
Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Victor's monotonous life abruptly ends when he is violently yanked through a mysterious portal within his beloved video game, plunging him into the treacherous realm of Skyrim. Teaming up with Sarah, a master archer with secrets of her own, they navigate through deadly challenges and unearth forgotten secrets under the guidance of an enigmatic force with questionable intentions. As Victor tries to control his newfound abilities, he is faced with the daunting decision of using them for salvation or destruction. A.I. is used in the making of this book. A.U.

Kuroganne · วิดีโอเกม
27 Chs

Allies and Adversaries

Victor walked through the dimly lit corridors of Castle Volkihar, his steps echoing softly on the stone floor. The battle had left the castle in disarray, with debris scattered everywhere. With Serana attending to other matters, Victor took it upon himself to clear the rubble and salvage anything of value.

He raised his hands, summoning his Enhanced Telekinesis. Objects lifted from the ground, moving aside to clear a path. Broken furniture, shattered stone, and discarded weapons floated gracefully through the air, guided by his precise control. With each sweep of his hands, the castle began to take shape, its grandeur slowly re-emerging from the chaos.

As he worked, Victor activated his Arcane Gatherer spell. A faint glow emanated from his fingertips, scanning the surroundings for hidden treasures. The spell detected valuable items within a radius, drawing them towards him. Gold coins, precious gemstones, and enchanted artifacts appeared from beneath the rubble, floating into his waiting hands. He carefully placed each item into his inventory, his mind already calculating their worth.

"I wonder how much these will fetch with C," he mused aloud, a smirk playing on his lips. The mysterious figure C had proven to be a valuable ally and a reliable source of rare items and information. Victor knew these treasures would be useful in their ongoing quest.

Victor's thoughts drifted to the Soul Cairn, a realm of trapped souls and dark magic. He knew he would need to enter it to find Serana's mother, Valerica, but the prospect of playing with his soul to gain access was unsettling. He recalled the ancient texts and warnings about the dangers of the Soul Cairn, its inhabitants, and the soul-draining effects it could have on mortals.

"I need another way in," he muttered, lifting a fallen tapestry with a flick of his wrist. The intricate fabric floated towards him, revealing a hidden alcove with more treasures. He carefully added them to his collection, his mind racing with possibilities.

One option was to find someone with a natural connection to the Soul Cairn, someone who could guide him through its dangers without sacrificing his soul. But who? He needed someone powerful, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. His thoughts turned to the allies he had made in Skyrim—powerful mages, warriors, and even a few unlikely friends.

"Serana is a given," he thought. Her knowledge of the Soul Cairn and her personal stake in finding her mother made her an obvious choice. Another clear choice was Sarah. Her expertise in stealth and archery, combined with her loyalty and determination, made her an invaluable asset.

Victor considered his options carefully for the remaining spots. "Perhaps Aela the Huntress," he pondered. Her combat skills and resilience would be invaluable. "Or maybe Lydia," he thought, recalling the steadfast Housecarl. "Hadvar could be useful too," Victor mused, thinking about the soldier he had previously sent with Meridia's Beacon to retrieve the sword. Though he hadn't heard back from him yet, Hadvar's combat experience and reliability were undeniable."He should have retrieved it by now," he muttered to himself.

Victor stepped out into the courtyard, the fresh air filling his lungs. The castle, now partially cleared of debris, seemed less foreboding. He decided to take a moment to appreciate the victory they had secured over Harkon, but his mind was already on the next challenge.

Sarah's POV

The morning sun cast a golden hue over the rugged landscape as Sarah Shadow-Walker, Lydia, and Aela the Huntress made their way through the rocky paths leading to High Hrothgar. The call of the Graybeards was an honor and a mystery, one that few were chosen to receive.

Sarah adjusted the bow slung over her shoulder, her eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. The journey had been peaceful so far, but the wilds of Skyrim were unpredictable. Beside her, Lydia's armor clinked softly with each step, while Aela moved with the silent grace of a seasoned hunter.

"We should reach Ivarstead by nightfall," Aela said, her voice steady and confident.

Sarah nodded, grateful for the company of these experienced warriors. Her thoughts drifted to Victor, the enigmatic mage who had jumped in to her life and changed its course in less than a week. His presence was commanding, his abilities extraordinary, and yet, there was a depth to him she had barely begun to understand.

"It's been quite the week, hasn't it?" Lydia said, breaking the silence. Her tone was light, but there was an edge of curiosity in her eyes. "First you fight a Dragon, and now the Graybeards summoning you."

Aela chuckled softly. "And I bet is all thanks to Victor. He's always had a knack for stirring things up."

Sarah glanced at Aela, intrigued. "You knew Victor as a child?"

