
★ NEW RAY OF HOPE......★


( melting his icy heart...

Chapter 21❣️22


I could have easily fought back but the energy seemed oddly familiar and I didn't feel threatened.

It stopped after we had gone quite a distance into the bushes. As I guessed, it was the cloaked creature.

He slowly removed his cloak and his face came to view. You aren't screaming or trying to get away from me??? He asked with arched brows.

I didn't have an answer. How did you get out of the dark cell? I asked, ignoring his earlier question.

You have no idea who I am, and I escaped from the dark cell were monsters are kept, yet you act so nonchalantly, you are a bold one aren't you, he says.

Should I scream or raise an alarm? Well my curiosity is peaked. I have so many questions and I need answers, I say trying to get him to answer me.

His eyes turn green and returns back to it's black color. As if on instinct, my eyes turned yellow and back to it's normal color.

I watch him carefully. He seems as curious and fascinated about this, just like me. He seemed to be around my age so I spoke without honorifics. My name is Avia, what's yours?

Alvin, he replies and I feel a rush of deja Vu. Strange.

I could feel someone's energy and it was approaching us. I turned around and saw Derek.

What are you doing here? He asked.

Well... I was... I said turning back but Alvin was nowhere in sight.

Who are you looking for? Was someone here? Derek asks me and I quickly turn around and feigned a smile.

It's nothing...why did you come out by this time? I ask trying to change the subject.

I'm a werewolf! We are night creatures Avia, He says and I bit my lower lip subconsciously.

He was right! What are stupid question to ask? I thought.

Since we both love the night sky, why don't we take a stroll around the palace? He asked and I nodded in affirmation.


Avia's skin seemed to be glistening under the moonlight, it's silver rays dancing on her eyelids. I enjoy her company. She is the only one who is capable of making me smile in this cold palace.

I am an outcast in my own home. I am at war with my father. It's all because of Darren, yet I live in the same walls with him. How ironic!

Even though he is the cause, this palace is the only safe place to be, away from my dad. I know he has chosen to let me be just because I stay in this palace.

Every day was torture to my soul... Not until Avia showed up. I always feel good when I'm around her. I regret the fact that she's Darren's slave, I just hope that she remains on my side and away from Darren.

As we moved even further, eyes set to the skies, a dreadful sight greeted our eyes.


I almost screamed my lungs out at the sight before me. The two guards who tried to rape me were hung up on a tree by chains tied on their necks.

Their hands were cut off, their eyes were gouged out and their members were chopped off.

Their naked bloody bodies hung lifelessly on a branch. They were covered with flies and bloodsucking pests. Did Darren do this to them?

My hands found their way to my mouth to prevent the gasp from escaping from my lips. This man is truly dreadful.


I walk over to my favorite spot and glance down at the garden area. It was cold, void of beautiful flowers, covered with thorns and vines hanging from thick tall tree branches, it was quite a beautiful sight... Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I admire the work of art hanging on the tree branch. Those two worthless guards... Well they aren't so worthless after all, their bodies have provided food to pests and a pleasure for my eyes.

I chopped off their hands, the same hands they used to touch her, I gouged out their eyes, the same eyes they used to look at her with evil intent and I cut off their members, the same they planned on using to defile her body.

I always pay back my enemies in full, it wouldn't be wise to cross my path.

It might seem to some people as a cruel overextended punishment but I see it as not leaving anything behind.

The thought of the ghouls running rampant in my kingdom is quite a blow to my face. I need to get to the bottom of this and maybe... No certainly I will settle the score with Maleficent.


I walked out of my room and glance over at Darren's door. Last night's scene made me realize just how dreadful the punishment is for anyone in his bad books.

I must really be lucky to have gotten away with striking him and speaking to him disrespectfully. Who knows what would have happened to me otherwise.

I slowly walk down to the kitchen and I met two sinister eyes glaring at me.

Marina and Salina, two sea serpents. They are very sly, devilish and they seem to love tormenting me but I try to stay away from them. I guess today is going to start on a sour note.

Such insolence to look us in the eyes. Even though we have been taken in as maidens in this palace, we are still of noble blood and you will lower your gaze when you speak to us, do you understand!! Marina seethes and I lower my gaze.

Nothing good can come from a confrontation with these two. I have been at the center of drama going on in this palace and I don't want anymore problems.

Vines are growing on the palace walls. I want you to cut them off take them to be incinerated, and I want it done by the end of the day, Salina says in a commanding tone.

What have I done to deserve such a punishment disguised as work. I nod my head slightly and I could hear them scoff as they walked away.

As I look up at the walls of the palace exteriors, I feel even more despondent. The vines are thick and grew up to the top of the palace walls.

Even though I can climb and balance, those ledges doesn't give much room for movement and I'm not particularly strong. It will take extra energy to cut through those vines with a tool.

I decide to use my claws and cat reflexes to complete the task. I jump up to the nearest ledge and in one swipe, I cut through the vines like straw. This would make good practice.

As I reach up to the uppermost tower, I sense a familiar energy. Suddenly a hand pops out of the window and pulls me in. It's Alvin.

Where did you go last night? I asked and he sat down on the little straw bed he made for himself, or so I thought.

You ask stupid questions, he says and relaxed his back on the wall. I can't let anyone see me because I'm a fugitive, it's just common sense, he says and rolls his eyes at me.

How rude! I should have turned you in over to the guards, It was my mistake, I scoffed.

I'm starving! He says, completely indifferent to my remark. What do you mean you are hungry? I asked with arched brows and arms crossed under my breasts.

It means that I need food. Bring me food. He says and I hear his stomach grumble. He could be a lot nicer when speaking to me.

And why should I? I scoffed and he supersped right to my face. Because I'm your brother!

I mean I'm like your brother. I haven't seen another lynx like myself in years. I'm sure it's the same for you. You should treat me well, who knows, we may be the last of our kind, he says and returns back to his position.

I like meat so keep that in mind, he says again. I can't with this brat. But I somehow feel obliged to help him out. I know I'll get into trouble for hiding a criminal but... He is a new ray of hope that I'm not alone in this world.

I see the fear he is trying to mask with his blunt replies and remarks. I wonder what he did that he ended up in the dark cell. He seems so young and immature. Like a cat backed into a corner.

My heart reaches out to him and I choose to take the risk of helping him out. I quickly round up a section of the palace and enter the kitchen through the window by the side.

I stealthily move around, picking up as much leftovers as I could. I grabbed a table cloth from the side. It could serve as a blanket for the cold nights.

As I make to climb out threw the window, a stern voice stops me in my tracks and I gulped down nothing.

Where are you going?