

Sir Nighteye was not pleased.

The police forces disbanded the investigation under the Hero Commission's orders.But that didn't stop him from digging deeper.

Sir Nighteye discovered something very big that can lead to a huge scandal and many people be thrown behind bars.It even goes as far to treason.

He did not report his findings to the police force, other hero agencies, and even the Hero Commission.He knows he cannot trust anyone with his report.

What also interests him is the photograph of a pale man with a respirator mask and a red plasma blade much like Vaders, from Overhaul's abduction.Sir Nighteye knows there is more to this man.He has a feeling Vader will have the answers to who this man is and can help him in his investigation, or he is somehow connected to him.

Sir Nighteye knows there are dark forces moving behind the scene.He knows there is one man that can help him shed some light.Sir Nighteye knows he will regret it, but he will get his answers if he visits Vader at UA and ask for his help in the investigation, tomorrow morning.His gut tells him he can trust Vader with his investigation.


Mirai goes limp on his chair after a gunshot to the back of the head.Behind him is a man holding a smoking handgun after assassinating the pro hero in cold blood.

The assassin takes the folder with evidence on the League of Villains and proceeds to go through the computer, deleting any evidence and leads.

After destroying all of the evidence, he pulls out his phone from his pocket and calls in his employer.

???: It's done... No need to worry about finding yourself on tomorrow's newspaper.


The morning sun shined over the city of Musutafu.A fews days had passed since the Christmas party at UA.Vader had a pleasant time in celebrating with his daughter along with Class 1-A, lifting his spirit up in the holidays.He thought to himself he should be doing this more often with other holidays celebrated on Earth.

But today was not as great as it was from before...

At the Nighteye agency, the police responded to a gunshot reported from the building.They found the body of Sir Nighteye still on the chair, ruling it out as a villain attack.Among with the police officers were detective Naomasa, Piett, and the retired Symbol of Peace; All Might.

All Might remembered when he met Sir Nighteye for the first time when Mirai was a fan.Throughout the years they got along and worked together for a while until six years ago when their partnership dissolved.Years later, Mirai learned of All Might passing One for All to Izuku, which he strongly disagreed with.He wanted All Might to pass One for All to Mirio, which lead to the two heroes into an argument.

But now, Toshinori looks at Sir Nighteye's corpse with a silent sorrow inside while a police officer takes a photo of the body for evidence, blinding his eyes for a second.He wishes he could've spent more time and come into terms with his deceased partner.

Toshinori's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a familiar mechanical breathing and heavy footsteps approaching the room.He glances at the entrance to see Vader entering the crime scene.Most of the police officers stop at what they're doing as they stare at the intimidating black monolith.

Most of the officers in the police force had not gotten along with Vader, due to the mess he left behind wherever he goes and leaving little to no surviving villains.To top it off, Vader was the reason why the city's crime rate dropped at a drastic rate and was given all the credit although he does not accept it and chose to humble himself, not wanting the attention.

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One of the police officers places a hand on Vader's chest armor, stopping him in place.

Officer: Woah!Woah!Woah!This is a crime scene.

Naomasa: He's with me, officer.

The officer glances at the detective and back to Vader with a glare.

Officer: Are you kidding me sir? You're gonna let him in here?

Naomasa: Let.Him.Through.

The detective said with a stern voice.The officer looks down at Vader's hand, seeing it ball into a fist.

The stubborn officer swallows his pride and moves his hand off of Vader's chest armor and steps aside.He quietly mutters when the force user walks past him.

Officer: Goddamn freak.

Vader approaches the body of Sir Nighteye and studies the surroundings, trying to pick up any clues.He presses a button on his belt and the mask's HUD picks up no fingerprints, ruling out the killer wore gloves.

Vader: May I?

Vader asked Naomasa as he gestures his head over to Sir Nighteye's desk.The detective nodded in response, giving Vader the green light to investigate and see if he can find anything.

Vader then searches through Sir Nighteye's pockets to see what he might have, but he only found the dead man's wallet, keys to his office, home, and car, and breath-mint.

Vader then approaches the desk and proceeds to put his mind to work.He opens the desk's drawers to see what contents he could find to help his investigation, only to frown when he comes empty handed.

Vader sighs in disappointment and proceeds to close the drawers.But when he starts closes the last drawer, he stops when he notices something peculiar.Vader becomes suspicious when he sees the drawer's bottom seems out of place.He uses the force and to his surprise it is a fake bottom, revealing a small hard drive underneath.

Vader picked up the hard drive from the drawer, surprising Naomasa, Piett, and Toshinori from what he found.

Naomasa: What's in it.

Vader stared at the small hard drive laying on his palm.

Vader: Only one way to find out.

Vader proceeds to insert the hard drive into his belt to download the data it contains.

Vader's body freezes in place when he reads through the files.Naomasa, Piett, and Toshinori couldn't see Vader's reaction through the mask, but they can tell it has to be something to get his body to freeze in place.

Vader takes out the hard drive and leaves the room, leaving the building without saying a word.Out of curiosity, Toshinori follows him out of the room.Piett and Naomasa exchange glance at one another, and both follow Toshinori and Vader.

The four men exit the building and make it to Vader's car.He opens the passenger door for them to climb inside.

Vader: Get in.

The three get inside the car, Piett and Naomasa in the back, toshinori at the passenger seat, and Vader at the driver seat.

Naomasa: What did you find?

Vader: The files I found are very serious.Out here is not the place for me to shed light upon my findings.We must go somewhere... secluded.

Vader puts his key in the car's ignition and the engine lets out a loud roar, and drives through the city.After a few minutes of driving, he stops at a red light to wait for it to turn green.While patiently waiting, he glances over to the side mirror to see a silhouette figure standing just out of an alleyway.Although it's hard to tell, it almost looks like the person is staring at him.

Vader glances at another mirror to see the car behind him with two men in black suits.One can pass them off as businessmen or lawyers.But Vader knows these two are neither because the man on the driver seat took a picture of him with a camera.

The light turns green and continues to drive.

Vader's thoughts: I'm being followed...

Officer: Goddamn freak.

The officer mutters to himself after removing his hand from Vader's chest armor in an attempt to stop him, only for Naomasa to order him to stand down and let him investigate the crime scene.

The officer glared at the back of Vader's head, swallowing his pride.He couldn't really do anything in the situation.He knew Vader could use violent means if it meant to get him to step aside.The only thing he can do was watch the black monolith investigate the crime scene at the moment.

After minutes of silently watching Vader investigating the crime scene, the officer took notice of the black monolith pausing himself before closing the desk's drawer, seemingly finding something out of place.The officer blinked a few times when a board small enough to cover the bottom of the drawer floated up in the air and put aside, and Vader picked up a hard drive missed by the police investigators.Vader inserted the hard drive into his belt and froze in place, implying he found something big within.

Vader left the room, heading for his car just outside the building.All Might followed him, along with officer Piett and detective Naomassa.

The officer narrowed his eyes and reached for his radio.

Officer: We have a problem.


An awkward silence takes over inside Vader's mustang, no one utters a word to Vader as he drives down to his location to where he can discuss with Toshinori, Piett, and Naomassa in private; his monastery at UA grounds.

Vader calmly drives down the street at the speed limit.But behind the mask, he keeps glancing his eyes at the mirror, still seeing the same car with the two men from before tailing him.

Judging by the suits they wear, he knows these men are part of some form of organization, he can't point a finger at who or what is keeping tabs on him.It then hit Vader when he remembers the drone stalking him and Yuri a while back, realizing who the perpetrators work for.

The Hero Public Safety Commission.

Vader narrows his eyes as his hands tightly grasps the steering wheel, putting the pieces together on why these Hero Commission agents are following him.He knows they want the hard drive, so he needs to lose them if it means to not let it fall into their hands.

Vader has to go straight at an upcoming intersection to get to UA, but there is a change of plans.Instead, he makes a sharp right and slams his foot to pedal, taking off at high speed.Yagi, Piett, and Naomasa's heads are thrown at the back of their seats and have expressions of confusion and surprise.

All Might is the first of the three to ask the question in their minds.

Yagi: Woah!V-Vader, what are you doing?!

Vader: We have company.

