
Slaughter The Gods

In a world where power matters the most,evil creatures,demons and even human beings cultivate to possible limits and rise their heads high in pride. The best among the best fight for dominance on the world stage,only the most powerful shall remain standing with honor. The ultimate fighting to slaughter the rising false gods depends on one human being who shall use her life to protect the most precious thing in her entire life

Derrick_Jay · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

chapter 5:Now you attack

Lightening strikes combined with thunderbolt tian power, Wang yan managed to break through the creature's defences, hitting with hard force, forcing it to lose balance.

The creature sighed and exclaimed,"amazing! truly wonderful,this creature can actually tear apart my defense but too bad it can only strike once but not more than that"

Wang yan wondered how the level nine creature knew such a secret.

Wang yan smirked and responded,"ha ha ha ha even though this beast can only attack once but get ready to be charged up by my electricity in a mannerless way.

In the air, ling xue was charging up,loud booms erupted from the sword ling xue was holding,the creature nodded and quickly retorted,"how cunning of you two trying to attack me at the same time,no chance,now I will show you what I can do with my strength "

The atmosphere around the creature changed,a dark aura took control of the air around it,two transparent creatures emerged from the level nine creature body and immediately took shape.

The two creatures still showed signs that they were clones that are made out of magic,their eyes were purely red and gave out a soul piercing aura.

Wen li who was still far from the battle field was shocked by the creature's ability to clone itself into level six rank demons and still remain powerful without wasting even a single unit of spiritual energy.

Ling xue waved her sword in arcs and then gave a precise slash but as the slash was advancing towards the level nine creature that stood in one place like a mountain peak, but was intercepted by one of the clones because of the power gap between ling xue and one of the clones,the clone was sent flying until it hit the ground.

Surprisingly it managed to survive the strike but with a few wounds visible on its heads that it used to block the slash.

The clone stood up and flipped it's wings that resembled that of a bat and began to advance towards ling xue,the clone was followed by the level nine creature that had made itself invisible inorder to avoid being seen by ling xue.

But thanks to Wang yan perfect vision that it had gained from it's guardian pet thunderbolt tian, every thing was visible to Wang yan even though it had made itself invisible.

Noticing the situation Wang yan began to run heading towards the direction of ling xue, Wang yan abruptly stopped, Infront of him was the other clone that was eagerly waiting for him.

The clone surprisingly asked,"Mr Wang yan,you are mine to kill, don't even think of moving another inch.

Wang yan was stunned by the clone's ability to speak and yet it was a simple instrument of spiritual energy,in the clone right arm,a sword materialized and took form .

The blade was familiar to that of a spine,it's edges were separated by gaps of about ten centimeters but still showed signs of sharpness and it's hilt was shaped like a serpent's head with eyes.

As it started to advance,it was blocked by thunderbolt tian,this forced the clone to take a few steps back.in the air, ling xue was in trouble now that she was about to encounter two enemies at the same time, ling xue raised her sword and gave out a terrifying green slash.

The slash was so powerful that it managed to light up the sky with a pure green light as soon as it hit the incoming clone,the explosion managed to spill the beans,the cunning creature that was attacking in secrecy had been exposed