Aela's eyes softened with nostalgia. "Yes, we grew up together. He was always the curious one, always pushing boundaries and seeking knowledge. Even back then, he was different, destined for something greater."

Lydia nodded in agreement. "He's always been resourceful and determined. As an subordinate of the Jarl, I saw him tackle challenges that would have overwhelmed others. But he always kept his distance, never quite fitting into any single role."

Sarah absorbed their words, piecing together the image of Victor from their shared experiences. "He saved my life," she said quietly. "He appeared out of nowhere, fought off a band of imperials, and then... he just took me under his wing. It felt like destiny."

Aela smiled warmly. "That sounds like him. He's always had a sense of purpose, a drive to protect and help those in need."

"But he's also secretive," Lydia added, her tone thoughtful. "He carries a lot of burdens, many of which he keeps to himself. It's not easy to get close to him."

Sarah nodded, feeling a pang of empathy for the man who had become her unlikely ally. "I've noticed that. He's incredibly powerful, but there's a vulnerability there too, like he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders."

Aela's expression grew serious. "That's why it's important for us to support him. He may be strong, but no one can face everything alone."

As they continued their journey, the conversation shifted to their recent adventures and the challenges they had faced. Sarah learned more about Victor's past exploits, his strategic mind, and the countless times he had proven his worth in the most dire situations.

By mid-afternoon, they reached a narrow mountain path that would lead them to Ivarstead. The air grew colder, and the terrain more treacherous. They moved cautiously, their senses alert for any signs of danger.

"So, what do you think the Graybeards want?" Lydia asked, her breath visible in the chilly air.

Aela shrugged. "It's hard to say. Their motives are often mysterious, but their intentions are usually honorable. We'll find out soon enough."

Sarah's mind wandered back to Victor and the mission ahead. She wondered how he was faring, what plans he was devising, and how their paths would converge once more. The thought of standing by his side in battle filled her with determination and a sense of belonging she hadn't felt in a long time.

As the sun set over the horizon, the trio reached Ivarstead. Sarah could see the small town nestled at the base of the mountain in the distance.

"We'll rest here for the night and continue our journey to High Hrothgar tomorrow," Aela announced.

They found a cozy inn and settled in for the night. As they ate their meals, Sarah couldn't help but think about what awaited her at High Hrothgar. She had heard stories about the Graybeards and their powerful shout, but she didn't know what they wanted with her.

Lydia noticed her pensive expression and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, they won't hurt you. The Graybeards are peaceful beings who only seek to maintain balance in Skyrim."

Sarah nodded, taking comfort in Lydia's words. She finished her meal and retired to her room for some rest before their journey resumed.

The next morning, they set off towards High Hrothgar. The path was steep and treacherous, but Aela's expert guidance made it easier to navigate.

As they approached the gate of High Hrothgar, an old man wearing traditional monk robes greeted them.

"Greetings travelers. I am Arngeir, leader of the Graybeards," he said with a bow.

Sarah bowed in return. "I am Sarah Shadow-Walker."

"We have been expecting you," Arngeir replied cryptically. "Follow me."

He led them through narrow corridors until they reached a large hall where three other robed figures stood waiting.

"These are my fellow Graybeards - Borri, Wulfgar, and Einarth," Arngeir introduced them.

Hadvar's POV

Hadvar adjusted the straps on his backpack, preparing for the journey ahead. His mind was set on reaching Solitude, but Victor's request had added a new layer of responsibility. The mention of necromancers had piqued his concern, yet he felt a strong determination to fulfill the task. Equipped with Victor's enchanted gear, he felt more prepared than ever.

His companion, a refugee from Helgen named Elen, walked beside him. Elen was a young woman, not a warrior, but determined to reach her extended family in Solitude and seek their help. Despite the hardships she had faced, there was a resilience in her eyes that Hadvar admired. Victor had outfitted her in enchanted armor and given her a Staff of Firebolts for protection.

"How are you feeling about this detour?" Hadvar asked, keeping his voice steady to reassure her.

Elen glanced at him, her expression a mix of determination and apprehension. "I trust you, Hadvar. If you think this is important, I'll follow your lead."

They moved swiftly through the forests, the path to Solitude winding ahead of them. Hadvar couldn't shake the memory of Meridia's voice, the divine presence urging him to retrieve Dawnbreaker. The artifact was said to be powerful, capable of vanquishing the undead—a perfect tool against necromancers.

As they approached the location where the necromancers were rumored to hide, Hadvar's senses heightened. The air grew colder, and the trees seemed to close in, casting eerie shadows. He signaled Elen to slow down, both of them moving cautiously.

"There's something off about this place," Hadvar muttered, his hand resting on the hilt of his axe.

Elen nodded, her eyes wide with fear but also a flicker of determination. "What do we do?"

