
SKY by dreamalittlefic

What would you do for your family? The one you lost and the one you're making both of them are dear to you. Will you try and take revenge which means putting your new family in danger? Or will you forget your real family, the one you have always wanted to keep safe but failed miserably? "I'm surprised you haven't grown out fangs, princess," he said, a toothy smirk on his face that I've been trying not to punch keeping in mind I need him. "Do not call me princess!" "Why, do not like the names I give you, huh angel?" "I am not a princess, princesses get their work done for them. Me? I do my own work and make my own rules."

dreamalittlefic · วัยรุ่น
42 Chs

twenty one

"We're going to Jullian's club?" Nathan asks and I nod.

"So you're saying we're going to the 'moon'? Get it?" Seok-Min asks squeakily laughing.

"Yeah go get ready, we're gonna have to check out the level of security and their status," I say shrugging. They agree and go off to get ready at their place while I run up to my room.


I have only two options, that is, a hot pink dress with a sweetheart neckline and a silver slip dress I totally love but am not confident I can pull it off now. It has a plunge neckline and reaches up till mid-thighs. It's mom's favourite colour, might make me vulnerable. Atleast it's better than the signboard dress. I lay the dress on the bed along with my briefs and block silver heels on the floor. This is okay for a night club right?

I get into the shower after putting on some music and take a long shower. I get into the dress and do my makeup, then let my hair down. They've grown quite a lot, I could use a haircut. I take out the curling iron and mould my hair into slight waves that reach down till my lower back.

"Perfect," I exclaim, painting my lips red while jamming to 'earned it'. Red makes me confident. Powerful and now that I'm one step away from my goal it indeed is the time to be confident.

I spray on some perfume and make my way dowstairs with a black sling bag with my phone, a knife, my lipstick and cash in it. The bell rings and I draw in a deep breath before moving towards the door after checking everything in the house. As soon as I open the door I hear gasps and there they stood. Six boys, handsome than ever. One missing.

"Where's Young-Jae?" I ask with furrowed brows.

"Wow, uh, he's in the car but like no hello?" Jake says dissappointed.

"I've developed a habit of counting y'all everytime we go anywhere. Anyway, You guys look handsome as ever. Fingers crossed no drunk horny girls steal my boys away." I joke with my fingers crossed in front of me. It's not entirely a joke though.

"Come on, he'd probably be asleep if we don't hurry up!" Seok-Min says and we all move behind Seok-Min and Nathan.

"By the way, Bee? You look absolutely stunning. The fact that your heels make you almost as tall as Jake makes you look stronger." Nathan says and Jake glares at him. We reach the car right at the end of the walkway from the main door of the house to a white fenced gate.

"He's gonna faint, you better be ready to handle a horny Young-Jae tonight." Hyun says opening the passenger door of the SUV for me. I thank him as dramatically as he opened the door. I look at Young-Jae for a fleeting second that turned into a open-mouth stare.

He looked absolutely stunning. White tee, denim jacket with sleeves rolled up, blue distressed denims, chains dangling around his neck, fingers gripping the steering wheel latched with rings and piercings full of earpieces. I couldn't look away for like two minutes. His head turned towards me and he tilted it with a smirk.

"Get in baby, can't be too late," he said running a hand through his hair. He also got a fucking haircut.

An undercut.

His forehead was exposed too. Let me just smash my head against a wall and then come back.

"Yeah Bee, stop gawking," Kyle said from the back seat and I rolled my eyes and get into the car clearing my throat. Young-Jae laughed and I feel myself melt along the crinkles of his eyes.

I am so whipped.

I sat down and Young-Jae reached over to tie my seat belt but instead of the belt, his hand landed on the hem of my dress but then he put my seat belt on.

"I want to rip that off you right now and have my way with you", he whispered and my stomach did a backflip at his comment. He leaned back slyly in his seat and I exhaled shakily.


"We're here. Bee, I know you probably have a knife or gun in your bag, leave it here, they won't let us in that way," Trevor commanded and my eyes widened. How did he know? The boys got off the car and I stayed in till Young-Jae turned off the engine.

"Let's go" He gestured opening the door but I grabbed the collar of his jacket and jumped onto his lap, straddling him. "After this", I said placing my lips on his addicting ones.

He moaned a little into the kiss and my confidence boosted up. He leaned into me, pressing my back against the steering wheel, kissing me like no tomorrow. I whimpered when he enters his tongue into my mouth.

When we both parted, my lipstick was all over the place and I quickly cleaned it with tissues and reapply. As soon as I was done, Young-Jae kissed my neck again, thumb gliding over the hickey he made on me in the afternoon.

"Perfect." He said and I hummed happily while adjusting the straps of my dress.

"You look so pretty you know, all shimmery in silver. It's a nice change after seeing you in the same hoodie for two days", he coaxed smiling and I melted completely.

"You look prettier when you smile," I cupped his face so his lips formed a noot and kissed it.

"Guys, please stop making out now!" Kyle exhaled, irritated. Poor single bunny.

"Let's go" We both got off the car and ran into the club. The guard checked our IDs and smiled at me warmly. He was twice my age, probably trying to be friendly so I smiled back.

"We can't stay in a group of Eight here." Nathan mumbled looking at the place filled with dancing people. I nodded and scanned the place.

"Okay guys so here's the plan, Seok-Minnie, Monie and Chim you guys be at the bar. Sweet talk the bartenders and regulars into telling you about this place and the owner. Me, Jae and Hobi are gonna be occasionally dancing while observing the gangs and stuff here. Jungoo and Tae you both do whatever you want just don't get suspicioned and stay close guys." I directed them and they happily nodded.

"So captain, wanna dance?" Hyun asked yelling a little and I nodded while pulling Young-Jae along onto the dance floor. We danced and jammed to songs continuously looking out for known faces. Young-Jae and Hyun left for the washroom while I danced slowly. I didn't have a good feeling about being left alone and I was just dancing to one of the songs when I felt a hand grab my ass making me gasp.

I turned around and shoved the drunk guy away from me. This kinda stuff happened all the time but he didn't stop after a warning too. I turned around to push him away but he held my arms and waist tightly, his laugh reeking of alcohol. I had never been a fan of alcohol but I didn't want to cause violence.

"Excuse me, leave me alone!" I yelled pushing him away for the second time but he came back again and grabs my breast this time. That's it.

I twisted his arm behind his back and kicked him onto the floor. He groaned but I had enough. I grabbed his wrist still twisting it and put my heel onto his shoulder. By then people had noticed the whole ordeal and the music had stopped.

"I told you to stop thrice nicely, now you'd better say sorry before I break your arm", I ordered through gritted teeth.

"You're doing amazing sweetie!" Seok-Min screamed over the crowd with all the other boys hooting and I grinned at them widely.

I loved my family.