
Slaughterer in Another World

Warning: This novel will depict extreme violence and strong words. There will also be instances of some disturbing scenes that it is recommended not to read this if you are easily offended. Abandon all hope, all ye who enter here. Kogure and his classmates were summoned to another world one day. Just like your typical isekai plot, a king summoned them and yada yada, kill demon lord, blah blah blah and whatever stuff that they want to say. However, there is one big thing that happened that made Kogure unleash the bloodlust that he has been keeping for all these years. Things happened and now, he is standing in front of the demon king's castle. "They think I would want to save this world just because they asked me to? Ha, dream on. Time to begin the conquest and kill everyone who blocks our way. Mercy is only for the weak!"

Kyosei · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

The Birth of the Slaughterer Second Half

Kogure and his classmates have been transported to another world one day and he received a system that allows him to become the hero that the world needed to overcome the threat of the demon lord. However, Kogure is not your typical protagonist, he is just a normal mob without even having the aspiration to become a hero.

However, now that he learned the real face of the facade that the summoners are hiding, he suddenly got the urge to at least do something that most protagonists in isekai have rarely done. Of course, he needed a plan for doing it.

The king before them started talking but Kogure's ears are not even listening to what kind of bullsh*try the king is currently spouting.

"Hey, system. What are your current functions? Do you have anything useful that I can actually use immediately that would immediately benefit me?"

"[Yes. I have plenty of different functions that would shape what kind of hero you wanted to be. Dimensional Training Room, Skill Management, Weapon development, and more! You name it, and I am sure I have it!]" the system immediately boasted about how good the system of the hero is.

Kogure thought about it for a while then he suddenly come up with one of the things that he have thought about.

"Do you have a gacha?"

"[Pardon?]" the system was baffled by what Kogure asked.

"You said earlier that you have everything, then perhaps you have a gacha?"

"[I... yes, I do have it.]"

Kogure grinned after hearing that. However, he immediately shifted the topic.

"Can you explain to me what the Dimensional Training Room is?"

"[Sure! Have you heard of spaces that have a time flow different than usual?]"

"You mean, similar to those rooms that have like "A second in the real world is equivalent to 1 year in that room" or something similar to that?"

"[Precisely! So you do know about it!]"

"Do you mean this dimensional training allows me to train while the time in the real world is flowing slowly?"

"[Yes, yes! You understand it too well!]"

"Alright, let me use it."

"[Huh? Right now? Aren't you going to listen to the king? He is currently giving out a speech about something...]"

"I could care less about his speech. Now, let me use it."

"[Alright then...]"

The system felt the urge to stop the new owner of the hero system but the system has no choice but to abide by the will of the hero and that is all the system can do at the moment. Opening the Dimensional training, the consciousness of Kogure immediately got dragged forcefully to that other dimension.

Kogure clenches his fists after arriving in a white space that seems to be from a digital cyberspace world. Kogure already knows that only his consciousness was dragged into this world and yet he can feel everything like it was his real body being transported to the Dimensional Training. He started punching and kicking in the air, trying out how it feels, and just like how it does in the real world, he also exerted force in the dimensional training room. Kogure can't help to be excited.

As Kogure was testing the feel of the surroundings, a young lady wearing a maid outfit appeared before him.

"[Welcome, Hero Kogure! Since this is your first time here in the Dimensional Training Room, would you like me to explain the basics?]"

Kogure is quick on his mind and immediately knew who this was just based on the voice alone. This girl who is wearing a maid outfit is the system itself. Despite the form of the system being cute and pretty, Kogure knows that this is just a simulated form of the system. A system has no gender, it can either be female or male and perhaps it is now in the female form because he is male. If Kogure happened to be a female, the system would immediately assume the form of the male.

"Just make it quick."

"[Alright. Then to start, you already know the time flow in this place is different than in reality right? One second in the real world is equivalent to a decade here in this space, allowing you to train for so long and become strong in a matter of seconds in the real world.]"

Hearing that, Kogure grinned at the amount of time that will pass for a single second to pass in the real world. It was like things will be really chaotic once he is out. Just from knowing this, Kogure felt it was perfect.

"Alright. Looks like you really are quite a good system. I take back what I said earlier about not accepting you as the system. Knowing that something is gonna happen later on in the real world. I needed the power to do that. I am gonna abuse this exploit."

"[Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention but there is a limit on using the Dimensional Training Room. It was implemented to make sure that the hero doesn't exploit and use this feature to power up. The longer you train in here means the longer you can't use the Dimensional Training room too.]"

Hearing that Kogure frowned. So using this feature is something that he can't keep on exploiting. Once he decided to use it, he needed to think about how long he gonna use it.

"How long do I have to wait to use this place again?"

"If you used the Dimensional Training Room for a span of a decade in this realm while 1 second has passed, You can't use the Dimensional Training Room for 1 month, and that will increase if you extend that decade into another decade."

"Alright, that is good to know. That would allow me to plan how long I will use the Dimensional Training Room. For now, I will use it for a decade. Guide me well, alright?"

"[As the system that guides heroes to fight in another world. it is my duty to supervise in your training.]"

And that time, Kogure trained under the supervision of the system, and a decade already passed by inside the Dimensional Training Room.





