
★ JUST A DREAM......★


( melting his icy heart)

Chapter 29❣️30


I'm standing in a huge bedroom. It was white and gold coloured giving it a majestic look.

A brown haired lady was braiding a little girl's hair. They are the same as the people I saw in the book on the library shelf.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but they looked happy. A noble man came in and hugged the little girl, carrying her in his arms.

A young boy about the same age as the little girl ran in as well and embraced the mother, holding her legs tightly as she was taller than him.

The lady picked up the little boy and they all walked out of the room. I followed them quietly from behind.

As they passed, all others bowed their heads respectfully signifying that they held a high position.

They arrived in front of a huge door made of ivory and emeralds. It was at this point I noticed the palace, the crown on their heads, they were royals.

I moved closer and stood beside the maids. Attention! King Malone, Queen Eliza and the little prince grace us with their presence! Someone announced from behind the door and immediately it opened revealing another set of noble people.

A red haired man who I presume is King Malone and a white haired lady, Queen Eliza stood. Their entourage of maids and guards stood behind them.

A little boy poked his head from behind the queen's gown. He had black hair unlike his parents although his blue eyes matched that of his mother.

He walked beside his mom and she held his hand as they approached the little girl and her parents.

King Bradley and Queen Malina, King Malone said and King Bradley sighed.

No need for formalities my friend, give me a hug, He said and pulled King Malone into an embrace.

The queen's exchanged pleasantries like they were long time friends. The little boy with cat eyes came down from his mother's arms and ran off, probably got tired of the women's endless chatter.

The little girl and the little prince stared at each other curiously. Kids, why don't you go play outside, Queen Eliza said and signalled the maids who took the kids to the garden.

I followed them closely. Let's play hide and seek, the little girl said with a cute smile on her face.

No, I don't want to play that, the little prince said and crossed his arms. The little girl scoffed and walked to her dolls lying on the grass.

She sat down and began playing with it. The little prince saw how much fun she was having and it seemed like he was bored.

He walked towards her and grabbed the doll from her hands.

Hey! Give that back, the little girl said pouting her little pink lips.

The prince held it beyond her reach. No I don't want to, he said and they began fighting for possession of the doll. One pulled the head while the other had a firm grip on the doll's legs.

Due to the force, the doll snapped into two. You broke my doll ! The little girl screamed furiously but the prince had an indifferent look.

I'm a prince! I can do whatever I want, You should have just given me the toy, then none of this would have happened. It's all your fault wild cat! The little prince said.

The little princess lunged at the prince and bit his hand really hard. I could see the blood on her teeth and his injured arm. Ahhhh how dare you! The little prince yelped in pain.

The young boy bit her back probably twice as hard and she screamed out in pain. Blood seeped out of both their wounds.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, like I was drowning.

Suddenly I jolted up from the bed. It was just a dream. I was sweating profusely. I held my chest trying to catch my breath.

Are you alright?


I noticed her wriggling on the bed. Her body seems to have regained some life but she didn't seem well.

Her eyelids twitched at some point. Was she having a nightmare? I walked towards her and suddenly she jolts up.

Are you alright, I ask her and I noticed how she shifts back. The fear is evident in her eyes and for the first time, I'm not pleased.

Calix walks in, Nightingale is ready! He says. Stay in this room! I say to Avia before walking away with Calix.

As I make my way to the ball room, Anaya and Lauren stop me halfway.

What is really going on Darren? Why is Nightingale here, Lauren asks but I have no time or strength to explain.

I walk past them and head to the ball room.


I know Darren is my brother but sometimes he really gets on my nerves. I turn to Calix but he turns his gaze away from me.

I can't ignore the dark energy I feel around Darren. It sends shivers down my spine. I know it has something to do with Nightingale's arrival but what about the food poisoning and Avia.

I want answers and I want them now!

I walk towards the ball room and Anaya followed beside me.

As I enter, the sight before me is so creepy. An enchantment circle was drawn in the middle of the room with red candles at six points round the circle.

As the windows were shut, one could not notice the crack of dawn as no single ray of sunlight was able to pass into this room.

Darren stood in the middle of the circle, his hands were chained and Nightingale was at the side casting spells that seemed to make the circle glow an ominous blue.

I couldn't ask any questions, this seems to be really important. I pull Anaya away as I noticed her curiosity getting the better of her.

Derek walks into the ballroom but Calix is nowhere in sight.

I pull Anaya with me to my room.


Maleficent has ordered me to mix something in the soldiers food and water. From the looks of it, she's planning to come here and I don't think it's going to be a friendly visit.

I walked over to Darren's room and meet Avia sitting on his bed playing with her fingers.

I walk towards her and pulled her to her feet. Come with me! Let's escape, she said

She removes her hand from mine and slaps me across my face.

How could you betray me? She questioned. Why did you do this? Why ?

I look at her in awe, how did she know that I'm responsible?

So I was right! I wasn't sure if it was you earlier but now there is no doubt in my mind that you poisoned Darren.

You are responsible for my condition. First you betrayed me, now you want to implicate me by asking me to flee, I won't go anywhere! She half yelled.

Don't be stupid! There's going to be an attack here, do you want to die? I yelled back and immediately I regretted it.

What do you mean by" attack " she asks scrunching her eye brows.

It's nothing! Are you coming with me or not? I ask and she steps back.

Fine! Die for all I care, fool!