


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 3❣️ 4

Avia's POV

What rotten luck has the heavens bestowed upon me. I look around in the carriage I am currently in. It seems quite unique. It wasn't pulled by horses, it rode on its own.

My hands are currently tied up with chains and I'm crushed between two ghouls. Is she really a lynx? I heard one of them ask the other. Her sexy curves and cat eyes are a give in, the other replied.

She looks so sweet, I wonder how she tastes in the middle, he said eyeing me with lustful eyes. Don't worry, she is now a slave and once she is in the cell, we can get to find out, the other replied and cackled.

I try my best to put on a brave face. I don't want anyone to see me as an easy target. I cannot give up on my goal, never!

It was quite a long journey back, taking a whole day. We arrived at night but this palace was glowing even in the moonlight.

We drove into the palace. It was times three the size of King Barney's castle. I was dragged out of the carriage and they pulled me along.

The entire residents of this palace were lined up side by side in welcome of their ruler.

I was just behind the phoenix man and the ice lord was in front of us.

I was constantly pushed to walk faster and it hurts. I try my best to keep a straight face as eyes bore holes in my body.

There were a few people waiting at the front. By their looks and dressing, they didn't seem like ordinary workers.

Welcome back brother, I hope your journey was pleasant? The beautiful young lady greeted. By the looks of it, she must be the ice lord's sister.

There were was also a man standing behind her. By the looks of it, he seems to be a werewolf. He has a muscular physique and tanned skin. His eyes narrowed my down and I quickly looked away.

I thought you just went for a friendly meet, why did you bring back a captive Darren, the werewolf asked nonchalantly.

It seems like everyone has noticed my presence and are trying to figure out what's going on.

Take her to the guest room on the top floor, the ice lord ordered and two human maids walked over to me and pulled me away.


If there's anything I dislike, it's unnecessary questions, I say to Derek. He has always found ways to annoy me. He likes to misuse the privilege of being my cousin to his full advantage. If it had been someone else, I would have turned him into an ice sculpture.

I notice that everyone else is also wondering but I hate explaining myself. Besides, Calix can handle that for me. I need a drink, even I don't know why I brought this lady here , there's something special about her, maybe it's because she's a lynx. Either way I'll find out.


As usual, Darren leaves all the work to me. Who knows why I agreed to be his right hand man. Lauren walks up to me with questions just waiting to burst out.

Lord Darren brought her here as a slave for disrespecting his presence by trying to flee from King Barney's castle while he arrived, I say to her, even though I don't really know the reason, I just have to say something to calm down the situation.

Derek scoffs loudly and walks away. I know he wouldn't believe me. He is always looking for trouble. I hope he doesn't get into another fight with Darren because of this.


Calix's explanation doesn't go down well. If my brother felt disrespected, he would have iced her bones and crushed her. Why bring her to the palace and keep her on the same floor as himself?

I excuse myself and head up to where she is.

I approach the door and walk in, the maids standing outside the door. She is currently curled up in a corner. Her hands are chained and she looks pitiful. Such a beautiful girl had to be entangled with my brother of all people* sigh *

I walk up to her and squat beside her. What is your name? I ask... Avia, she replies with her gaze fixed on the floor.

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Are you hungry? Or do you need anything?. No thank you your majesty. Your kindness is more than enough consolation, she say respectfully.

I got up to my feet and smile lightly. Since he placed her in this room, she must be special. I like her aura, it's calming and quiet fierce as well. She is quite the interesting creature I must say.

I walk out and order some maids to give her food and water, it's the least I could do.



After a while of silence, peaceful loneliness, the temperature dropped drastically and I heard footsteps walking slowly towards the room.

I scooted back to the wall and clasped my hands together. That aura belonged to only one person.... Bam! He opened the door and shut it behind him.

His cold eyes ravage my body, I feel so scared and uneasy. I was wondering how I was still alive after what I did. Was it finally time for my punishment?

I bow my head respectfully but no matter how hard I tried, words weren't coming out. Stand! He said and I quickly stood up, my gaze still down.

You have insulted me, you know that right? No one has ever dared to lay a finger on me and lived to see another day but here you are, he said in a sarcastic tone.

I have decided to bestow upon you a slow and painful punishment, I want you to wake up everyday wishing that you had stayed put in your little corner and not crossed my path. You will become my slave, my pet and a means of passing time and pleasing myself and I am not an easy person to please, he smirked and held up my chin.

I could feel anger building up inside me. How dare he call me a pet! I yelled in my head.


She looks at me with her cat eyes... she's glaring at me!! The audacity! It seems I got a real wild cat and it needs to be tamed. I could feel my lips curve into a smirk, torturing and breaking someone's spirit is my most favorite hobby.

I grab her and pin her to the wall, I could feel her body tighten and she seems to be holding herself back from attacking me. Her eyes are getting darker by the minute. I'm enjoying this very much


I notice the mischievous grin on his thin lips. I don't know about anything else but I could just cross my limits if he dared to cross he's. Have I lost my mind? I already strikes him once and got this sort of punishment, what would happen to me if I defy him again... But it's hard to control my anger, I feel like tearing that smile off his face.

He suddenly leans in and kisses me !!!


Her lips taste like honey and I couldn't help but take it deeper. I forcefully push my tongue in. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my tongue... She bit my tongue... how dare she? I bite her back, tit for tat.

Our bloods mixed together in our mouths and I felt a weird sensation.... maybe it's because she's a lynx, my energy core is in a frenzy. She's too bold, she needs to be taught a lesson.


You dare to bite your master?? I need to teach you what happens when you disrespect me, he growled and immediately I feel my legs freezing up.

My legs are being swallowed up in a thick layer of ice. It keeps climbing up until my body is trapped in ice. Only my neck up is not covered with ice.

It's freezing cold, Please my lord... forgive me. I was insolent, have mercy.. please, I beg profusely, my teeth chattering because of the cold.

He smirks , a look of mockery and pleasure on his face. My begging seems to be fanning his huge ego. How can he smile while I suffer?. He doesn't spare me another glance and walks away..... what have I gotten myself into!


I walk into my room. It's just a walk away from hers. My actions towards this girl shocks me. I kissed her and she bit me! The audacity!! She deserves this punishment. I don't care even if she dies from the cold.

I feel my fire core flaring up, my eyes turn yellow and my breath is laced with ashes. What's going on?

It would probably calm down if I get some rest. I lay down on my bed and use my powers to shut all the windows.

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I can no longer feel my bones. My limbs have gone numb. I can tell that my whole body must have turned pale. Is this how I die....no I can't die now. I've gone through a lot to stay alive despite my difficult life... Why did I have to die in the hands of such a man? It would have been better if I fell off the ledge and died. I don't think I can stay for much longer.

I suddenly feel a warm sensation in my body. With the little strength I have, I struggle with all my might. Luckily the ice shattered into pieces. I felt my body fall heavily on the floor before I blackout....