Vader points at the mirror for everyone to see, they look back to see the black car with the agents speeding up to catch up with them.He narrowly swerves around upcoming cars with such expertise, and up ahead is a roadblock of black cars with agents.

Everyone inside the car begins to panic when Vader does not bother to slow down.

Naomasa: Please tell us you have some tricks you can pull.

Vader: No tricks.

Vader lets off of the mustang's accelerator and turns the wheel while applying the brakes at the last second.

Vader: Skill.

Time seems to slow down when everyone but Vader screams in panic as the best starpilot in the galaxy proceeds to perform a sharp U-turn drift to spin the car around and barely avoids hitting one of the black cars forming a barricade.But the same cannot be said for the black car on their tail when it crashes into the other cars forming the barrier.

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Piett: Oh blast!

The mustang's engine lets out a ferocious roars and takes off in response from Vader putting his boot on the gas.He looks at his side mirror to see more car with agents on his tail.

Piett: What do they want from us Sir?!

Vader responds by reaching out the hard drive and shows it to everyone.

Vader: They want what lies in this hard drive.

Before anyone can ask him another question, more black cars drive down the opposite direction and forms another barricade, cutting Vader off from his escape.

With no other choice, Vader makes a sharp right and drives down a narrow alleyway with two cars pursuing him from behind.Just as he is halfway through the alleyway, another black car enters the alleyway and stops in place, cutting his escape and boxing him entirely.

With no other choice, Vader slams the brakes and the mustang comes to a complete stop.

Everyone in the mustang becomes tense when they see two agents with guns drawn on the car approach.Vader's hand slowly reaches for his lightsaber dangling on his belt, while Piett places a hand on his blaster in case things do go south.

Agent: Step out of the car, Vader!

Vader glares at the agent barking orders for him to step out of the car.He considers in killing the agent and his colleagues.But what is stopping him from doing so is the fact that he will be a wanted villain for murdering dozens hero commission agents and to top it off, he might lose Eri from custody.

With no other choice, Vader chooses to plays with the long game.He slowly opens the door and climbs out of the car, reaching his full height and towers over the agent.

Agent: the President of the Hero Public Safety Commission would like to have a word with you.


The President of the HPSC argues with one of the board members in her office,

Madam President: How the hell did he find a single hard drive inside while our people did not at Sir Nighteye's agency?

Board Member: We don't know.

Madam President: Clearly you don't know much, do you?Where's Vader?

Board Member: We had our agents apprehend him 20 minutes ago.He should be here about now.

Madam President: Oh where is he-

The president hears the door to her office swings open and looks over to see Vader stepping in with two agents escorting him to the president's office.Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

Vader stares at her with his arms crossed, the board member backs up a bit with fear and uncertainty of the black monolith.He glares at the two before approaching them.He towers of the two and just stares at them, menacingly.

The president calmly stares up at Vader, trying to get a good look through the mask's lenses.He just stands there, motionless and emotionless like a statue, with the only sign of life from him is the unnerving mechanical breathing.

Madam President: I must say, you put up quite a chase for us.

Vader just stared at her with no response.

Madam President: But I don't appreciate the fact that you tampered with evidence of Sir Nighteye's death.

She said to Vader, trying to get a response from him but only earning his mechanical breathing.She glares up at him and decides to strike a nerve on to get a response.

Madam President: I know who you are, and what you are capable of.I want you to know this.I, as the president of the Hero Public Safety Commission have full power over you.That little stunt you pulled earlier was unacceptable.I have the authority to revoke your hero license if that's what you're asking.Now, you can start being a good hero by giving me that hard drive.We'll take it from here.

Vader just stares down at the president, basically ignoring her warning and her orders to hand over the hard drive.This only angers her a lot more.

Madam President: You listen to me, and you listen good.And believe me when I say this; I know who you are.I'm sure you don't want you don't want to lose your hero license for disobeying our orders or tamper with evidence.I can press charges on you for that.Maybe even have you lose custody over your precious daughter.Would you like that... Anakin?

The room's temperature drops at a dramatic rate, earning a cold feeling run up everyone's spines.The president can feel Vader staring daggers through the mask.Vader looks over to the two agents and the board member and says a simple command out loud with an authoritative voice.

Vader: Leave us...

The president glances over at the others, stopping them before they even move.

Madam President: No!Stay here.I'm in charge.

The president became quiet when she felt the back of Vader's hand placed on her shoulder.She just froze in place, feeling the cold and hard mechno-hand of Vader.The two agents in the office slowly reach for their guns but not pulling them out, fearing he might do something drastic to the president.

Vader: Do you feel in charge?

Everyone felt a chill down their spine when Vader spoke with a dark and ominous tone.The board member took this as his moment to leave the office, choosing to obey Vader's word over the president's.The president stood in place in fear like she was in a trance, but managed to gather her composure and tried to find the courage to remain eye contact with Vader.

Madam President: I convinced the Prime Minister to pardon you and have you as a hero-

Vader: And this gives you power over me?

The president quietly swallowed a large lump down her throat.She could've sworn she felt something wrapping around her throat for a second, not noticing Vader twitched his fingers.

Vader: I fought against All Might, and won.I killed All for One, Japan's most feared villain.I singlehandedly took down the Yakuza syndicates.I slaughtered many other villains of Musutafu.And here you are in your little world believing I am your slave.

Vader's hand shifted toward the side of her neck, as if he's going to physically choke her any minute now.

Vader: Believe me when I say this; I know what kind of person you are and your organization.You have an underlying corruptness to keep society's image of heroes to maintain the status quo.You don't want this world to change.

The president's eyes widen a little upon hearing Vader's words, earning a smirk from him.

Throughout Vader's time, he learned the ugly truth of this world's society.It's all about heroes and quirks.Discriminations of people with villainous quirks, impractical quirks, or even the quirkless, pushing them to turn their lives to crime.He hated it with a passion.

Vader: I see through the lies of the hero society.To think this corrupt society has fallen so low... Heroes and corrupt officials pushing people to become villains, such as the likes of Endeavor.I know what kind of man he is.I know the fate of his firstborn son.An abuser, a murderer.His actions create villains throughout his career.And yet, your agency covered it all up to protect his image and have him as the number 1 hero.

Vader stated to the president.She was at loss for words.

President: You must understand- Public faith in the heroes is vital to this society.Do you know what would happen if-

Vader: I find it amusing of you admitting to forging this flawed system.The only reason why I bother to fight alongside with the heroes is because it's the only peaceful solution I have in mind.If you want to arrest me or take my daughter away from me, then by all means go ahead.I can just become your perspective of the "villain" and side with the unwanted of society to forge myself an empire.I will bring peace, freedom, justice, and security to this world.Is that what you want brought upon yourself, madam president?

The president stood in silence with the terrifying thought Vader's words and what he might do if she double crossed him.

But to her surprise, Vader walks over to her desk and slams his fist down on its surface.He opens up his palm to place the hard drive on her desk, implying he's handing it over to her.The president flinches when Vader gives a sharp glance to her.

Vader: We are done.

He says to the president with an authoritative voice before leaving her office.The two agents step aside for the black monolith in utter fear, not wanting to anger him any longer.

The president lets out a sigh of relief when Vader leaves her be.She gestures to the two agents on standby to leave her office and picks up the hard drive to insert it in the computer and see its contents.

While she does so, she reaches for her phone to make a phone call with someone to discuss something with the person on the other line.

???: ...Yes?

Madam President: Tell me everything you know about Anakin Skywalker.


The elevator's background music followed by the sound of a mechanical breathing accompanied the atmosphere.Vader stood in silence with his arms crossed as he waited for the elevator to reach down to the lobby so he can leave and no longer tolerate the annoying elevator's music.

???: That was a little too far, don't you think?

Vader: I only said that to get her off my hair for the moment, Obi-Wan.

Vader looks to his left to see the ghost of Obi-Wan, keeping him some company.

Kenobi: I must admit that she does seemed off when you confronted her.Use your feelings, Anakin.Something is out of place.

Vader: I am much aware of what is going on behind the curtains.I intend to reveal it to the word when the time comes.I am now one step ahead of the hero commission.

Obi-Wan placed his ghostly hand on Vader's shoulder armor and looks directly at his eyes.

