
Slaughter The Gods

In a world where power matters the most,evil creatures,demons and even human beings cultivate to possible limits and rise their heads high in pride. The best among the best fight for dominance on the world stage,only the most powerful shall remain standing with honor. The ultimate fighting to slaughter the rising false gods depends on one human being who shall use her life to protect the most precious thing in her entire life

Derrick_Jay · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

chapter 2:truly monstrous

Swords familiar to the sword ling xue was holding before she let go of the hilt materialized turning into real attack swords.

The beast gave out a deafening roar while laughing and remarked,"do you think,oh my devil such minor skills are being used against me,I am a joke to you or what?"

Once again it gave out a thunderous roar instantly the air around it began to freeze and also did the small swords that were fired at it.

A man exclaimed,"oh no how come this beast has ice attribute.

Ling xue gave a sly grin and laughed back at the beast which was also laughing in pride.

The beast immediately asked,"why are laughing?,I guess you have finally gone mad after your first attack failed ah ah ah ah "

Ling xue responded with haste,"you can say so if you are a fool ,I don't care and if you think that that was my first strike you are mistaken Mr ugly.

Enraged it once again roared but this time in anger .

Ling xue said with confidence,"if you are done roaring,allow me to show you who I am then I will let you scream freely until you die.

The beast responded with agility,"truly you are a stupid woman ,do you think you can kill me ,well I guess you can put a bruise on my body but killing me , truly impossible.

Wang dang interrupted,"I don't blame you for being stupid maybe you have forgotten that I am here and most of all I am a warrior at the peak of level seven .

The beast asserted with confidence,"ha ha ha I haven't forgotten you but I have a strategy,I kill the powerful ones first and then the ants last,so don't worry about your death I will happily send you to your creator God.

Wang dang simply retorted,"is that so ,I am sorry,your strategy won't work this time,green jeaned guy wen li help me out.

The gean jeaned guy was wen li,his arms arms were powerful and defined with muscles that flexed like a living marble,his torse was a testament to his fitness,with every muscle grouped perfectly proportioned and toned,a sprinkling of chest hair added a touch of inasculinity.

His broad shoulder and chest seemed hewn from grantle, athletic waist that spoke of strength and agility but for some reason he was far from the battle field.

The reason wen li stood far away from the battle field was because he was a support type warrior with few attack skills .

Wen li raised his staff,his staff was a wood rich dark brown that seemed to glow with a inner light,the grain was intricate and swirling like patterns of an ancient tree

The length was a smooth warm and polished by touch of countless hands over the years as he grasped the staff,it's weight was solid and comforting like holding a trustworthy companion.

The wood seemed to hum with a quiet energy,a gentle vibration that resonated deep with in his chest.

The tip was adorned with a small crystal it's faces glinting like a tiny staring the light.

When wen li wielded the staff,it felt like extension of his own body ,a natural and effortless extension of his will.the wood seemed to respond to his touch .

Bending and flexing with a subtle, almost perceptible movement.

Wen li body glowed with green light so did Wang Yan's

In that moment it felt like Wang Yan's power was simultaneously increasing as time passed,in Wang Yan's Left hand a hammer letting out some kind of lightning attribute appeared.