
Slave To The Alpha

Omega Asher's life hasn't been a bed of roses, a fate that he didn't decide to be born with but his Father makes it more difficult for him and after his mother died at the hands of his father he ran away from home, As fate will have it have its way, Asher will be saved by the Head Alpha, Governor Theodore, which didn't have interest for Asher at first, but Asher desperately volunteered to hand over his life for him, pretending to be who he is not, A Beta that he will never be. Governor Theodore saved him for an unknown reason meanwhile Asher felt a bond connection with Theodore and immediately he knew they were fated mates but his life turned out to be what he least expected.

LameRuler · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

No Remorse.


Father's face had no remorse yet he pushed me out the way and carried mother in his arms and walked out of us, as all the tears l had in my eyes ran dry like l had no iota of tears left to cry, my throat was stern and my heart was filled with unquenchable pain, without mother, l don't have a direction to follow, she is the only one l have ever known that looks at me with love in her eyes.

What do l do with my life right now? Am l next? Now that my mother is gone, my life is even more useless. Father will surely sell me out, he has no reason to keep me anymore, without my mother he is not my Father, he said so himself, I'm as good as a walking corpse.

I sat there on the ground holding onto them with my both hands gazing at Father's retreating images, l could feel my blood boiling up to a degree l couldn't comprehend, what do l do?

My eyes drifted back to the fingers that snapped on my face, l breathe in owlishly as the Doctor went lower on his posterior to stay on the same height with me.

"You tricked me into coming to save your Mother with your beautiful face? Now how do you want to pay me?" He said and l quickly rushed to my feet to find my mother's wallet but he held my wrist and pulled me back to the ground.

"How much do you think you can give to me? Whew, don't worry about it, your mother died two hours ago, she died even before you came to me so you don't owe me."

"I'm sorry for your trouble, Doctor, " l whimpered apologetically, bowing my head slightly to the ground.

"Call me Alexander, Alpha Alexander," He said, getting invisible dust off his soaked clothes, and l immediately trembled on my knees, not daring to look at an Alpha like him.

"Here, if you ever visit the 'The Phoenix Zeta Pack, look for me but l will be staying in your Pack for a couple of weeks, " He mumbled waving at me as he shifted into his Wolf and scampered out, l can't believe l just invited an Alpha of one of the biggest Pack into the house, Phoenix Pack is known as the 'Healing Land, where they breed all popular Doctors, nurses, produce poisons and all herbal medications.

I will surely repay him for his little help in the future, "l murmured as l squeezed the gold metallic with a square-like shape with an ancient eagle imprint on it, l dropped it in my pocket as l found my way to my feet, this time my ankle hurt triple of the pain l have been feeling earlier.

I have to run away if l stay one more night in this house l will be as good as dead, Father will surely discard me, l sobbed endlessly as l reached out to Mother's medication box and l found my scent inducer, my eyes slackened at the amount that remained, seven pieces were left in the container, l quietly dropped it in my pocket.

I leapt slowly toward the dining table where l saw Mother's handbag, my hands were about to reach out to it when I heard Father howl out my name which got fidgeting, l have to go now, if he gets a hold of me, he will surely tie me up and l will be waiting for my death.

Tears escaped my eyes as l scampered hurriedly out of the house with the last strength l had in me, the thought that l will never see Mother again broke me into pieces that for a moment I thought l was floating while running at the same my feet were like l stepped on shattered glasses with barefoot. 

I ran towards the East with no direction in mine, the rain was more helpful as it was washing down my tears, my lips were shivering, l could feel how damp l was, l scurried into the woods fervently, l would die in the woods than allow my own Father had me to our wicked leader, a tyrant that is against every Omega breed, Mother and l always believe that we can all live equivalently as one.

I groaned excruciatingly as l tripped and fell down from the old tree root that was stocked on the ground, l crawled helplessly in the mud trying to get to a tree to lean over.

I have never tried shifting into my Wolf right from the night l bloomed, one will immediately know at first sight that I'm an Omega if l ever do and Father prohibited me to do so and l can hear his voice ringing in my head as a command.

My eyes started closing drowsily, the weather became muggier and the downpour became even heavier, l could see my skin turn white from the cold, I'm likely to freeze to death, but if l can get to the East border l might get a chance to leave this Pack for good and l will never return.

 I stood on my feet with determination, l will give it my last shot to get to the border, after all, l didn't know l could survive till this moment with all these pains and miseries, l leapt desperately going deeply into the woods mindlessly, my thought merely on survival as l continued walking ignoring my swollen ankle.

 My legs went soft and stagnant as an arrow punctured my left thighs causing me to droop languidly to the ground, l held on to the arrow refusing to close my eyes as l thought that l might have walked into a trap without knowing but l laid still and didn't flinch as l heard footsteps approaching my direction but I wasn't certain.

I felt a kick on my ribs, this time it was even more painful than the usual one my Father would minister.

" Kill him, he might be a cheap spy, " A sonorous voice yet a mellifluous mellow tone scoffed, he gave a command for me to be killed instead the voice brought comfort and warmth to my heart.

"I don't think he is a spy, Governor, his body is tortured and it's like he is running away from something, " Another voice said in a respectful tone, did l just hear the word Governor? The Head Alpha of our Pack? The Alpha of Night Walker Pack is standing right in front of me.

"Search him and tie his body to the tree since you are too empathic to kill him, I'm not in the mood to play with my subordinate, I'm only in the mood to hunt under the rain." That sweet voice said and l immediately raised my body defiantly to avoid them searching my pocket but my eyes met with the most perfect person l have ever set my eyes on and my heart fluttered at his sight charmingly and l could hear the whimpering of my heart, My mate.