Kenobi: Please, be careful on the choices you make.Don't make the same mistakes that lead you to becoming Darth Vader.

Vader remembered earlier when he repeated the same words he said to Obi-Wan on Mustafar, the same planet where he changed.

"I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire!"

He couldn't believe it that he let himself said the same thing to the president.He mentally slapped himself for letting his younger and arrogant self take over.

Vader: I won't let it happen again, master.I promise.


Outside of the building of the hero commission, Yagi, Piett, and Naomasa stood next to Vader's mustang as they anxiously waited for him to come out of the building.Piett thought to himself of what Vader might do to the president, fearing she might provoke him and be given a death much similar to all of the imperial officers who had failed Vader.

The three are interrupted when Vader exits the building, putting them at ease.

Yagi: What happened?

Vader: We had a talk.

The four men climbed inside the muscle car and fastened their seatbelts.Vader drives away from the building and continues where he left off, heading to UA.

Vader: I had to hand over the hard drive.

The three men frowned at Vader's words, believing they'll never have the evidence to shed light on whatever happened to Sir Nighteye.

Vader: But, I was prepared for this.

Naomasa: What do you mean?

Vader: Earlier when I inserted the hard drive to my belt, I made a copy of its files.All I have to do is take us to UA and I will be able to shed light on what may have happened to Sir Nighteye.

Yagi smiled at Vader, now knowing that there is hope after all.He'll finally know or at least have an idea of what happened to his deceased former sidekick.

Yagi: Thank you... Vader.

It's a quiet moment in Lego City, until a robbery takes place at the bank.Clients of Lego City's bank barely notice the men with plastic black masks slink into the room from every conceivable entrance and exit.

Everyone suddenly notices the 6 Lego robbers when they pull out their guns.

Robber Leader: This is a robbery!Everyone on the ground!

The leader barks out as he shoots his pistol up at the ceiling to get everyone's attention.

Robber Leader: Don't play the hero!We'll blow you into bricks if you disrupt our operation!

The Lego patrons hits the ground, cowering for their dear lives.Three of the robbers approach the teller with open bags, while the other three take the role of crowd control.They point their weapons at the cowering citizens to keep them in check and for intimidation.These minifigures are hardened Lego criminals, they won't hesitate to turn everyone into bricks if things go south.

Leader Robber: Empty the vault lady!

The leader says to the teller with a demanding voice, which she reads the message loud and clear.The teller opens up the vault and wheels out stacks of Lego cash, which the robbers start stuffing them into their duffle bags.They steal over 520,652,000 Lego Yen.

(A/N: 4 million dollars to my fellow American readers)

Each member of the team is going to get quite a hefty payout when the mission is over.That is until a black figure crashes through skylight above everyone and slams to the ground.All the robbers and the citizens are in shock as a Lego minifigure rises to his full height, wearing a suit, a black mask with the image of a skull, and a billowing spongy black cape.

???: This won't take long...

The robbers are terrified upon hearing the newcomer's dark voice, wishing it could've been any pro heroes other than him.The figure ignites a red plasma blade from his hilt, knowing this is their last moments.

This particular Lego minifigure is their worst nightmare; DARTH VADER.

Leader: OPEN FIRE!!!

The robbers shoot their lego guns at Vader as he moves his lightsaber expertly, blocking every lego bullets in his stride.He stretches his hand out to force deflect a lego bullet back to its owner, taking a robber out of the picture.

5 more to go.

Vader stretches his hand out to lift up two robbers in the air with the force and colliding them against one another, causing them to break into many little pieces.

3 more to go.

Vader stretches his hand out to unleash a barrage of red force lightning at two robbers.They drop to the ground and scream in agony from the burning sensation until they explode into pieces.

1 more left.

The last robber, the leader, attempts to flee for his life by running for the exit, but Vader uses the force to shut the doors and hold them in place.He begins to pound on the door and tries to pull it open by force but to no avail.

Leader: Let me out!LET ME OOOOUUUUT!!!

The leader screamed out like it would make any difference, it does not.

Vader force pulls the robber to him and holds him up in mid air with a force choke.The leader tries to grab the invisible grip wrapping around his throat in an attempt to free himself with his legs dangling from the floor, but it is useless to resist.

Vader: Your defeat is inevitable.

Vader clutches his hand into a fist, causing the leader to break apart into many lego pieces and fall to the floor.

Vader looks at all of the lego robbers he defeated, hearing their separate heads let out painful groans.He uses the force to lift them up and tear off a few lego pieces in the bank available to him to create a cage big enough to hold them in until the police comes in to take them to jail.

Leader: Hey!No fair!Let us out!

Vader ignores the annoying cries of the leader's head and leaves the bank with the citizens, and is greeted by a crowd of minifigures out in the streets cheering for him.The street begins to suddenly rumble, gaining everyone's attention to the source.

And behold, a giant BD joins the crowd.

The giant droid looks down at Vader and gives him a cheerful beeping sound.Vader uses a powerful force jump to get on top of the giant BD's head and they ride out into the horizon, saving the city yet again.

Arriving at UA, Vader leads Toshinori, Naomasa, and Piett to his monastery to discuss in private.The four men enter into the monastery and are greeted by an enthusiastic Eri playing with her Legos with her BD companion.Vader looks at the lego set, noticing that she and her droid built a bank with 6 robber minifigures in pieces and thrown into a cage, and a minifigure of himself on top of BD.

Eri: We did it BD!We saved Lego City!

BD beeps to Eri in response of her cheers.It's a wholesome sight for everyone to behold, seeing Eri playing with her legos with her little droid puts a smile on their faces and has made their day a lot better.

Shortly after being greeted by an adorable Eri Skywalker and BD, Vader brings his guests up to his office so he can drop the bombshell in private.

Toshinori, Firmus, and Naomasa watch as Vader uploads the hard drive into his computer, downloading all of the files.A small message pops up in the screen for them to see that reads, "Open files?"

Vader: What I'm about to show all of you cannot leave this room.Can I trust the three of you to keep this confidential for the moment until I give out the word?

The trio share glances at one another before they all agree to keep their words to not tell anyone.Vader opens the files for them and they start to go over everything it has to offer.

(Smoll timeskip brought to you by Vader wearing a burger king crown in a plane.)

Toshinori, Firmus, and Naomasa was dumbstruck at the files of Sir Nighteye's private investigation.

Throughout his private invasion, Sir Nighteye was able to pull some strings to find answers on why the League of Villains investigation was shut down.He was able to secretly hire a part-time hacker to get inside the Hero Commission's network.

Apparently, the investigation on the League of Villains was shut down by President of the Hero Public Safety Commission, herself.Sir Nighteye was able to download a copy of a document with her signature, giving out the order to delete all of the documented evidence, and cover their tracks shortly after Overhaul disappeared.

There was another file containing raw footage of Overhaul's abduction.It showed the League of Villains playing their roles in taking down cops, and a hero.

In the footage, Shigaraki jumps on a car and was momentarily stopped by the sand hero known as Snatch.But what left everyone in shock was that Tomura stretched his hand out and used the force to choke Snatch and a police officers.

They continued with watching the footage and witnessed the villains stopping the convoy.But the eye catcher in the footage was a man wearing a hood over his armor, wielding a red lightsaber, seconds before killing the sand hero: Snatch.

Everyone was staring in shock at the paused footage of the Sith Lord Vader knew full well of; Darth Malgus.While they had their eyes on the screen, Vader had his mind on another thing during the footage.

Specifically, the deceased sand hero.

Vader's mind: I hate sand...

And last but not least, was orders sent by the president of the Hero Commission.


Security Level: Omega



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Hero name: Vader

Real name: Anakin Skywalker

Age: N/A

Blood type: N/A

Family member(s): Eri Skywalker (adopted daughter)

Quirk: None

Power(s): The Force

Power Level: SS-Rank

Weapon: Dual Phase Lightsaber


Special Order 937

Priority One:

Utilize espionage methods on Pro Hero Vader for analysis and for possible containment.

Agamemnon Contingency Plan:

Should the Pro Hero known as Vader turn rogue, we need to have plans in place to handle should he become a threat.Given Vader's past as an enforcer of a tyrannical alien empire, he is to be listed as a potential threat to the planet.And if he ever does become a threat, the following protocols will need to be enacted to ensure our survival.

