
Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

A bitter old man gets tossed into the world of Tamriel, as a descendant of a religious madman no less, watch as he delves into the secrets of magic and explores the wonders of this danger-filled world, and with luck and a lot of magic juice possibly even beyond. This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic (or anything for that matter). English is not my native language but I think there shouldn't be too many mistakes. The story will focus on magic and exploration with most likely a bit of romance later on. The upload schedule won't be rigid, but expect five chapters a week. If you want to support me financially and get access to early chapters visit patreon.com/Rastislav156

Rastislav · วิดีโอเกม
371 Chs

Chapter LXII: Shadowbinding

My thanks to Walter Lebron for their most generous support on Patreon!


(Reyvin's POV)

The feeling of fading into a ghost-like existence is an odd one, I am here yet I am not here, it almost feels like the ti-

A mournful cry interrupts my inner monologue as the shout's power dissipates.

Ah yes, the caveman.

I look at him tenderly holding the spellcaster I made him kill and come to the realization that all of them look somewhat similar "So you barbarians practice kin slaying now?" I ask mockingly.

His tearful eyes bore into mine as he glares at me hatefully "YOUUU!" He growls but I give him no time to stand up as I use the blunt end of my staff to break all of his limbs in a flurry of blows he is too sluggish to dodge.

After taking a quick look at the battle and making sure that I was not needed I grab the Briarheart and drag him to the edge of the wall, giving him a perfect view of the slaughter.

"Tell me, barbarian, does this look like it was worth it to you?" My curiosity genuine.

He shakes in my grip "J-just k-kill me already"

"Oh, I will, have no fear." I comfort him "I just wish to know the thoughts going through your mind right now. Is this worth it?"

He looks down and whispers "No, it is not."

"Then why?"

"What do you mean why?" He asks as if the question is outlandish.

"Why commit mass suicide in this way? For what purpose would you attack these lands?"

"Mass suicide you say?" His voice turns mocking "Do you truly think this is all our force?"

"Of course not" I snort "I know damn well that even the thousands still crawling in your camp is nowhere near your true number. I just wish to know why continue willfully following dark gods and living like animals?" I sigh "You could have made peace when Madanach went wild in the Reach, you could have ensured land for your own people if you only abandoned the barbarity gripping your culture. So I ask, why?"

He shakes his head derisively "I am not smart or wise like the priests, I only know we have our pride and won't be slaves to the Nords."

"Priests of cannibalism and monstrosity are the farthest from wisdom, I assure you." I quip and absent-mindedly throw a lightning bolt at a Reachman attempting to backstab the Thane "So it is simple pride in the end? You choose blind ignorance and pride over the prosperity of your own children?"

"I don't know what you want to achieve by asking me these questions witch" the Briarheart scoffs "We are enemies and we will kill each other, that is all. If I was in your position I would sacrifice you to the Great Mother so go ahead and kill me, it won't change a thing."

"I ask the questions in an attempt to give myself a reason not to bring death to your people" I say slowly and summon my dagger "Thank you for not giving me one." and stab him in the throat.

With a wet gurgle, the life leaves him and with a snap of my fingers, the four corpses disappear. I take a deep breath, feeling the Magicka rushing through me once more, and charge back into the fray.


It takes us another hour to break the assault's momentum, even with the death of their leadership the Forsworn still continued with their maddened charge, or maybe it was because of it?

No matter, the fools were fleeing and it was time to tally today's losses.

Just as I am about to go and find Harald I hear a whistling sound coming from above and see Scorch launch himself into the biggest pile of retreating Forsworn.

For some reason I swear I hear him cackle 'There is no god but Auri-el!' before he blows up...

*Sigh* I really should stop telling him stories of my old world.

As I walk atop the walls I absent-mindedly heal the less wounded and toss regeneration potions to those that lost limbs. It might seem wasteful, but I was playing around too much in this fight and money is no object to me.

I find Harald panting while taking greedy gulps of water from his waterskin "The battle went well I see." I greet him.

"Bah" He takes in a gulp of air "Damn pansies can't even die like proper men."

"How many did we kill today?"

"How should I know?" He shrugs "I was too busy breaking skulls and earning glory to count them."

"Fair enough" I snort and unsummon my crown "Personally I think it was just under a thousand."

"Two thousand you say?" He grins.

I roll my eyes "Might as well make it a nice round three for the bards."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk" I hear a familiar voice from behind me and see Harald flinch in fright "To think you would lie so openly about your accomplishments Reyvin... Where is your honor?"

I hear Sybille's mocking voice and turn to her with a smile, quickly hugging her "You missed all the fun Syb!"

"Syb?" She squawks in surprise.

I wave it off "Eh Sybille feels like a mouthful."

She looks stuck between blustering and bashful but before she can respond Harald greets her cautiously while giving me an odd look "Ah... Lady Stentor, glad you could join us."

"Harald!" Her smile is all teeth as she greets him with false cheer "We haven't seen you in the capital for years."

He shifts uncomfortably "I... uhm..."

"There has got to be a story behind this" I whisper to her and she smirks while mouthing 'later'

"Where is little Eli?" She chirps.

