
★ CONNECTION ......★


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 41❣️42


The ghoul rampage is getting a lot more aggravated. I had to head to the southern borders.

Immediately I entered the palace walls, I noticed the deplorable atmosphere. It was so thick that I could slice through it.

What's going on? I asked a palace guard.

He began narrating and I was dumbfounded at the scene that happened in my short absence.

I refuse to believe the fact that Avia slept with Darren. He could have forced himself on her because he is her master.

It's all because of him that Avia was treated unfairly. I'm worried about Avia. What if something goes wrong.

I need to go and look for her myself. I turned towards the entrance and suddenly the large gate opened revealing Darren on his horse with Avia in his arms.

Her head is on his chest and her hands tightly grip his robes... It's becoming evident that there is no place for me in Avia's heart. At least not when Darren is around.

Heartbreaking* sigh *


Lauren is currently getting her wounds treated.

What Darren did was not right. How could he push his sister for a slave? I walked towards the window for a little fresh air.

My gaze fell on Darren, who was carrying Avia in his arms. I could feel my heart sinking in my chest, why is Darren doing this?

I rushed down the stairs, holding my dress up to give me room to run faster.

I reached him just by the hallway. I spread my hands beside me blocking his way as I gasped for air.

Darren... I muttered unable to find the right words.

Avia held his robes tightly, snuggling closer to him. Her hands touching his bare chest at intervals.

I tried to pull her away from him but Darren pushed me back with his powers, although it wasn't a strong force, it really hurts my ego.

Don't lay a finger on her Anaya, I'm not in a mood for your tantrums right now so I suggest you respect yourself, he said and walked away to his room with Avia in his arms.

I looked up and noticed Derek, he too was watching this. He turned around and walked away.

The chilly breeze swept through the hallway. I don't know what else to do, a slave has successfully snatched Darren away from me* cries *


Your evilness, I said. My head bowed, my left knee in front with my hand laying on it, like a knight being given a position by the queen.

Too bad it wasn't a queen but a shedevil.

I need you to go back to the palace and bring that lynx to me! She seethed

I raised my head up to face her. Why do you want her? I asked and immediately she grabbed me by the neck.

Since when have you began questioning my orders, she seethed, squeezing the life out of me.

My queen... Please pardon my insolence, I said and her grip loosened.

Suddenly, to my dismay, her face started sagging and wrinkles were appearing on her face.

Her arms had bags under them, she was aging rapidly. No, my beautiful face! She exclaimed holding her wrinkled face.

She turned swiftly and grabbed hold of me, I need another life, she said, her voice cracked and hoarse.

I knew what was coming, she will once again drain my life force to keep herself young and agile.

She transformed into her true form, A huge black spider about the size of two grown men. I tried to run away but I was held in place by a strong force.

I couldn't even beg for mercy because it would be futile. She sank her long fangs into the side of my neck and began sucking my life force.

It hurts like hell! The pain is unbearable and I feel weaker and weaker by the second.

She kept on it till I lost all feeling in my limbs. After she was satisfied, she detached from me and my body fell heavily on the cold floor.

Blood seeped out from my nose and I coughed out clots of blood. My vision is blurry and there is a constant ringing in my ears.

I look up at her and watch her body revitalize. A devilish smirk cropped on her face as she admired herself in the mirror.

I'll give you a week to bring her to me or I'll just have to settle for your heart instead, she said touching her skin like it was gold.

That was the last thing I saw before my vision failed* blackout *


I was standing in a dark void, there seemed to be a corner were a little bit of light shone.

I walked towards it trying to find my way around. Suddenly I hear screams of agony.

Arrrggghhh! Please stop! Ahhhh! The voice sounds so familiar. I walk towards it .

Another dark place appeared and the light shone from above shedding light on someone who was lying helplessly on the floor.

I walked closer to the person, his back was facing my direction so I turned him over.

It was Alvin. He was bleeding from his nose and a bite mark on his neck. His whole body looked pale and almost lifeless.

Alvin, Alvin, I muttered trying to get him to talk to me. Tears rolled down my cheeks and my chest is hurting badly.

Who did this to you? I asked sniffing back my tears.

Suddenly a huge spider like creature twice my height came out of nowhere and lunged at me


How did she know my mother's name? Could someone in the palace have told her? Why am I overthinking this?

Maybe it's the fact that she might be the little girl in my dreams. I want to remember everything. My scattered memories aren't helping matters.

I look towards her, she is currently laying on my bed in slumber. Suddenly she starts turning around restlessly and mumbling some inaudible words.

I held her hand and she jolts up and hugs me tightly, wrapping her arms around my torso. She started crying, her tears wetting my shirt.

I stroke her hair gently trying to calm her down. It's okay, I'm here

After a while, she started calming down and soon I couldn't hear her voice. Are you sleeping? I ask and she shakes her head.

What happened, why are you crying? I asked but she didn't respond. She only tightened her grip on me burying her face in my chest.

What happened to her?