Vader's armor and cybernetics could be hacked and controlled by a device, and be shutdown.Upon deactivating his suit, task force operatives will move in and sweep up Vader for containment, confiscate his suit and his weapon.

Vader will be moved to a quirk research facility for experiments and testings of his powers for science and research purpose.

Upon completing the experiments, Special Order 937 will move on to its last phase;

Terminate Vader.


Everyone was at loss for words at the last information.The Hero Commission had planned to capture Vader to experiment on him like a lab rat.It made it worse at the memo's mention of killing him.

Vader was disturbed for how the Hero Commission has information of his past as the Empire's enforcer.It's impossible for them to know of this kind of information.No one besides the people he knows he can trust knows about it.So who could have blabbed to the Hero Commission about his gruesome past?

Yagi: My God...

Toshinori muttered to himself as he leaned against the wall to process everything he read.As for Firmus, he had his eye glued at Vader's true identity on the computer screen.

Firmus: Skywalker...

He has heard of that name from before.He is aware of Luke Skywalker, the pilot that destroyed the Death Star.But the name Anakin Skywalker rings some bells.He has heard of stories of the legendary Jedi Knight of the Republic, but it seemed hard to believe.

Vader turned to Piett when he heard him muttering his last name.He reaches up for his mask and removes it for the former imperial admiral to see, placing it on his desk.

Piett let out a gasp when he saw the young face of Anakin Skywalker.He remembered when he took a peak and saw the back of his pale head at the Executor.It was all surreal to him upon learning that Darth Vader, the man he was working under, was Anakin Skywalker this whole time.

Anakin: Your eyes do not deceive you, Firmus.I am Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin had to explain Firmus how his body was at a much younger age and healed, instead of being the paled and crippled man he once was, all thanks to Eri's quirk reversing his body back to a younger age before receiving the burns and scars on Mustafar.

After finishing with explaining his healing to Firmus, Anakin changes the subject back to the stolen data.

Anakin: Now you know why the Hero Commission wanted this out of our reach.They had been covering it up for him.

Anakin said as he points the computer's cursor at the image of Darth Malgus.

Yagi: Who is he?

Anakin: That man is Darth Malgus, one of the most powerful Sith Lords of the Resurgent Sith Empire of the Great Galactic War during the Old Republic Era, a few thousand years before my birth.He lead the attack on Coruscant during a peace treaty between both sides of the war, using this opportunity as a distraction.Malgus and the Sith warriors that accompanied, sacked the Jedi temple and took the lives of many Jedi, including Master Ven Zallow, one of the greatest Jedi of the time.Malgus eventually defected from the Sith Empire, sought to forge one in his own image, gaining the name the False Emperor.However, he was unsuccessful in this and was defeated and assumed to be dead.But he survived and carried on his fight for many years, proving to be a formidable foe in combat.

Toshinori, Firmus, and Naomasa couldn't believe what they are hearing.If what Vader saying is true, then they need every hero to find Darth Malgus and take him down before history repeats itself.The thought of Darth Malgus being on this planet frightens Toshinori to the core, hoping they can prevent the Sith Lord before it is too late.

Anakin: And to make things worse, it appears Tenko Shimura is force sensitive and is under Darth Malgus' tuition... he has fallen to the dark side.

Tenko Shimura, the grandson of Nana Shimura.All Might felt devastated upon hearing that his mentor's grandson has fallen to the dark side and is being groomed by Darth Malgus.Toshinori balled up his fist when he remembered the day Nana was killed by All for One.

"All Might... I'm counting on you"


Toshinori blamed himself for not being able to stop Tomura's fall from grace.First, All for One, and now his new master, Darth Malgus, is arguably worse than his old nemesis.

Naomasa: Why would the President of the Hero Commission bother to cover this Sith Lord's tracks?What does she gain from this?

Anakin thinks to himself on why.He remembers Darth Sidious' ways of manipulating both the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the Clone Wars.

Anakin: Power, detective.That's how.The president may be in a higher position of authority, but she's a bureaucrat.And bureaucrats can be persuaded with power or money.

Naomasa raised an eyebrow upon Anakin's answer.

Anakin: From what I can piece together, Darth Malgus must be playing both sides.He must've made some sort of deal with the president, promising her a powerful position for his new Empire in the future.It may explain why she's starting to become an obstacle to slow me down.If that's true, then the Hero Commission is the one that gave out the order for Sir Nighteye's assassination.

Toshinori's eyes widen when Anakin speaks his mind out loud on his theory.It may sound absurd for some, but it's still a possibility.One that he prays it to be false and to be something much simpler than an assassination orchestrated by the Hero Commission.

Anakin: And that is why we must keep this to ourselves if we don't wish to share Sir Nighteye's fate.Detective, I advise you to start a private investigation under the Hero Commission's radar.We've already drawn enough attention from the Hero Commission, so be discreet.Find any information in the criminal underworld involving the League of Villains and Darth Malgus.If the League of Villains are here in this city, we must draw them out.If they have left, we must draw them back.We will squeeze Musutafu until someone reveals the whereabouts of these villains.

Naomasa: You read my mind.I hope you wouldn't mind having Firmus tagging along in the investigation, since he's in our inner circle.

Anakin's looks at Piett to see if he wishes to join in the detective's private investigation, and the former admiral nods.

Anakin: He's all yours, detective.The Hero Commission cannot discover your investigation.Do not have anyone but Piett or Yagi in your investigation.If it comes down to a witness catching wind, I will deal with them, personally...

The detective did not like how Anakin said the last part.How very Sith Lord or him.

Anakin: Until we obtain the proper evidence of the Hero Public Safety Commission's corruption, we must remain silent for the time being.Does everyone agree with these terms?

The three men agree with Anakin's terms, conducting this meeting.

Anakin says his goodbyes to Naomasa and Firmus as they leave his monastery to start working on their private investigation, leaving Anakin with Toshinori.

Yagi: Anakin.There's something I have to ask you involving Nana's grandson.

Anakin: And what would that be, Toshi?

Yagi: I know we will eventually catch Tenko, but if it ever comes down to him at your mercy... please, spare him.

Anakin: ...

Yagi: I know he's done a lot of horrible things, but there's good in him.I know it.

Anakin contemplates with himself if he should spare Tenko's life.On one hand, Tenko has the ability to disintegrate anything he touches.Combine that with the dark side of the force, and he will be a monster.On the other hand, Tenko was All for One's pawn, a tool to exact, like him.Now, he's Darth Malgus' apprentice that is likely to be disposed of should he not betray his master.

Anakin is considering to deny Toshinori's plea of sparing Tenko's life and have him turn over a leaf, but the force calls out to Anakin, reminding him something he thought would never be possible.

The memory of finding himself at his son's mercy after being defeated for holding back, tempted by the dark side.

"You're hate has made you powerful.Now... fulfill your destiny, and take your father's place at my side."


"Never... I'll never turn to the dark side.You failed, your highness.I'm a Jedi, like my father before me."

"So be it, Jedi..."

Luke Skywalker showed mercy to his father, even after provoking him to turn Leia to the dark side.Anakin's son has done something he himself could never do, and that is by seeing the good within him.

Anakin stops his contemplations and gives Toshinori his answer.

Anakin: I will, Toshi.I'll bring him back from the dark side, even if it costs my own life.

Yagi smiles at Anakin for accepting his request to spare Nana's grandson, should he ever fight him.

Anakin follows Toshinori out of the monastery and gave their goodbyes.Just as Toshinori takes his leave, he turns back to Anakin and says one last thing.

Yagi: Anakin... May the force be with you.

Anakin smiles at Toshi for saying the Jedi's way of wishing luck on one another, and nods his head in reply.

Anakin: May the force be with you as well, my friend.


Minutes after the meeting, Anakin goes to the monastery's court yard to meditate like a Jedi., wearing only jean pants to get more comfortable and be free of his black armor.

He sits down with his legs crossed, and eyes closed.He tries to let his emotions go and feel at peace, he can feel the force caressing his soul like a loving mother does with her child.

