy heart....)

Chapter 39❣️40



The intruder who poisoned your food must have fled from the palace walls your majesty

It would be more difficult to track him among the people, I said to Darren as we walked into the palace.

Maleficent is finally making a move and I cannot wait till she attacks again. Finding that intruder would give me an opportunity to find out her hiding place, he said, his hands behind his back as he took slow strides.

I think we may need to involve Avia, I said and he halted. Hmmm, he mumbled a response after a moment silence.

As we walked in, I noticed that some of the maids were avoiding Darren and acting jumpy.

Darren seems to have noticed it. He stopped for a while and creased his brows.

He called one of the guards, where is Avia? He asked and the guard kept mute.

Darren started freezing his legs, My lord, please spare me. I do not know where she is, he replied. Darren stopped and melted the ice. The poor guard took in a huge breath, he is very lucky.

Gather all the maidens and palace guards to the throne room immediately, Darren ordered and immediately all workers nearby hurried to deliver his message.

In less than five minutes, everyone was lined up in the huge throne room and Darren was sitted on his throne staring down at them.

Princess Lauren and lady Anaya came as well

Darren stood up and strutted slowly towards the guards and maidens lined up... What is going on in his mind?


Something is wrong, I can't sense Avia's energy in the palace and everyone is behaving suspiciously.

I will get to the bottom of this now.

I walk around all of them and my eyes caught a maiden with an injured arm. Avia's scent is all over her and some other maids.

You, I looked in her direction and she raised her head. Tell me what happened here in my absence, I said and I watched her shaking on her spot.

Nothing important your majesty... I don't know about anything, she muttered sweating profusely.

Interesting... The one thing I despise... Lies


Darren's eyes turned blue and immediately the maiden was frozen into an ice sculpture, her last breath escaping from her icy lips. Everyone's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets and I was not left behind.

You tell me what happened,he said to a guard beside her, SPEAK!

The guard in question walked up with hands folded in front of him.

Your majesty, there was a ruckus in the kitchen this morning. The maidens ganged up to beat Avia because... because...

Because what! Darren half yelled

Because you slept with her, Lauren said walking up to Darren. You slept with her in her room, you placed a target on her back. Why then are you creating a scene? Because her? Lauren said boldly, walking up to Darren.

All those who laid their hands on Avia should step out before the count of two, Darren seethed, ignoring Lauren's remark.

Before he could even start counting, about twelve maidens came forward and knelt down before him with their foreheads on the floor.

Please forgive our foolishness your majesty, they all pleaded.

Raise your heads ! He commanded and they quickly did as they were told.

Where is Avia? He asked with a calm but intimidating voice.

They all began looking at each other. It seems like no one knows her whereabouts.

I'm starting to get worried because the last time I saw Avia was with Lauren.

Darren, stop this madness. She probably ran away because she was feeling ashamed, Lauren said and this seemed to have angered Darren.

Tell me where she is Lauren, Darren said all of a sudden.

How should I know where she is? Lauren scoffed, looking at Darren in the eyes.

You've always been good at lying and playing pretend, Darren said and a smirk cropped on his face but I could see the anger in his eyes.

Darren used his powers to pull one of the guards close to him holding him by the neck. You are looking awfully suspicious, are you hiding something from me? Darren said with a sinister smile on his face, one could tell he was not amused at all.

He looked like he was losing it and he could erupt at any slight provocation.

Your majesty, I... I saw Avia leaving in a carriage with a stranger, he muttered, tears rolling down his cheeks as Darren's put more pressure on his neck, choking the life out of him.

How did a stranger's carriage enter the palace walls!, Darren seethed still holding his neck, his eyes burning with rage.

We were...given orders to... let him in, the guard muttered slowly

And who might that person be? He asked again and the guard mouthed... Lauren

Darren released him and the guard fell on the floor gasping for air, his entire face was red and he was drenched in sweat.

Darren turned to Lauren but she didn't seem fazed by it. She stared him in the eyes... And so what if I did, she is nothing but a slave and you are a king. Do not stoop so low Darren just for a mere slave, Lauren said boldly.

Darren's aura changed into a dangerous one and a powerful force sent Lauren crashing into the royal seats.

Ahhhh, Lauren winced in pain. Lauren! I exclaimed, rushing to her side.


I felt something wet on my head. I touched it a throbbing pain followed. My fingers were stained with my own blood.

Darren walked up to me, Don't forget that I'm the king. You will treat me with the due respect and you will stay within your limits.

Just because you are my sister doesn't give you the right to meddle in my affairs, Darren said and turned to Anaya who was beside me.

Get her wounds treated, he said and turned away.

All those who assaulted Avia should be whipped fifty times and made to stand on blocks of ice till the ice melts, Darren said and I saw the fear and regret in their eyes.

