"Let me handle it." Akira speaks with conviction.
The others withdrew without a word.
"Hihihi, don't get me wrong, I'm not mocking you, but I admire your courage." A creature like the other three laughs.
'They all seem to have different personalities.'
The black being rushes on Akira with all his strength but suddenly a being to appear of an angel, with wings, dressed in a white dress and a skin of the same color, with a golden halo, appears, This angel attacked the black being who protects himself with Ken.
Suddenly the golden halo moves very quickly, it moves towards the neck of the avatar and decapitates it.
The being who attaches his head to his body thinks :
'Too fast, and he didn't even use Shu but managed to pass my Ken and my resilience, incredible. Anyway, if I take care of the creator, this angel will disappear.'
The creature conjured a cage around the angel, who began to hit it, but the more he hit it the harder the cage became.
Akira, who had remained in retreat and analyzed the forces of the adversary, began to speak with mockery : "Ahah if you already have pain with creation, do you really believe you stand in front of me, the creator ?"
The being on hearing this rushed straight to Akira who had his arms outstretched and looked at him with pity.
The moment his fist touched Akira's deflecting hand, his eyes lost all lucidity, and he stopped fighting, motionless.
"Who are you ?"
"I have no name, I am one of the avatars of mother."
"Why do you have different personalities if you are just an avatar ?"
"Because mother only controls us when she wants to."
"Ok, how many avatars does your mother have? Explain to me all of her abilities." Akira continued his interrogation.
"50, she can uproot and take the same form as us her avatars, so she can flee or pursue her enemies, she is very strong in this form, she has invincible resilience, her attack power is overwhelming, she manipulates fine Nen, she's in control of her body, she can stretch her arms out, everything, and she has no vital point, she's immortal."
"Very well is there anything that we are not aware of that would benefit us ?"
"Yes, she knows all the time what's going on with any of her avatars, if she didn't interrupt me, she wanted me to give you that information."
"Fuck ! Suicide yourself."
Then the avatar turned to ash.
"Bad Choice" : The user creates a beast of Nen, Lucifer or Zadkiel that will fight for the user.
If Lucifer is created and the adversary fights him directly, the adversary will no longer be able to manipulate Nen ; but if he attacks the user nothing will happen, Lucifer will still fight.
If Zadkiel is created and the adversary fights him directly, nothing will happen, Zadkiel will always fight him ; but if he attacks the user, he will immediately fall under the user's control.
The user must not personally launch an attack on the opponent if Zadkiel is invoked, but he can defend himself, but he is obliged to attack if Lucifer is created.
'Hmm these guys are strong and super resilient, I'm going to take the opportunity to practice the old man's Shingen-ryu.'
The three black avatars were wonderfully coordinated, but they didn't share a single mind and it showed.
Skotadi started by fighting them in a pretty messy way, but within a few minutes he started to appropriate this kung fu and take the advantage in this fight, after a few tens of minutes he stopped using Nen and the roles were reversed, but after an hour Skotadi facing three monsters using Hatsu and skillful at Nen slowly but surely regained the advantage.
A few minutes later it was no longer a fight but a beating.
"Hi guys what's up ?" Alucard said coming out of Gates.
So Akira explained what he had just learned while Skotadi explained that these avatars as well as the "mother" should not really be immortal since I got rid of them, as long as they were chopped into sufficiently small pieces, they could no longer reform.
Suddenly Alucard dispelled the weakest, there was nothing left but Meruem, the original troop, Hisoka and Akira, 46 avatars as well as another identical but much stronger surrounded them giving off a suffocating collective aura filled with mischief.
"You are stubborn, so be proud, we took you seriously. Kill them." The most powerful said and rushed towards the most dangerous in his eyes, Skotadi.
'She must be the mother, well she ordered them that means that she cannot control them in this form. The problem is, the sun is going to set soon. Well if everything was easy it wouldn't be fun anymore haha. ' Skotadi thought and mentally told the remaining members to kill them as quickly as possible until there was only enough left for them to practice.