Hadvar tightened his grip on his weapon, his voice firm. "Stay close to me and use the staff if we get overwhelmed. I'll protect you."

The entrance to the necromancer's lair was hidden behind thick underbrush. They pushed through, revealing a dark, foreboding cave. Hadvar took a deep breath, summoning his courage.

"Ready?" he asked, glancing at Elen.

"Yes," she replied, her voice steady despite the fear in her eyes.

They stepped inside, the darkness swallowing them. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and faint whispers echoed through the cavern. Hadvar activated the Ebony Shield of Frost Suppression, feeling its protective magic envelop him.

The first wave of undead came at them without warning. Hadvar moved with precision, his axe cleaving through the attackers. Elen stayed close behind him, her fear palpable but her trust in Hadvar unwavering. The enchanted armor absorbed blows that would have otherwise crippled them, allowing them to push deeper into the lair.

As they progressed, the necromancers' defenses grew stronger. Dark magic crackled through the air, and skeletal minions emerged from hidden alcoves. Hadvar and Elen fought side by side, Hadvar's axe slicing through bone and Elen's staff unleashing bolts of fire that illuminated the cave's dark recesses.

A powerful necromancer stepped forward, chanting an incantation that filled the air with a palpable sense of dread. Shadows coalesced around him, forming a barrier that deflected Hadvar's attacks.

"Elen, use the staff!" Hadvar shouted, his voice strained with effort.

Elen nodded, stepping forward and raising the Staff of Firebolts. She focused her energy, sending a concentrated burst of fire towards the necromancer. The barrier wavered under the assault, cracks appearing in the dark energy.

With a final surge, Hadvar broke through the barrier, his axe striking the necromancer down. The remaining undead crumbled to the ground, lifeless once more. Breathing heavily, Hadvar turned to Elen, a look of relief on his face.

"You did great," he said, offering her a reassuring smile.

Elen managed a weak smile in return, the adrenaline of the battle slowly fading. "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help."

In the heart of the cave, they found the altar where Dawnbreaker lay, its radiant light cutting through the darkness. Hadvar reached out, feeling a surge of power as his hand closed around the hilt. Meridia's voice echoed in his mind, commending him for his bravery.

"Well done, Hadvar. Dawnbreaker is now yours to wield."

He turned to Elen, a triumphant smile on his face. "We did it. Let's head to Solitude and complete our mission."

As they exited the cave, the morning light greeted them, a stark contrast to the darkness they had just conquered. Hadvar felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing they had made Skyrim a little safer. And with Dawnbreaker in hand, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Morvan's POV

In his dimly lit chamber, Morvan sat in silence with only the flickering of a candle to illuminate the stone walls. The room was heavy with the scent of incense, and a dark magic seemed to hum in the air. Before him knelt a figure that bore an eerie resemblance to himself, but lacked true life in its mechanical movements and empty eyes. This puppet-like figure, Morvan's double, lifted its head slightly and spoke with a hollow resonance. "Master, I have news of Victor and his people."

Morvan leaned forward, a cold smile playing on his lips. "Speak," he commanded, his voice a soft whisper that seemed to echo in the chamber.

The double's eyes flickered as it began to report. "Victor has allied with Serana the daughter of Harkon and Valerica, members of the Volkihar vampire clan and together they have eliminated Harkon. Castle Volkihar is now under their control."

Morvan's eyes narrowed with interest, his smile widening. "They managed to defeat him? Impressive. What of Serana?"

"She remains with Victor. Their alliance seems strong, and they are consolidating their power."The double continued, "Sarah, along with Lydia and Aela, has heeded the call of the Greybeards. They are currently making their way up the Throat of the World. They seek knowledge and training from the ancient monks."

Morvan listened to his double's report, a thoughtful frown settling on his face. "Very well," he whispered, his slender fingers tapping a steady rhythm on the arm of his chair. "Continue to watch them. I want to know every move they make."

The double bowed its head in deference, then rose and dissipated into the shadows. Morvan leaned back in his chair, the flickering candlelight playing off the stark angles of his face. He fell into silent contemplation, his silver eyes reflecting the dancing flames.

Outside the chamber, Skyrim still slept under a blanket of starlit darkness, oblivious to the machinations unfolding within the heart of Bleak Falls Barrow. The Wellspring of Vitality pulsed with raw power beneath him, its energy resonating with Morvan's own ambitions.

Victor Bran was proving to be an intriguing challenge. His alliance with Serana was unexpected, but not unwelcome. It added an element of complexity that Morvan relished. The Nord had taken advantage of his situation more efficiently than most would in his shoes. In fact, Victor's swift actions demonstrated an intelligence and resourcefulness that intrigued Morvan more than he liked to admit.

But it was not just intrigue that Victor inspired. There was something else - a flicker of respect even.

