
SKY by dreamalittlefic

What would you do for your family? The one you lost and the one you're making both of them are dear to you. Will you try and take revenge which means putting your new family in danger? Or will you forget your real family, the one you have always wanted to keep safe but failed miserably? "I'm surprised you haven't grown out fangs, princess," he said, a toothy smirk on his face that I've been trying not to punch keeping in mind I need him. "Do not call me princess!" "Why, do not like the names I give you, huh angel?" "I am not a princess, princesses get their work done for them. Me? I do my own work and make my own rules."

dreamalittlefic · วัยรุ่น
42 Chs

thirty two

"Jack! Look what I found!" The little girl said showing the older boy a little stone.

"It's very pretty just like my little sister." the boy patted her head and she grinned before running off to find more stones which her brother would call pretty like her. The mother watched the two and smiles to herself.

"Hey kids, come on, we're going home!" she yelled smiling from ear to ear.

Good times.

"Wake up Bee, we're home!" He said louder this time, standing in front of the house's door.

"Huh? Seok-Min? Oh yeah, we're home?" She asked and he nodded dropping her down from his back.

"You'll see your Young-Jae now, come on."

Good times.

"Let's go, I need rest too." He said, holding my hand and rushing to the main door through the walkway. We both stood in front of the door as I rang the bell. The door opened in a matter of seconds revealing an angry Kyle who piped down as soon as he saw us.

"Bee! Oh my god Seok-Min! Oh my god, Oh god, Oh my-"

I chuckled a little at his freaked out behaviour and shushed him. He sealed his lips and gave Seok-Min a hug, he then turned to me, holding my face in his hands. He turned my head from side to side while also moving backwards into the house. Seok-Min closed the door behind us.

"You don't have any other injuries, right?" He asked, voice getting smaller at the end. I shook my head and he nodded, smiling a little. No one was around in the living room and the house was unusually quiet.

"Wasn't Noah with you guys?" He asks, a little confused. I felt goosebumps rise on my skin and the promise tattoo burned on my skin.


I had been desperately trying not to remember everything but that was not quite possible. His bloodshot eyes, pale face and limp body which did not move an inch played before my eyes. My whole body shivered and goosebumps rose on my skin again. My eyes felt heavy and everything burned.

"Noah, uh, he, Noa-" Seok-Min begat but my sentence shut him up.

"Noah died. Jullian shot him. I shot Jullian."

"W-What?" He breathed out, too surprised to talk. I nodded and he brought his shaking hand upto my face. Was I crying?

"Where's everybody?" He cleared his throat composing himself.

"Young-Jae's upstairs and the rest of them went to look for you both." I nodded and turned towards the stairs. I started walking up the stairs but a hand grabbed my arm and I turned to find Kyle looking at me with a pleading look. I feel myself melt, was he okay?

"What happened Kyle?" He bit his lower lip before speaking.

"Bee, I'll get it if you're upset but please don't be too hard on him, he didn't leave you alone, some guards caught him at the back and he tried to fight them all off alone before me and Hobi hyung reached there." I sighed in relief, this was it? He was afraid that I'd scold Young-Jae?

"No bub, I would never hurt him, he'd always try his best I know," I kissed his forehead and ran up the stairs. I stopped in front of his closed door and breathed in before knocking on the door.

"Yeah?" I heard his voice, raspier like he was in pain. I knocked again, not able to get words out.

"Who is it? Just come in, stop knocking," He grumbled and hissed, I felt so bad. He must really be hurt. My fingers wrapped around the doorknob and I twisted it before opening the door. As soon at the door opened I was met with a very disoriented Young-Jae. He was lying on the bed, hair disheveled, bruises, and a busted lip, he looked sick. My heart clenched repeatedly.

They hurt my baby.

"J-Jae, baby?" His eyes opened wide hearing my voice and he tried getting up but fell back wincing and whimpering. I couldn't bring my feet to move, it was like I was stuck. He opened his arms with a loving smile, inviting me into his embrace and then I saw nothing else but him. I ran to the bed, as fast as I could and held his face in my hands, he was burning up with fever.