Anakin then hears the sound of someone with high heels approaching him from behind.Before he opens his eyes, two hands place down on his shoulders and proceeds to gently massage them.

Nemuri: How's my favorite little Ani?~

Anakin: Good afternoon to you as well, Nemuri.

Anakin says with a sarcastic voice.He looks over to see Nemuri crouching down with her hands on his shoulders.He gets on his feet and rises to his full height to face her.

Anakin: What are you doing here at this time?

Nemuri: Oh you know, just wanting to check on my hero.

Upon seeing Anakin's exposed chest, Nemuri is then seduced by the dark side, and it is not of the force.She couldn't contain herself and starts to use her finger to draw circles on Anakin's fine-tuned chest, and trails her hand down to his mechno-arm, feeling the cold and hard cybernetic limb.

Nemuri: You've been a busy bee lately.And that got me thinking, you should spend some time off... with me.~

Anakin raises an eyebrow like Dwayne Johnson, AKA the ROCK.He could've sworn to the force he heard a loud and comical boom from somewhere.Perhaps it's a strange phenomenon of the force.

Nemuri: How about we settle it with a date.Would you love that, my little Ani?~

Anakin looks at a mirror as he buttons up a well-tailored coat, accompanied by Yuri for advice on what the formalities are for Earth.She helps out Anakin by giving advice, Earth's standards of being a gentleman, and picking the right outfit.

They choose to go with a black coat, black pants, black undershirt, and a silk vest in the color of deep purple.Yuri hands Anakin the final touch to his tux, a purple tie.

Anakin: How do I look?

He asked after adjusting the tie around his neck.Yuri's face imitates a tomato with a blush upon seeing Anakin in his sharp tux.

Anakin: Yuri?

Anakin asked Yuri after she stares for too long, snapping her out of her trance.

Yuri: You look marvelous, Sky.

Anakin: All tha-- Sky???

Realizing what she said, she looked away and clamped her forearm tightly with an embarrassed look.

Yuri: I-I didn't m-mean... I'm sorry!

Anakin: It's all right.No harm was done.

Yuri calms herself a bit from the tension, still shyly looking away from Anakin with a flustering look on her face and fidgets with her long strands of lavender hair.

"Teenagers." It's the word that ran through Anakin's mind with a small smile on his face.But can he blame Yuri for acting like this?He is her idol after all, someone she looked up to.

Anakin: Ease up a little, snips.

Yuri: Snips?

Anakin: A little nickname to make us even.

Anakin chuckles a bit to himself, he then grabs a leather glove from the cabinet and wears it over his right hand to cover the mechno-arm.

Anakin: Yuri, I am grateful for your assistance in picking such an outfit.I hope it wouldn't be a pain to ask for your aid with one more thing.

Yuri: Anything that may please you, master.

Anakin: Please, there's no need for the formalities.This is not master to apprentice business, but as friends.

Yuri's heart skipped a beat when Anakin said that to her.She felt flattered by being viewed as a friend instead of only being viewed only as an student.

Yuri: W-what do you need help with, Anakin?

Anakin: Would you please watch over my daughter while I am out?I'll likely be back by morning.I would be grateful of you for doing such a thing for me.

Yuri: Oh-!It's no problem.I can watch over her.

Anakin smiled with his eyes reading gratitude all over them.

Anakin: Thank you, Yuri.

The two went downstairs at the front door and gave their farewells before Anakin takes his leave and heads to the staff parking, where his car awaits.As he is out of sight, Yuri feels a small hand tuck her pants.She looks down to see an enthusiastic Eri with her BD companion.

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Eri: Can we play Republic Senate Rules?Dad taught me how to play it!


(Timeskip brought to you by the new All For One; All For The Krabby Patty Formula!)


Nemuri looks at herself in the mirror to carefully apply red lipstick.She pops her lips upon completion and smirks at the reflection of herself.

She hears a knock at the front door, indicating that her date has arrived.She leaves her room and heads for the front door, opening it to reveal herself to Anakin.

Anakin blushes a bit from seeing Nemuri wearing a scarlet red dress that reveals her beautiful figure.

Nemuri admires Anakin's outfit of choice and can't get enough of looking at his face.

Nemuri: You look handsome.

Anakin does not reply, his mind is at a trance from marveling her beauty.Nemuri takes notice when a small blush forms on Anakin's face.

Nemuri: So are we heading out, or do you want to stare at me all night?

Nemuri said with a smug look on her face, snapping Anakin out of his trance.

Anakin: Y-yeah.Lets go.

The dominatrix heroine giggles at Anakin's response, then offering her hand for him to take.Anakin takes her hand and escorts her to his mustang like the kind gentleman he is.

Nemuri: I've always wanted to see what's it like to be in this car.

Nemuri said as she sits in the passenger seat, feeling the car's nice leather.Anakin ignites the engine, and rides off.

Eventually, the couple arrived at a nice fancy Italian restaurant and got themselves seats for their date.While they had their dishes served and having a good time as they talked about themselves.The two started getting closer the more they got to know each other.

A thought crossed Anakin's mind when he remembered a package that was supposed to be delivered to Toga earlier today.

Anakin's mind: Wonder how Toya and Himiko are doing?


Dabi was resting on the couch after a long day of self training.He was able to utilize his blue flames at a much higher level, thanks to the gauntlets Vader provided him.He would often go to secluded locations to master his quirk at a whole new level, having the blue flame's temperature reach at a much higher level of heat that would put Endeavor to shame.And to add the cherry on top, he was able to push his limits without receiving any burns on his arms.

As for Himiko, she was having the night of her life.Earlier the afternoon, a package was delivered at the front doorstep from an organization that worked on artificial blood.Vader made a subscription to the organization, having weeks worth of artificial blood to be delivered to Himiko every month.

Toga slurps down on her second bag of artificial blood, not able to tell the difference from real blood and the artificial blood.She smacks her lips in satisfaction as hearts form on her eyes, following a blush as well.

Toga: He's done so much for me.He would look so good if he is covered in blood!

Toga continued on rambling to herself, fantasizing about her fetish.

Dabi: Can you like, not fantasize about our boss out loud.People are trying to sleep here!

Toga looks over at the tired Dabi and gives him a pout, crossing her arms.

Toga: You're not fun!


Anakin and Nemuri are laughing together as they leave the restaurant after finishing with tonight's dinner and head for the car at the parking lot.

Anakin: So after that, Obi-Wan said to me 'control your insolence, the Count is concentrating.'

Nemuri let out a burst out laughter and hiccups, she was only on her second drink and she was already losing it.

Nemuri: Oh my god, *hic* your master must've been the most hilarious man *hic* in the galaxy!

She said out loud while holding onto Anakin's left arm.

Anakin: Sheesh, talk about lightweight.

Anakin quietly said to himself.Nemuri had to be helped by Anakin for getting into the car's passenger seat, nearly loosing a high heel in the process.Anakin sat on the driver seat and drove to Nemuri's home, being the one not intoxicated with alcohol.

Nemuri: So, *hic* what's the one thing that you don't like.

Anakin gave her a confused look, wondering why she just asked him that put of the blue.

Anakin: What?

Nemuri: What's the one thing you don't like.You can tell me.

Anakin: No, I think I wont.It's a little embarrassing now that I think about it.

Nemuri: Oh come on!It can't be that bad.

Anakin gives her a look that assures her, it is embarrassing.She then smirks when a lightbulb manifests on top of her head.

Nemuri: Okay how about this, we both say the thing we despise at the same time.We'll be even then!

Anakin rolls his eyes and decides to go along with it.

Anakin: Fine, I'll play your game.

Nemuri: Yipee!Okay here we go!

Nemuri clears her throat and counts to three out loud, both Anakin and Nemuri say the thing they despise most.

Anakin/Nemuri: I don't like sand.It's course and rough and irritating.And it gets everywhere.

The two lock eyes with each other upon hearing both of their words being the exact same thing.

Nemuri's mind: So he's not boyfriend material...

A mischievous smirk forms on her face.

Nemuri's mind: He's dad material!HE'S THE CHOSEN ONE!!!


Meanwhile back at Vader's monastery, Yuri was lost in her thoughts while playing a card game of 'Republic and Senate' with Eri.