An admiration for the Nord's relentless determination and his innovative use of powers so foreign to this world. Victor Bran was not just surviving in Skyrim; he was thriving, adapting to its rules and becoming a force to be reckoned with.

A low chuckle escaped Morvan. How fitting it was, he mused, that an otherworlder like himself had managed to disrupt the very foundation of his meticulous designs. It was akin to an irony of grand proportions - one that only added to the thrill of their impending confrontation.

"Interesting indeed..." Morvan murmured, absently tracing an arcane symbol on the armrest of his chair.

His thoughts shifted towards Sarah Shadow-Walker, who now sought enlightenment from the Greybeards. He knew about their monastic life atop High Hrothgar, dedicated to the study and mastery of the Thu'um. Their knowledge could be a powerful tool or a formidable weapon.

Seated in that chamber within Bleak Falls Barrow, Morvan considered each piece on his grand chessboard - every player, every potentiality. His gaze lingered on the imaginary figure of Victor, standing staunch and resolute amidst the chaos. The various threads of fate around him twisted and coiled with endless possibilities, each one a different path to the endgame.

Here in Skyrim, he wielded magic and alliances, shaping his own destiny. A brief smile tugged at the corners of Morvan's lips as he acknowledged the play of forces at work; raw power converging with cunning, calculation meeting intuition head-on.

"Victor Bran," he mused aloud. "The Nord mage from another world." His tone held both amusement and a grudging acceptance of respect. For all his arrogance, Morvan was not so blinded by his hunger for power that he couldn't recognize the potential in others.

In fact, such potential was a chisel that could refine the raw ore of his designs into an artifact of transcendent perfection. Despite the disruption Victor had unknowingly caused, he could be instrumental to Morvan's grand scheme. The Nord's curious blend of analytical thinking and arcane talents was a riveting element—one that Morvan found himself eager to harness.

Plans began to weave themselves together in the fabric of his mind. He would make use of Victor Bran's talents, pit him against challenges that would push him to his limits and force him to unlock deeper layers of his potential. Every battle won, every puzzle solved would only serve to strengthen the Nord, and in turn, make him a more valuable piece on Morvan's chessboard.

He rose from his chair, pacing slowly as he considered the many threads of destiny intertwined around these individuals. Each step taken on the stone floor echoed softly in the chamber, amplifying the solemn atmosphere. He paused before a large, pulsating crystal that served as a conduit for the Wellspring of Vitality, its luminescent light casting an eerie glow across his face.

"Victor Bran..." Morvan murmured, a newfound determination hardening his gaze. His voice dropped to a whisper, carrying a chilling blend of threat and promise. "May you stay interesting until our paths inevitably cross."

The echo of his words hung in the silence that followed, each syllable vibrating with the resonance of dark anticipation.

Meanwhile, far from the ominous chambers of Bleak Falls Barrow, Victor and Serana were unaware of the machinations unfolding in their wake. The events at Castle Volkihar seemed like a distant memory as they made their way towards Solitude. Their journey was arduous with Skyrim's unforgiving weather but the shared victory at Castle Volkihar had cemented their alliance, forging a bond tempered by adversity and shared purpose.

Victor's mind ran through calculations and strategies, making notes of their path, potential threats and resources within reach. He consistently approached every situation methodically but there was an undeniable sense of thrill that coursed through his veins every time they navigated through another challenge. This world of Skyrim, once confined to his computer screen back in New York City, was now a reality he had not only adapted to but was now shaping with his own hands.

His eyes, once focused on data and numbers, now saw the subtle magic coursing through the veins of the world around him. As he looked up at the towering mountains around them, their peaks gleaming with ice under the pale moonlight, he allowed himself a moment to marvel at its raw beauty.

The past few days had tested Victor's patience, resolve, and adaptability more than any database crash or system failure ever had.

He shook his head gently as if discarding the remnants of his old life. This was his reality now. His mind wandered towards Sarah and the others. They were far from here, seeking wisdom from ancient beings atop a frozen mountain. He hoped they were safe.

A sense of responsibility weighed heavy on Victor's shoulders as he considered all the people who had become tangled in this quest alongside him. He knew that every decision he made from this point on would affect not just his future but theirs as well.

He was also aware that Morvan was out there, watching and waiting for them to make their next move. The Seer was

a formidable adversary, with his dark arts and centuries of experience. But Victor was not one to back down from a challenge. The harsh reality of Skyrim had already forced him to rethink the impossible, and in doing so, he'd embraced his new-found powers.

Victor felt a strange sense of satisfaction at the thought of Morvan's growing interest in him. It reassured him that his actions were making a difference, however small. That was all he could ask for; an opportunity to tip the scale, to create ripples that might eventually lead to waves.

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