Harald seems to want her nowhere near his daughter, but the threatening glow of her crimson eyes soon convinces him otherwise and he tiredly points at one of the towers.

As she leaves us I hear Harald mutter "That woman is bloody terrifying."

"Isn't she just?" I ask happily.

He blinks, gives me a look, blinks again, and sighs "Yeah, I really don't want to know" he waves for me to follow him "Let us grab some mead, a good drink after a battle is the best!"

"You won't find me complaining" I smirk and follow.


Just before the hour of midnight I make my way to an abandoned corner of the town, the houses tall enough to hide what I am about to do.

With practiced ease I inscribe four interconnected ritual circles and fill them with the appropriate gems and soul gems. After making sure everything was in order I summon the four corpses and place the Briarheart in the middle, while surrounding him with the witches.

This was a risky choice for my first shadow servant, but seeing as they were all connected in some way I thought it worthwhile to try and bind them all together.

As the hour reaches exactly midnight I start channeling the ritual, my own shadow stretching out like a black mist and covering all the corpses while the gems surrounding them glow in an ominous purple.

I feel the connection to the world's memory of these individuals, I see glimpses of a boy growing up in a loving family, only for his mother to take his sisters as students and force him into a ritual, yet allowing him to keep his mind. No matter the cruelty of their mother their bond was unbreakable and their trust as firm as a mountain. I see armies gather, the young man defeating other champions for the honor of leading the vanguard, and I see him staring at the field of butchered corpses, his eyes filled with despair.

Finally, I see a knife plunge into his throat as I stand above him ominously.

The vision ends and I blink rapidly. The corpses are gone, but the connection is still there. I search inwardly and see:

[Summoning bonds:]



[Shackled Reach: Four souls bound into one memory, their strength in perfect unison. A warrior and a mage of formidable power. The weight of their combined strength demands more from their master (Upkeep slots needed: 2)]

I let out a low whistle, pretty damn good for a first binding. Even if they take more than expected I did get four of them in one package so I won't complain.

Now, what did that edgy kid from Korea use to say?

Ah, yes! I smirk and command "Arise!"


(Davos' POV)

I leave another village followed by a dozen more rowdy Nords itching to bash some Reachmen heads. Already I managed to gather two hundred of them with the promise of good pay, and a good fight (Which for some reason was more important to most of the madmen.) 

I swear, sometimes I wonder who is worse... Orcs or Nords?

There is one final destination remaining, a tavern serving as a resting point between this place and my destination. Hopefully I will find some more men to throw at my Lord's enemies.

We reach the inn just as the sun is setting and the Nords I hired start setting up tents, knowing damn well the inn couldn't house them all. That naturally didn't mean their leaders would be sleeping under the stars with them so they follow me inside.

The inn is large, but mostly empty as the invasion had scared off any non-fighters. Just as I am about to greet the owner I spy a familiar group sitting in one corner.

Ten Dunmer wearing familiar gear sitting and whispering amongst themselves.

I signal the mercenary captains to relax and go to greet my former guildsmen.

As I approach all eyes fall onto me and another emerges from the shadows.

What in oblivion are they doing here? I barely hold back a gape as I see the boss staring at me "Uhm... Good evenin' boss?" I say awkwardly.

They all chuckle and the boss tilts their head "I was unaware I was still your boss Davos?"

"Well... you see" I try lamely but a raised hand interrupts me.

"You have been given a higher calling Davos, do not shame our patron by pretending it is otherwise. You honor our entire guild by being blessed."

Now I am not one for sentimentality but their words stir my heart and I am forced to hold back a tear "It wasn't really for anything I did."

"Your Lord is blessed indeed" The boss allows "But you have still shown enough honor and skill to be chosen, do not forget that."

"I guess you are right" I take a free seat "So, how are things in the quarter?"

One of my fellows slams his tankard onto the table "Ulfric is stirring shit up again Dave."

Of course he is "What was it this time?"

He spits onto the ground, much to the boss' chagrin "Bloody bastard raided the Cornerclub and had the place ransacked due to 'Suspicions of Thalmor infiltrators'" He says with airquotes.

"He will get his due, don't worry" I blurt out.

All eyes are on me again "Oh?" The boss gives me a curious look "And how would you know that?"

I look away "Forget I said that, why are you all here?"

I feel their piercing gaze on me as they shrug "We were sent here by our patron."

"Did she give a reason?" I ask but already know the answer.

"Don't play coy with me Davos, I have known you since you were ten" I feel the boss roll their eyes "Her chosen is present and she likes to provide for those that entertain her, as you know."

"It can't be that simple" I say firmly "Not with her."

Boss tilts their head "Oh yeah, there was something about spiting that shriveled cunt Namira as well."

I groan. Gods damned fucking Daedra!

An amused laugh resounds in the back of my head and I simply grab one of the ale tankards on the table and down it in one prolonged gulp.

Fuck it, if you can't beat them, join them!


Grant me stones so I might pay the mercenaries to be my meat shields.

If you want to support me directly and get access to 30ish chapters (Just under 60k words) in advance visit my patreon page patreon .com/Rastislav156

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