
SKY by dreamalittlefic

What would you do for your family? The one you lost and the one you're making both of them are dear to you. Will you try and take revenge which means putting your new family in danger? Or will you forget your real family, the one you have always wanted to keep safe but failed miserably? "I'm surprised you haven't grown out fangs, princess," he said, a toothy smirk on his face that I've been trying not to punch keeping in mind I need him. "Do not call me princess!" "Why, do not like the names I give you, huh angel?" "I am not a princess, princesses get their work done for them. Me? I do my own work and make my own rules."

dreamalittlefic · วัยรุ่น
42 Chs

thirty six

I loved him in ways I never loved anybody else, he was like poison in my viens pulsating through every inch of me with just a drop. Except it was not just a drop, it was everything.

"Young-Jae, I love you." He stopped abruptly turning around taking my hand kissing me again and then pulling me towards the top of the stairs again.

"Guys, she said it back!" He yelled and hollering started downstairs.

"Go get it bro!" Hyun said a little too loud but it was fine, we forgive him.

I laughed shaking my head and pulled him into the room. I turned him so his back faced the bed and pushed him towards it, locking the door.

"Ooh, somebody's being dominant today," He hissed at me and I bit my lower lip pacing towards him on the bed. He laid down completely and I straddled him, lifting his hoodie over my head. He sucked in a breath and then proceeded to choke after seeing my attire. Well, he was lucky he chose today. I was wearing nice lingerie. Hehe.

"Oh god, when did you buy this?" He asked propping up on his elbows and then tracing my cleavage lightly with his fingertips. I grabbed his wrists putting them around my hips and pulled him up by the collar. I pecked his lips once and the second time, he parted his lips encasing mine between his.

His brows furrowed deeply and eyes closed, while I did the same. My hands worked on the collar of his shirt he had put on before the movie and I slid it down his shoulders while he slid my shorts down along with my panties. I pulled away from his lips gasping for air and slide his sweats down. He also nudged his boxers down.

I snickered a little at his impatience and he lifted his hips helping me remove the last item of clothing from himself. I started to move my hands to his dick, taking it in my hand, I moved my hand up and down his dick and he groaned throwing his head back.

I shuffled down lower and took it in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the tip and then licking one strip from the base to the tip. His hands entangled in my long hair, wrapping his fingers around them making a ponytail and he thrusted his hips upwards multiple times whining while I teased him going slower everytime.

"Okay, stop, y-you're too good at this, I won't last as l-long as you." I didn't stop.

"Oh my god, you never liste-Ohh" I shut him up by going deeper one more time and then moaning around it. He groaned loudly throwing his head back and I pulled away smirking.

"You did good babyboy." I teased winking at him and he whined in irritation again.

"Alright, that's enough." He said flipping us around so my back met with the soft matress. He was so strong in his actions but so gentle with his touch. I loved it.

He leaned down and his chain tickled lightly against my skin. Hands fumbling with my bra, he left first kisses then hickeys down my neck and cleavage. As soon as my bra opened his hands grope my breasts tugging at the nipples like before making me whine and whimper which I was sure he liked.

"Can you p-please stop g-going so slow?" I begged urging him to go faster by wrapping my legs around him again and pushing him forward to me. The skin of his member met my clit and we both leave loud stretched out moans. He hummed nodding and leans away from me only to groan after seeing me lock eyes with him. He put his hands next to my waist on both sides and leans on one elbow using the other hand to rub my clit.

"God fuckin-, don't stop." I breathed out gasping and he slowly entered two fingers to prep me.

"You're so wet already, I don't think you need to be prepped more." He said cockily and removed his fingers leaving me empty.

He took out a condom from the nightstand and tore it open while also making it fall on the bed. He scrunched his nose up and I rolled the condom on.

I smiled at his cute mumbling as he aligned himself at my entrance.

"Do I have your permission?" He asked with bigs eyes and I kissed him by leaning upwards.

"Yes baby." I played with his hair a little as he prods the tip at my sensitive clit then rubbing up and down and slowly entered in. I sighed in pleasure, tugging at his hair making him crane his neck upward with open lips and closed eyes.

Oh how I wished to see him like this again and again.

"You're so fucking beautiful." I hissed while he starts moving in and out slow at first, smirking.

He increased his pace a little, going deeper and deeper and I hugged his shoulders moaning right into his ear.

"Oh god, I can't get enough of your voice," He started rolling his hips upwards and deeper hitting my G-spot perfectly. I let out a loud cry at that and he flipped us over again after a few more thrusts.

"You're not tired, right?" He asked concerned in a cute voice. I swear to god, the duality.

"No, are you?" He shook his head and I started moving up and down as good as possible. He held my hips in place before moving me back and forth instead. His skin rubbed against my clit and I moan louder.

It was not rough, because it was not just sex to us and I could see it in his eyes.

It was perfect.

We both came together and ended it with a kiss. I pulled it out of my core and kissed him again.

"Let's take a shower. Come." I pulled him into the bathroom and we got right back into the sheets, nothing on our bodies after the shower. I let him rest his head on my chest while I hummed a lullaby Trevor taught me. He smiled up at me and kept looking.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked chuckling but not complaining.

"Like what?" I don't know, like you're promising me something. A silent promise.

"Like you wanna say something."

"No, I just love you."

"I love you more."

"You wanna fight me?" He asked faking a serious expression. I laughed shaking my head.

"I won't be this gentle next time." He whispered and I turned red.

"I'm not complaining."

I love you much more than you'll ever know.