The real Kodoku avatar added 15 fingers to both hands and then stretched them to a length of 20 meters, so 40 ultra dense whips totally prevented Alucard from approaching within 20 meters of her; but he didn't want to be done with just using Gates and cutting them, he wanted to keep practicing.
Three whips covered in Shu wrap around his right wrist, then the mother tossed the rest at the man now totally at his mercy, but with a flick of his left hand he cut off all three, then instead to retreat he advanced to meet all these whips, arrived at 1 meter from him, these whips were immediately chopped, the whips tried to attack him from behind as well as on the sides but before being able to change trajectories they were are cut by the covered hands of Kô de Skotadi, he no longer simply defended himself but attacked now.
The mother was using Ken, it wasn't stupid, but she had seen the man's attacks, although she wouldn't be hurt she believed he was hiding other more devastating assets.
'He's using me to sharpen his skills ? Not just him, the others too, and how can a Chimera Ant be so strong? He looks even stronger than the vampire! Damn I wouldn't have the strength to kill them, I have to escape.'
The mother suddenly no longer attacked but abandoned her remaining avatars and fled !
"Hey do you think you're still useful to me if you don't be my punching bag anymore ?" Skotadi whispered then used Gates, the mother didn't have time to react and walked through, then what she saw was the man who should have been very far already.
'Damn I hate those abilities playing with space, progenitor help me please.'
"What a bother... Why don't they move forward, do they have to harass me like this ? I'm different, I can't move forward as I wish..." The flower with 13 scary black petals spoke alone in her cave.
'Sorry but you should have asked me before, anyway he was just playing with you, you were more or less condemned from the start. But don't worry, thanks to your sacrifice I will become more powerful.' The flower mentally responded to the mother.
Skotadi had seen everything, he did not really hear this telepathic discussion, but he understood, this mother was not yet at the top of the hierarchy, she felt in danger before, but she kept hope,
and after an absence strange but without losing concentration, his desperation was felt, his face did not betray any emotions, it was not a human anyway, his expressions would certainly be different, the tribe of Akira for example had some expressions which differed from humans for example.
'I see this being she spoke to may not be the highest authority either I took the opportunity to compare myself but I think I would be more careful afterwards.'
Although having given up hope, the mother was not weak, she let go of all her aura and it took the form of full armor, no part of her body was visible, no hole in that armor, after all was not a human, she would not have weaknesses in her strengths.
That black armor really gave off a disturbing feeling, Skotadi watched this and decided to be careful, he summoned a few thousand clones who rushed at her wrapped in Ken.
He then saw a familiar but different thing, whenever the armor made contact with a clone, the surface of the affected clone disappeared, the mother erased the clones this way, the clones were not immortal nor possessed of regeneration, in fact it may be the case but this jutsu made sure that by suffering a sufficiently serious injury, the clone would dissipate, and sufficiently serious was actually not much so Skotadi could not use them as Immortal army, he had thought he should improve this jutsu if possible but currently he was still a beginner in Nen.
Anyway Skotadi wasn't stupid, maybe the contact with the armor sent the affected part to another dimension, or erased it like Zeno from DBS, or maybe he was just like the fish from Chollo, whatever he wanted a sense of danger, not death, so he created an Avatar of God and sent him to test the waters.
Skotadi who was controlling the avatar did not let himself be touched but used Kô and laser vision on the armor, and the armor was fighting against, it was not the same as before, so he stopped Kô,
and here the result was the same to the clones, the armor no longer fought, without a word the clones and he himself acted and covered with Kô the parts which were in contact with the armor, as a result, the clones were no longer manhandled.
Skotadi used Cruel Sun, wrapped him in Shu, and sacrificing his clones without remorse, he threw him at the mother.
'Really this style must be hell for the enemy, they are not immortals, on the contrary but they are endless, it must weigh more heavily on morale. I can self-sacrifice endlessly, of course if these clones didn't have some strength, they would be useless.'