Yuri wipes off the sweat off her forehead, clearly not understanding how she's losing the game.She wonders to herself why Eri is so devious in the game.

To answer Yuri's question, she can thank Eri's father for introducing the game to her.The little snowball girl is already a professional at the game, even though there is technically no way to win the game.


Anakin makes it back to Nemuri's home and walks her to the front door.

Anakin: I know I'm not the most open person, but I had a really good time with you, Nemuri.I really mean it.

Nemuri smiles at Anakin's compliment.With her mind no longer intoxicated and can think clearly, a smug look forms on her face.

Nemuri: Who said the date is over?~

Anakin is in confusion when Nemuri asks him the question.He is surprised when she grabs onto Anakin's tie and slowly pulls him in for a kiss.Anakin relaxes his body as he continues with the kiss.

The two eventually separate from the kiss so that Nemuri can open the door.She then takes Anakin by the hand and brings him inside.Nemuri then tackles Anakin for another kiss, which leads Anakin to pinning her to the wall.The two are practically having a small makeout session as their hands are holding onto each other's bodies.

Nemuri and Anakin separate themselves, both breathing very heavily.

Nemuri: Fufufu.Let's take this in my room.

Anakin gets the idea and right on cue, he carries her in bridal style to her room and sits her down on the bed.Nemuri grabs Anakin's tie and pulls him down to the bed.Anakin lays on his back when Nemuri crawls on top of him to give him a small pecks on the lip.

The two continue with their makeout session on the bed.Anakin's hands work their way along Nemuri's curvy hips and her back to pull her closer and to get a better look at her beauty.Nemuri starts to undress Anakin until she completely unbuttons his shirt and removing it.Anakin responds by removing her high heels and undressing her, leaving only her bra and panties.One of Nemuri's hands start to feel his abs and strong pecks, while the other makes its way up to his mullet hair.

The two eventually separate for some air until Anakin moves for her neck.He starts to kiss her neck while caressing her cheek, making her moan from his actions.Nemuri moves down a bit and starts to grind their bodies together.

Nemuri: You're so goooood Ani!~

She then moved her hands under the sheets and pulled out the bra she was wearing, tossing it aside.She then looked at Anakin's blue eyes with a smirk, and he knew what she wanted.It was something he wanted to feel as well.

Anakin: This is where the fun begins.

The two lovebirds laid next to each other on the bed with no clothes on, both panting heavily, sweat all over their bodies, messy hairs, and quite a few discarded-

Anakin: AHEM!

-Quite a few discarded items with fluids in the trash.Both Anakin and Nemuri had a look of pleasure and happiness on her face.The two laid on the bed with their bodies pressed against each other and shared another passionate kiss.

Nemuri: Ani?

Anakin: Yeah?

Nemuri: I can't feel my legs.

Nemuri giggled to herself, followed by Anakin's chuckles.They them cuddled closer with one another and closed their eyes to catch some sleep.

Nemuri: I love you, Ani.

Anakin: I love you too, Nemuri.

In a dimly lit room, we find Master Yoda and Anakin Skywalker sitting in deep thought.Anakin seeks help from the wise Jedi Master after receiving a disturbing vision from the force.

Yoda: Premonitions...?Premonitions... hmm... These visions you have...

Anakin They're of pain... suffering... death...

Yoda: Yourself, you speak of?Orsomeone you know?'

Anakin: Someone...

Yoda: ...Close to you?

Anakin: Yes...

Yoda: Careful you must be when sensing the future, Anakin.The fear of loss is a path to the dark side.

Anakin: I won't let these visions come true, Master Yoda.

Yoda: Death is a natural part of life.Rejoice for those around you who transforms into the force.Mourn them do not.Miss them do not.Attachments lead to jealousy.The shadow of greed, that is.

Anakin: What must I do, Master Yoda?

Yoda: Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.


The students of class 1-A mourned for the death of the pro hero Midnight.She was a beloved hero and teacher of UA.She showed compassion and cared for them, as if they were her own children.But some one had it worse than the young heroes.

But she was not the only one that passed away.The young snowball girl, Eri Skywalker, and Vader's apprentice, Yuri perished with Nemuri after a failed attempt of the R-Rated hero trying to save her life.

(Play the music 0:00-1:25)

Anakin was on his knees, his cries become heavier by the second.He couldn't save them.He failed them.

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Something snapped inside of him, Anakin's pupils constricted as his blue eyes changed with the yellow Sith color.Dark clouds formed in the sky, followed by heavy wind.Red lightning can be seen emitting from the skies, scaring the students of Class 1-A.They can feel it.







"Know yourself.Know what you will become!"

At that moment, Anakin Skywalker is gone.He is now what remains...

"The force is strong with you"

"Anakin please!"

"You were my brother Anakin!"

"A powerful Sith you will become."




Darth Vader has returned.

Darth Vader stands up at his full height, turning towards the heroes in training with his lightsaber in hand.









He ignored their screams and pleas for mercy.The Anakin they once knew is now gone, killed by the hands of Darth Vader.

(End of music)

The persona of Darth Vader has returned after the death of Eri, Nemuri, and Yuri.The resurrected Dark Lord unleashed his wrath and reigned hell on Earth, starting with slaughtering everyone responsible for killing the people he cared for the most.

Yet his rage was not satisfied.

he wanted more...

The people of Earth are horrified after witnessing the brutality of the spirit of Darth Vader.He was slaughtering everyone in sight.Villains, heroes, innocent civilians, and even children.They now see for what he truly once was.

A monster...

After many countless battles, a battle damaged Darth Vader stood in triumph on top of the rubble of ruins that was once a city.

He slayed his opponent that dared to stand his way with a lightsaber through the heart, a young hero he personally knew to be exact.This particular hero was the strongest opponent this world had to offer.He put up a good fight, but he couldn't stop the inevitable and was no match for the dark side.Darth Vader dropped the body of the ninth user of One For All, Izuku Midoriya.

Earth was now devoid of all life all because of his own actions.The vengeful spirit single-handedly killed everyone on this planet, leaving him all alone with no one else.

He stared down at Izuku's lifeless eyes with regret upon realizing what he has done.

He hates himself... He hates himself so much...

Darth Vader: No...

He failed to save his precious daughter, his apprentice, and Nemuri from death, just like how he failed to save Padmé.

Darth Vader: No.

And most importantly, he failed Luke.His own son brought him back to the light, only for him to return back to the dark.

Darth Vader: No!

He wasted his second chance.Darth Vader was now the force's biggest tragedy.

Darth Vader: NO!

The Chosen One lets out a scream of despair that echoes across the entire planet devoid of all life, and causes a massive shockwave that forms cracks on the ground.

Darth Vader: NOOOOOOOOO!!!

This is his hell, all by himself with no one to be there for him because of his own failures...


Anakin shot his body up from the bed, drenched in sweat.His heart was beating at a much faster rate than usually.

He looks over to his right to see Nemuri is still here with him, with the bed sheets covering her nude body.He sighs in relief and calms his heart down after having a nightmare.He moves his legs over to sit on the bed with his hands over his face, recollecting his thoughts.

He knew this nightmare was a vision, much like the vision of Padme's death.He started to feel his mind racing, fearing of losing everyone he cared for and taking innocent lives again.He didn't want it to happen all over again.

He promised Padme he will never go down that path again.He cannot let it be all for nothing.

Anakin looks back down at Nemuri, he plants a kiss on her forehead before getting out of bed and puts his clothes back on before leaving.

Eventually, Nemuri wakes up from her alarm clock, indicating that it is time to get up for work.She slowly sits up from her bed and stretches before looking over to find that Anakin is gone.In confusion, she calls out for him but getting no answer.

Nemuri grabs a bath robe and walks out of her room to look for him.She eventually makes it to the kitchen and finds a sticky note written by Anakin, saying that he had to leave early for something important.

She frowns at the note, wishing Anakin can stay with her a little longer.But a smirk forms on her face, knowing she'll see him again at work.Nemuri starts to get curious for why Anakin would leave at a hurry.She'll have to ask him in person when she makes it to UA.


After returning to his monastery, Vader putted on his suit and quickly brought Yuri out to the court yard, still early in the morning.Yuri was surprised when he returned and told her to get ready for more training.

