
SKY by dreamalittlefic

What would you do for your family? The one you lost and the one you're making both of them are dear to you. Will you try and take revenge which means putting your new family in danger? Or will you forget your real family, the one you have always wanted to keep safe but failed miserably? "I'm surprised you haven't grown out fangs, princess," he said, a toothy smirk on his face that I've been trying not to punch keeping in mind I need him. "Do not call me princess!" "Why, do not like the names I give you, huh angel?" "I am not a princess, princesses get their work done for them. Me? I do my own work and make my own rules."

dreamalittlefic · วัยรุ่น
42 Chs


I looked like I hadn't eaten for days, which I hadn't. I stood before the mirror, now-black hair wet and a towel around me. I lost weight, I thought.

My eyes had bags underneath them and my head was dizzy. It had been three weeks since that night on the beach and we didn't even know one thing about Jullian. The boys and me had spent every ounce of our energy on looking for her details, anything on her to help us know who she works for.

I felt like shit.

Three days ago, I shut everybody out, all of them and sent them home, telling them to rest. I let Young-Jae in today, it was raining outside and he refused to go home. Right now, he was probably making lunch for me downstairs.

I felt like everything was slipping through the cracks of my fingers. Just when I thought I could accomplish one fucking thing in life, it just slipped out. My sanity was at the shoreline, one wave and I'd lose myself. Completely.

It was dangerously close to being washed out by the waves and too far for the sand to hold me back from going.

"Bee, baby, come out, you'll wrinkle up if you stay in the water longer than that," I heard him sigh when I didn't reply. He must be tired, I was supposed to be taking care of him too, but he was making all the effort. I wore my enormous hoodie with biker shorts and opened the door. As Usual.

"Hey, come here," he called out with open arms. I immediately ran into him and hugged him tight both sighing in relief.

"I'm sorry Yoonie, I'm sorry for locking you guys out," He just shook his head dismissively and I squeezed him tighter and tighter.

"I like the new name, let's eat and then cuddle, okay?" He said kissing my hair. I clung onto him more, I was lazy and cozy.

"Honey Bee, how will I walk if you don't move?" I laughed lightly and shrugged.

"Okay," I freed him and he exhaled deeply, racing me down the stairs but I let him win partly because he was happy and partly because I was too low on energy to be enthusiastic. He laid two servings of some really delicious looking Korean food and then proceeded to hand me a can of sprite.

"Sprite? Really?" I quirked my brows.

"Hobi said you have to try it because he loves it too", he grumbled chuckling a little.

I loved his smile. The way his eyes crinkled up into little crescents and gums were on full display. He looked pretty no matter what he did, he could just be sitting and I'd swoon over him. We were not dating yet officially but yeah basically. He kept smiling from ear to ear.

Such a babie.

"Come here, Little Mr. Cat" I said and he turned to look at me, eyes innocently big and lips in a straight line. So freaking cute.

"I liked 'yoonie' better but yeah whatever, what's up?" He asked laughing again.

"I want to kiss you, that's all", I said making a nonchalant face when internally I wanted a lot of attention. He got up from his side of the dining table picking me up and made me sit on the table far from the food and stood in between my legs.

"Do it then, kiss me."

I didn't hesitate even for the fraction of a second and pulled him towards me by the collar. I pecked him once and then parting our lips I encased his upper one between mine and he followed my lead. He tasted like vanilla and my new favourite scent: his shampoo filled up my nostrils making me feel at home. He bit down on my lower lip, tugging at it and I groaned when he grabs my ass closing the little distance between us.

"I missed you, I haven't slept in two days, it felt like I'd miss your texts or calls if I closed my eyes," He growled, forehead resting on mine and hands under my hoodie.

"Me too," I said kissing his complete face repeatedly.

"I. Missed. You. Too." He smiled the most genuine one I've seen out of him and titled his head.

"What is up with you? Do you want anything? You don't always act so cute."

"Just kisses. I can't seem to stop myself from kissing you." I said pecking his whole face again.

"Mhmm, Is that so?" I didn't reply, I just attached my lips onto his again and he smiled into the kiss.

"Aren't you hungry Honey Bee?" I shook my head and kissed him again. He removed his hands from the wooden surface of the dining table and wrapped them around my waist pressing our bodies together. His hand slipped under my bra, squeezing me left breast, making me moan.

"Why are you always horny? We were having quite a romantic moment there but you just had to," I teased him hiding my smile but failing miserably. He just shrugged and played with the waistband of my shorts.

"Can't help myself around you." He whispered, hand slipping inside my shorts. His fingers hovered over my clit lightly teasing me. I half moaned half whined his name and he pressed his thumb onto my clit making me arch my back and moan again. Why did every simple action of his make me feel so good? I grabbed onto his shoulders while he rubbed light teasing circles on my clit with his hand.

"Oh my god, fuck, please," He slid his hand into my thong and inserted one of his fingers inside. This was it, I lost my mind and moaned louder.

"I love your voice, it drives me crazy." He growled adding one more finger inside stretching me out.

"I c-could say the same thing, is this the fastest you can go?" I teased him, wanting to piss him off and it worked, he clenched his jaw and scissored his fingers inside me faster. I squirmed, eyes closed, mind hazy. No thoughts just the feeling of his fingers in me, drove me to the edge.

"I can't help but submit to you, you make me think about some really unholy things, Min Young-Jae", I complained kissing his neck and jaw.

"I'd be more than glad to do those things to you," He chuckled now rubbing my clit with his thumb, one hand holding me in place. His voice drove me to the edge and I came undone but he didn't stop, trying to overstimulate me.

"Young-Jae, no, oh my god," I screamed when he circled my clit applying more and more pressure.

"You look so beautiful no matter what you do," He said finally stopping.

"Oh my god, did yo-" I heard somebody say.

There stood the boys, some eyes shut, some wider than ever with hands clasped on their open mouths.