"Hi babe." He said smiling a little. I sighed deeply before straddling him but not putting my weight onto him.

"Who hurt you?" I tried to say calmly but it came out as a growl.

"Woah, it doesn't matter, this is nothing." He shrugged and I bit my lip to stop it from trembling. I didn't want him to worry about me.

"What happened though?" He sighs before turning us both so we were lying on our sides face to face. Once we were both comfortable he grabbed my leg by the knee pulling it over his waist so I was closer. Fortunately, he hadn't touched my back yet.

"I was waiting for you both when Lily the bitch told on us, the guards came rushing to me and they just kept on coming more and more so I called up Hyun quickly telling him everything while running away. They caught me, I was acting too smug so they punched the shit out of me." I laughed a little loudly at his statement and he laughed along before my laugh turned into sobbing and crying. As I was afraid, I broke down. He just made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside that all my walls and confidence came crashing.

"I know something happened, let it all out." He placed my head into his chest and I sobbed louder.

"N-noah, she shot him, s-so I shot her." I told him in between sobs. He nodded understandingly and proceeded to rub my back which made me scream out loud.

"Oh god, sorry, did I hurt you?" he frantically got up and I whimpered.

"I hurt my back," My voice came out hoarse and barely audible.

"No baby, I love your back," What? He looked at me with wide eyes before scratching his neck. He probably didn't understand. I got up from the bed and removed my top. As soon as my bra came into view his face flushes red.

Oh my god, what is he, a fifteen-year-old preteen?

I turned around rolling my eyes and I heard him gasp loudly before he got up with wobbly feet and turned me around. I saw his lip quivering and he bit it looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, let's get you some ointment okay, sit on the bed, I'll be back."

As soon as he came back, I opened my eyes again. He got on the bed behind me and tapped my shoulder. "Yeah?"

"I need your bra off, can you do that for me?" He softly said and I nodded while he kissed my cheek from behind. He squeezed a generous amount of the ointment softly applying it all over my back.

"How did this happen?" I shook my head, not wanting to say it and he seemed to have gotten the point. My skin burned every time he applies the ointment but I didn't have the energy or will to protest. Once done, he carefully bandaged it up so It didn't hurt on touching.

"Bee, it's done, do you want to eat something?" I turned around, he was still standing on the bed on his knees while I was sitting. I tightly hugged him by the waist, face hidden in his tummy. He patted my head and caressed my hair. I looked at him, settling my chin on his tummy and frown.

"What does Bee wanna eat?" He cooed at me and I broke into a small smile. I felt so safe around them. He was almost too good to be true for me. Wasn't this supposed to be love?

"Whatever it is that you cooked that day." He furrowed his brows taking in his lower lip completely. Why did he look so cute even when he was confused?

"Okay, I guess," He furrowed even deeply before scoffing and removing my arms from his waist and got off the bed but I made grabby hands towards him. He smiled softly at me. His eyes were full of care and adoration. He tucked his arms under mine picking me up like a baby and I landed my feet on top of his own while he backed to the door without looking back.

"Bee, I wanna say something." I hummed resting my cheek on his shoulder.

"Nevermind." I hummed again, not wanting to press. He knew I was not going anywhere. We had time.

"Okay, we need to go down the stairs." I pushed off him and we walked down the stairs. I saw a few more heads and voices downstairs so I hurried up.

"Oh my god, Bee, Oh god, we were so worried." Trevor tried to tackle me into a bear hug but I stopped him with both my hands.

"I hurt my back, I'll hug you when it's healed, okay?" He nodded sadly but still agreeing.

The door opened again in an instant revealing a rather angry Hyun. I scanned him head to toe but only one thing lingered in my eyes. The bullet wound on his forearm.

"Guys, we might have a problem."

Oh, fuck no.