Out at the court yard of Vader's monastery, the sound of lightsabers clashing can be heard.The master and apprentice had been dueling for two hours, causing Yuri to be all worn out.The same cannot be said for Vader, because he did not break a single sweat.

Yuri stumbles back when she attempts to block one of Vader's heavy attacks, causing her to fall on all fours.Vader raises his lightsaber above his head and sends down the killing blow, but Yuri saves herself by blocking it at the last second.

Yuri lets one hand go of her lightsaber and stretches it out to release a barrage of force lighting, electrocuting Vader in the process and sending him back.Smoke emits from Vader as he recovers from the force lighting, he quickly moves his body to the side when his apprentice lunges at him and tries to stab him at the control panel.Yuri struggles to move her lightsaber when Vader grabs onto her, she's suddenly sent tumbling away when her master throws her, while simultaneously losing her lightsaber.

Yuri quickly recovers from being thrown like a ragdoll, seeing Vader slowly approaching her.With quick reaction, Yuri creates a force barrier to stop Vader's lightsaber from impaling her.

Vader: Impressive, I see that there's still some fight left in you.

Yuri: I- I WON'T QUIT!

Yuri shouts with her gritting teeth as she struggles to hold the barrier in place, due to her body and mind feeling exhausted for training for four hours.She feels her shaky body coming to its limit when she uses everything in her.

Vader: But everything must come to an end.

Her last line of defense is gone when Vader breaks through the force barrier, and is pushed on her back from a force push.Yuri tries to get off her back, but the tip of a red lightsaber blade points directly at her chin.

Vader: Yield.

Yuri sighs in defeat when she knows she has lost the duel and is down for the count, conceding with no other choice.Vader extinguishes his lightsaber and extends a hand out for Yuri to take, helping her up to her feet.

Vader: You've done well for lasting this long while exhausted.However, you are not done yet.

Vader extends his hand out with the force to call for Yuri's lightsaber to him.

Vader: For your next lesson, you will be doing something different.You will be learning the ways of the Jedi, with the help of a friend.

Yuri was confused when Vader told her that she will be taught the ways of the Jedi, thinking it contradicted the lessons her master taught her of the dark side of the force.But what caught her attention was when Vader mentioned a friend for the lesson.

Yuri: A friend?

???: I believe he means me, young lady.

Yuri quickly turns around when she hears an unfamiliar voice from behind and lets out a gasp when she see the apparition of the maverick Jedi Vader knows full well of.

Vader: It is an honor of you to join us, Master Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon: So I've heard, Anakin.

Vader introduced Yuri to Qui-Gon, telling her about how the Maverick Jedi freed him from slavery when he was a boy, how he always believed in him even after death and his fall to the dark side, and how he will teach her the pathway of the light side side of the force.

After the introductions, Vader and Qui-Gon then gave their farewell so that the Chosen One can depart for more important matters he planned, leaving Yuri to the apparition of the Maverick Jedi.

Qui-Gon then faces to the lavender force user with a smile on his face, ready to teach her the ways of the Jedi.

Qui-Gon: I have a particular set of skills that will come in handy for today's lesson.Are you ready young Fukuda?

Qui-Gon asked to Yuri, only now noticing how exhausted she was from hours of sparring with Vader.


Aizawa walks into the classroom with a capri-sun in hand, where everyone is sitting in their seats.

Aizawa: Today, everyone in this class will be participating in a hero training that will be different.To start preparing for the inevitably of fighting villains in the future, all of you will be conducting in a 1 vs 20 fight scenario.Everyone change into your hero costumes and go down to the training grounds, our guest is waiting for you.

Everyone started to chatter when their teached mentioned a 1 vs 20 fight, wondering who would be so strong or bold enough to hold their ground down against all of Class 1-A.

Bakugo: Ha!This person must be asking for a quick death if be wants to face me!I'll have him beg for mercy in no time!

Aizawa rolls his eyes when he hears Katsuki's boasting out loud.But a small smirk forms on his face when he's got an idea.

Aizawa: If you think you're so strong, then how would you like to be the first to go Bakugo?The rest of the class will follow you a bit after you start.

Katsuki was surprised for a second when he was asked to be the first to go, but his smirk quickly returned.

Izuku then looked at his childhood 'friend' and bully with a concerned look.He knew Bakugo was always the one to overestimate himself, but this was on a whole new level.He wasn't sure who this guest Aizawa mentioned, but seeing how he was talking of him, he had a feeling this was going to be a run for his money.


Katsuki walks to the entrance of the training ground, while the class waits a few minutes before they get the green light to enter.He jumps into the air and sends himself off with an explosion to find this mysterious opponent Aizawa speaks of.Little does he know, his explosion gives away his position to the mysterious opponent.

The mysterious opponent watches the ash blonde boy from the his spot, which is the training ground's highest point.He then jumps off of the spot and lets himself free fall so he can pursue his prey.

Class 1-A walks across the training ground as they comb the mock city in search of their mysterious opponent and Bakugo.Momo decides to take charge when she cooks up a plan for everyone.

Momo: Everyone, I have a plan for how we will find our guest.We'll split into teams in order to find Bakugo and our guest a lot quicker.I'll create comlinks for everyone to stay in touch.Report anything out of the unusual, we don't know who we're dealing with.

Iida steps up when he sees one little flaw in the plan.

Tenya: what if the opponent ambushes one of the teams.Sensei mentioned this is a 1v20 fight, I fear we might need everyone together if we are to stand a chance.

Before Momo can answer the engine boy, Tsuyu calls out to them.

Tsuyu: I found Bakugo!*Ribbit.*

Everyone looks at the dark alleyway the frog girl is pointing at, and they can just make out a silhouette of an unconscious Katsuki laying on the ground.

Sato: I have a bad feeling about this.

Rikido says to himself, he couldn't help himself when he feels a chill run down his spine when he sees an unconscious Katsuki at the dark alleyway.

Kirishima: Bakubro!

Kirishima runs up to Katsuki and inspects him for wounds.He notices how his costume is all tattered and covered with burns, his arms burnt from an explosion, and his two gauntlets are shattered.


He violently shakes Katsuki's body to wake him up, and slaps him across the face which does the job.Everyone is in shock when the egotistic blonde they know of lets out a scream of fear and almost blows up Kirishima's face.

Kirishima: Woah!Woah!Woah!It's me bro, chill!

Katsuki ignores his plea to calm down, he looks around his surroundings while he starts to sweat bullets.

Katsuki: Get the hell out of my way!He's coming!

Katsuli shouts as he pushes Kirishima away from him.

Kirishima: Who man?Who's coming?

Before a word can escape Katsuki's mouth, he feels something start to slowly crush his windpipe.Katsuki starts to grip his throat in a futile attempt to stop his assailant's torment, while his body suddenly floats up in the air in front of everyone.

Izuku's face pales when he recognizes what is happening to Katsuki, and lets out a shout to warn everyone.

Izuku: Everyone, we have to run!It's- gah!

Izuku couldn't finish his sentence everyone in the alleyway are thrown out into the opening, Katsuki included as well.The sound of heavy footsteps can be heard approaching Class 1-A from the dark alleyway, gaining everyone's attention.


Everyone's face turns white as snow when they hear the infamous mechanical breathing they fully know well of.The figure steps out of the alleyway's shadows, revealing their opponent to be none other than Vader.

Vader continues with his stride while he ignores everyone getting into a fighting stance and readying up their quirks.The black monolith shows no reaction from their sudden fighting stance until he is fully out in the open and stops directly in the middle, surrounded by the students of Class 1-A.

No one utters a word or moves a muscle out of fear.Some of them start to feel cold sweat run down the back of their necks when they hear the black monolith drawing his breath.

Kirishima is the first to break out of his trance and shouts at Vader to try and boost everyone's morale.

Kirishima: We got you surrounded 20 to 1 Vader!We're gonna give it our all and we will beat you!

Vader replies to Kirishima by drawing out his lightsaber, igniting the red blade when his thumbs presses the hilt's ignition button.

Vader: All I am surrounded by is fear...


But will be no ordinary fight Vader has in mind.Everyone's eyes widen when he suddenly pulls out another lightsaber that is different from his own hilt's design, and thumbs the ignition button.