Kogure slowly opened his eyes. A second has passed but for him, a decade already passed and all of the training that he has done are engraved on his body. Even though he just trained using his consciousness, all of the results that he has done back in that dimension are already imprinted in his body. He is no longer the same person.

The moment he just returned is also the time the king finished his speech. And this time, he saw the attendants appear with something in their hands.

"We will be conducting Hero compatibility and status check. The girls are the first to conduct this so please step forward to perform the ceremony. The prince himself will be the one to conduct the process.

The prince grinned as the girls came up and went ahead to give the whatever it was.


Before the girls knew it, the prince and his attendants immediately put on something into their necks. They didn't realize it until it was already on their necks.

"Huh?! Why is it a collar?! What is going on?!" one of my gyaru classmates immediately realized what is happening and what is being added to her neck.

That's when the prince has shown his true colors.

"HA! That is what I like about you otherworlders! Easy to deceive!" he grinned and he snapped his fingers causing the collars that were attached to all the girl's necks to electrocute them all and causing them to faint.

The boys especially those who have their girlfriends got collars immediately and got angry.

"You motherf*ckers!"

They quickly rushed towards the prince but the guards immediately punched them. Compared to the guards, my classmates are not even able to defend themselves against them. It was a one-sided fight.

"Bring them to the back, the king will know what to do next with them all."

The attendants then carried every single incapacitated girl towards the back while the other boys are screaming in anger. Kogure knows that they will be doing a very heinous crime and it will be very disastrous indeed. But it was still not the right time. As for the others, they are now scared sh*tless including Jin who was very hopeful about what things will occur, now crying and doesn't know what to do. In fact, out of everyone, Kogure is the only one who isn't affected at all.

"System. Isn't it time for me you to at least give a quest of some sort? These f*ckers are already doing something that should be against the code of a hero."

The system did not take a single thought and issued a quest.

[Rescue your classmates!]

Info: Your classmates are being forced into slavery! It seems things are not even the real deal anymore! Rescue them and reveal yourself to be the hero the world is needed!

Rewards: Beginner Hero Bundle

"Hero bundle? I don't know what that is but since it has a reward, that made me motivated to do this."

The guards started to reveal that they also have the collars that they used on the girls earlier. One of the guards is about to put a collar on Kogure but the guy who spent inside the Dimensional Training room for a decade isn't someone who will just allow himself to be controlled like that.

Before the collar can even attach itself to him, Kogure quickly made a swift duck and sweep his feet toward the guard who was unprepared for what he had just done., falling face first into the ground. Kogure then stepped into the back of the guard to prevent him from standing back up immediately. And as he did that, Kogure noticed the hanging dagger on the belt of the guard. Without hesitation, Kogure grabbed the dagger and pulled it out from its sheath.

"Not bad, but this dagger is not even properly maintained to last long. But this should be enough."

Kogure grinned and before the guard can even do something, Kogure revealed all of his training that day. Pulling out the helmet, the neck of the soldier is revealed underneath the heavy armor. Without wasting a single breath, he twirled the dagger in his hands before stabbing it directly into the guard's nape. He didn't stab it, he ripped the nape of the guard, making sure that the blade of the dagger passes through reaching straight to the jugular vein of the guard, cutting it in which he almost cut off the head of the guard who is still convulsing as the blood rapidly escapes the torn nape.

At that moment, screams erupted all around the place.

"[Mr. Hero! What are you doing?!]"

"What? I am rescuing my classmates just like what you wanted me to do."

"[But I never mentioned for you to kill!]"

"Ha! Only foolish heroes do not kill the bastards who have already corrupted minds. Redemption is already something far from them and they don't deserve it. Villains that needed redemption are only a handful and these guys who are just using a facade are not someone who should be spared."

Kogure started laughing as blood splattered on his body. The guards immediately noticed this and they didn't waste their time attacking him. The Prince didn't expect this development and gritted his teeth as he saw him killing one of the guards.

"Capture him!" the prince ordered.

The guards immediately gathered to block him but they truly underestimated how savage his mind, Kogure is. A single grin from Kogure is a sign that a bloodbath is about to occur.

"Don't you dare run away, YOUR MAJESTY!"

Using the dagger, Kogure easily slit all of the throats of the guards as deep as he can and made sure that they won't survive by cutting the important veins in one single slice. The soldiers and the guards were just like dominoes falling one by one. It was quick and bloody.

Kogure steps on every single corpse of the guards and soldiers with a single grin on his face.

"[You have killed countless people already. Your Hero rating is starting to drop! Please stop this to avoid the consequences of having a low hero rating!]

Despite the warning, Kogure seems to have not heard a single thing. He made his way to the prince. The prince who started to feel the fear grab the nearest guard and used it to block Kogure when the latter charges forward with a dagger in his hands.

"UGH!" the personal guard of the prince immediately died after being stabbed deeply. Kogure tears off the dagger's blade as brutally as he can, tearing off the flesh in one swing.

"Oy, you really think you can get near me?! I am the prince of Callacas! Killing me will-" the prince is still talking but Kogure did not give a sh*t.

"Who cares about that? It's not my fault that this is happening to you. It is your fault for summoning someone like me in another world."

A single grin is all it takes for Kogure to use his dagger to butcher the prince in front of all his subjects.

That day, the greatest villain is born. The person who will slaughter everyone in front of his path. The beginning of the destruction of the other world is now advancing.