They wouldn't dare to ask for leniency least their tongues are frozen off.

Darren walked out and Calix with the help of the guards led the maidens to face their punishment.

He turned to look at me. A look of disappointment evident on his face. He walked out and immediately everyone else dispersed.

I could hear them mumbling among themselves. I have been humiliated and downgraded all because of a slave. I won't forgive you Darren. I hope Avia suffers wherever she is


This carriage is very comfy and cozy but yet I'm uncomfortable. I looked outside the window and I noticed that the winds are blowing fiercely.

Galvin was sitting beside me, he occupied most of the seat but I could still scoot a distance from him.

Another carriage rode in front while one rode behind us.

He brought out a bottle of liquor and poured into two tumblers.

He handed one over to me, Drink my dear, he said running his fingers on my exposed shoulders. Those maids really put me in a fix by ripping my dress.

I tried to shift back but there was nowhere to go. Come on dear, loosen up and have a drink, he said.

Thanks but I don't want to drink now, I said as politely as I could but he took offense and his eyes turned completely black.

Drink now! He growled and I collected the drink from him. Good girl, he said placing his hand on my laps.

I placed the cup on my lips but he forced it down my throat at once.

I coughed profusely trying to catch my breath. See , that wasn't so bad, he said and his eyes returned to normal.

His hands drew my dress up a bit and his hands were now on my thighs.

What are you doing? I asked getting really pissed off. I tried my best to be polite because I was sold to him, he is now my master but I won't let anyone misbehave with me.

I pushed his hands off but he only laughed. Get used to my touch because very soon, no part will be hidden from me again.

I bought you specifically to fulfill my desires. I can't wait to roam in between those pretty thighs of yours, he said with a lustful look almost stripping me naked with his eyes.

Suddenly I felt very dizzy and lightheaded. I held my head with both hands as I was losing my balance.

He grabbed my hands and kissed them. I struck him across his face but it felt like I just rubbed his cheek.

My claws weren't coming out and fear gripped me. What... what did you do to me? I mutter trying to stabilize my blurry vision.

He came closer and caged me in between his arms one of his legs between my thighs.

I tried to push him away but my limbs felt weak.

He leaned in to kiss me when the carriage came to a sudden halt. What is going on there, why did we stop! He screamed out.

Someone is blocking the road! Someone shouted from outside. Get rid of them now! Galvin shouted and turned his attention to me.

I don't understand anything again, where am I?

He brought his hand forward and pulled down the hand of my dress... Let me go... I mumbled.

Suddenly the side carriage was ripped open and I fell out and into someone's arms... Darren.


She doesn't look okay, she smells of liquor. I look at the troll sitting in the carriage. He dared to lay his hand on her.

How dare you? I'll have you beaten to a pulp. He screamed and turned to his guards.

Kindly Hi mescanamezu on 08029974047 to be added on story land

I noticed all the colour drained from his face. That's to be expected after I turned his men and his carriage into icicles.

Beads of sweat formed on his face as it dawned on him. Your majesty, he mumbled and bowed his head.

What brings you here, what would prompt you to grace me with your presence? He asked.

You made a grave mistake, you dared to touch her. He looked up at me and clasped both his hands together.

Please forgive me my lord, I had no idea she was so important to you. Please pardon me, he pleaded.

I set his clothes on fire as well as his carriage and watched him running haphazardly around trying to remove the clothes.

Soon he was without clothing and burn marks were on his skin. You are quite a lucky fellow, I'm not in a bloodthirsty mood today, I said before carrying Avia away.

I placed her on my horse and mounted it as well. Her hands gripped my robe tightly. She looked up at me. Her eyes were half-open and she had a smile on her face. She's totally drunk.

Darren... Sorry I meant... your majesty, How dare you? You put me in this situation and now come to save me... Ha!

Do.. you.. think I'm going to thank you, infact put me down, she mumbled and got down from the horse almost falling but I used my powers to steady her.

Don't help me! I can do it on my own, I can escape on my own... and* hiccup * I can do it on my own, she mumbled and started walking towards the forest.

I use my powers and pull her back to me, I placed a soft kiss on her lips.

I disengaged and the look on her face is priceless. Her hands are on her mouth and she's looking at me with eyes wide open.

She tried to talk but I placed my index finger on her lips. Shhhh, no more. Let's head back okay, I promise everything will be fine.

She pecked me on my cheek and placed her head on my chest. This crazy woman, one moment she's upset and the next she's cuddling with me, cute!

As the horse moved forward, the wind blowing gently, I heard her mumble something

"Mom ... Dad... "She mumbled and held my robe tightly.

Was she having a nightmare?

She then mutters something that made me shocked... "Queen Eliza"

How does she know my mother's name?