The blade was the color of purple, revealing that Vader borrowed Yuri's lightsaber for Class 1-A training.He will push them further beyond their limit for today's training, and make them wish they were dead for what he's got in store.

Vader: And dead children...

In the observation room, the staff watch through the cameras when the match starts with Bakugo entering the training area by himself.The number 1 hero, Endeavor is present with the staff since his three work study students (Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto) are taking role in today's training, he wants to see how well they would fend off against Vader and study his rival.

Endeavor never liked Vader ever since they first met back when he was a wanted vigilante.He held a grudge against the black monolith for the times when he failed to capture him, being beaten and outsmarted, and being force choked.But worst of all, his son was taking a like to his rival when he heard word of his humiliation back at the docks.

So, he decided to join in with the UA staff and watch how Vader operated if the two ever face each other again in the future.He swore to himself he will never be humiliated like the last time ever again.

As for Midnight, she can see why Vader left in an early.She believes he wants to train Class 1-A to become stronger and work together as a team if they ever meet a villain that is nearly an unstoppable force.Nemuri kinda wishes he at least woken her up before his departure, but she can at least speak with him when the match is over.

The pro heroes watch the camera monitor with Vader on top of the training ground's highest building.He stands tall with his billowing cape as he stalks Bakugo the moment he propels himself with his quirk, giving himself away.

Aizawa: Tch.That took less time than I expected.

Class 1-A's sleepy hobo says to everyone with a tired expression, slurping down his third coffee of the day.

Vader moves from his spot and leaps down from the tall building with his black cape spreading like wings of a raven taking flight, heading Katsuki's location.

Nezu: Indeed.But I am more curious of how our friend will handle all 20 of our prestigious students.

They switch to another monitor that shows Vader moving through the alleyways to conceal himself in the dark.He presses the stealth mode button on his suit, deactivating the suit's lights and muting his mechanical breathing as closes in on Bakugo to avoid giving away his position.

Some of the UA staff are impressed by this suit's feature, they had never seen how Vader moves around whenever he chose to be stealthy and sneak up on his prey.

The UA staff watch as the ash blonde teenager storms around the fake city with no luck on trying to find his mysterious opponent.He starts to become irritated when he has yet to find his opponent.


Katsuki yelled out at the top of his lungs, trying to provoke his opponent to face him.He suddenly feels a finger tap on his shoulder, causing him to whip around and extend his hand out to blow up the person behind him.But his move is countered when his feels his hand start to ball into a fist on their own, stopping him from using his quirk.

His heart skips a beat when his eyes are looking straight at someone's chest with control panel he knows only one man wears.

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Katsuki's head slowly moves up on its own, his breathing becomes more heavier and rapid from the dread he feels climbing down his spine.His eyes finally make contact with the mask of the black monolith staring down at him.

He thought he would be facing one of the school's teachers, maybe one of the third year students.But he never thought that he would have to face HIM.

(Cue the Imperial March)

Vader uses a force push on Katsuki, sending him flying until he crashes against a wall and plants a knee when he falls to the ground.Bakugo fails to recover when Vader force dashes to him at light speed, and sends him tumbling when he punches him across the face.

Vader: You are nothing but a mere speck of dirt on the bottom of my boot, boy.

Vader said to Bakugo, getting him all riled up with a taunt.The UA staff watched as Bakugo gritted his teeth and got back on his feet.


He propels himself up in the air and tries to blast him with a powerful explosion, but it never comes when Vader simply extends his hand out to slam Bakugo on the floor with the force, creating a crater from the impact.

Vader: Is this the best you have to offer?You disappoint me.

Bakugo slowly rises from the crater and wipes off the dust on his face.A tick mark forms on head from Vader's taunt.


The ash blonde kid yelled at Vader, trying to scare him.He receives no reply but the mask staring at him, causing him to feel enraged.


Katsuki shouts at Vader.He will soon learn what it truly means to fear him.

Vader: Then you will die braver than most.

And before any of the UA staff can process what's going on, Bakugo charges straight for Vader, but this is all part of the plan.Bakugo throws a right hook at his opponent and puts all his weight into it the moment he closes the space between the two, but Vader sidesteps to avoid the oncoming attack and slaps him across the face with his mechno-arm and send him to the floor.

Present Mic: DAAAAAAAMMMNNN!He just bitch slapped him!

Bakugo's ears rings from Vader's slap as he holds onto his left cheek with a red mark.He gets back up and tries to fire his AP shots, but Vader quickly dodges each and every one of his attacks, not even bothering with trying to fight back.

Toshinori: He's toying with him.

Toshinori points out as they watch the fight.The UA staff becomes intrigued with Vader toying with Katsuki.

Nezu: Like cat and mouse.

Snipe: I have a feeling he is holding himself back by a long shot.

Aizawa: Oh you have no idea how right you are.

Bakugo starts getting angry when he realizes Vader is toying with him and not bothering to attack him.


He yells at the top of his lungs.Vader dodges the last AP shot and finally replies to the angry Pomeranian boy.

Vader: As you wish.

Vader immediately extends a hand out at Katsuki and releases a barrage of force lighting at him.He is very lucky Vader chooses not to go with red force lighting, otherwise he would've lose his quirk and become quirkless for life.

Katsuki falls to the ground and screams in agony from the painful sensation when his body is being tortured by the electricity cooking him.He couldn't stop his body from squirming because it's too much for him.

Vader finally stops with the force lighting and lets Bakugo lay on the ground while smoke emits from his body.The egotistic boy tries to use his strength to get up, but Vader plants a boot on his chest to stop him in place.

Katsuki tries to get Vader's boot off him by hitting it, but it's pointless.His stamina is drained from the fight and he's out for the count.But that doesn't stop Vader from drawing his lightsaber and raising it above his head.Katsuki's eyes widen and his life flashes before his eyes.

Present Mic: Principal Nezu!Tell him to stop!He's going to kill Bakugo!

Nezu: Just a minute Mic.I trust that he won't do anything too harsh.I know he won't kill young Bakugo.

Present Mic reluctantly sat down back on his seat and swallowed a large lump down his throat, worried for what Vader will do.

Vader: And that is why you will always lose!

Instead of striking directly at Bakugo, Vader slices the two gauntlets on his arms, causing a huge explosion to engulf the two when the red blade comes into contact with the nitroglycerin sweat inside.

All of the UA staff widen their eyes in shock when the monitor is cut off from the huge explosion destroys the camera closest to the two.Toshinori starts to have a coughing fit from Vader's bold and suicidal move, not expecting him to do such a thing.

Present Mic: HOLY SMOKES!

Snipe: Well I'll be damned!That was rather bold of him.

Nezu switches to another camera closest to the explosion, everyone can see a huge fire in the area, a defeated Bakugo lays on his back.His costume is tattered and burnt, burns cover most of his skin, and his arms look like they have seen worse days.The UA staff sigh in relief when they can see his chest rising and falling, indicating he is still alive.

Cementoss: Thank the Lord that the kid is alive.

Midnight: Where's Vader?

The R-rated hero asked, clearly worried her dark knight might be hurt.Nezu was about to switch to another camera to find Vader, but his eyes picked up movement from the huge fire.

All of the UA staff are in shock as they see Vader standing tall in the fire with his armor sustain no damage from the blast.Even Endeavor is taken back from the terrifying scene before him.

Vader turns his head to the camera, and speaks with an authoritative voice.

Vader: Send in the rest of Class 1-A, Principal Nezu.

Vader commanded, causing some of the UA staff to flinch from Vader speaking to Nezu through the camera, due to all of the cameras in the training ground being well hidden and concealed.

A psychotic smile forms on Nezu, after being satisfied of watching Vader perform a remarkable fight for them.Now he wants to see how he will handle the rest of Class 1-A.His paw brings the mic up to his face and replies back to Vader.

Nezu: As you wish, Vader.

The teachers of UA start to feel sorry for Class 1-A after hearing Nezu signing their death warrant.

Toshinori: I'm sorry, young Midoriya.

All Might quietly says to himself as he watches Class 1-A enter the training ground through another monitor.He knows Izuku can hold his ground, but he is unsure if he can hold himself against the black monolith.