Phagogenesis: The user can self-reproduce by devouring organisms and transmitted the characteristics of the ingested creatures to the user's offspring. This ability improves with the potency of the organisms eaten.
The Queen possessed such a useful ability was not going to be let loose by Skotadi, he had stayed with the Chimera Ants until the birth of the King arrived, who was still hypnotized in order to avoid a temper tantrum.
Skotadi in the form of Alucard after Meruem's birth, had sucked the Queen's blood until her death in order to make her a centerpiece of her legion, the three Royal Guards now fully loyal to the King and aware of the power of the vampire, did not dispute what had happened, Alucard satisfied then released hypnosis on Meruem, who pissed off to the point immediately released all his aura and struck with all his might towards Skotadi, who turned into a mist dark and spoke softly :
"Meruem, you are still weak. For me, for humanity or for the Dark Continent, you are weak. Do not despise anyone and practice yourself, I am saving you today because you are too young to give up soul. Get to know yourself ! Travel and discover the vast world ! Become stronger Meruem !! I will wait for you as long as it takes... Ready to face you when the time comes !! You must strengthen your mind and perfect your Nen to hope to be able to surpass me one day Chimera Ants King !!"
The three Guards were shocked not from this speaking mist but from the hole made by Meruem, the house was destroyed and a crater a hundred meters deep had formed.
At birth, their King had almost three times the power that Pitou had, who had trained relentlessly.
Stokadi was happy.
'Meruem has become really powerful, his talent in Nen is incredible, he has a Hatsu from birth which makes him a talent superior to me, but ... How is that possible?'
Wearing a dark face Skotadi seemed to realize a strange thing, said nothing and thought, transforming back to himself : 'I have to finish this Hatsu as quickly as possible.'
So the cocoon dissipated in a blinding red light while the old man had vanished !
No actually he turned from a thin old man to a mature looking man between 30 and 40 years old, he didn't have his aura out but the mood about him had changed drastically, everyone sensed the danger radiated by the president.
"Damn you were really a monster in your apogee !" Skotadi exclaimed, still astonished to feel a sense of danger.
Netero observed his growing body, his muscles more powerful than those of his prime, his senses enhanced and his appearance more charismatic than in his youth, he felt his body, his thoughts and his Nen to have been somehow evolved, and posed the question everyone had in their minds in a voice that was still teasing and playful but powerful :
"Explain, will you ?"
And the white haired boy explained the effect of his Hatsu, but also reassured having another Hatsu useful in combat without specifying the details.
"Why this aspect ? Was it even necessary ?"
"Ahah no I just wanted to see my signed works and what better than to change the color of their eyes by making them identical to mine ."
Knov, still slightly troubled thinking of the man seen in the colony, in the presence of his master, reassured and more confident asked : "President, however powerful this Vlad Dracula, as well as the King, you could certainly fight them both at the same time without too much difficulty !"
"Yes no problem haha ! Uh who's the other guy ?" Knuckle replied.
"Hmmm not sure about those two but I should be able to cope with one of the Royal Guards ohoh."
Morel thinking his teacher was a bit shameless because if he couldn't do that nobody could cough and explained to his student : "A strange man intervened to save the third guard when he was born and then said he didn't was neither on their side nor on our side, if that was only that we would have gotten rid of him yet, he was dangerous, very dangerous."
"You better call for backup old man." said Killua
"It wouldn't be fun anymore if I did that." Netero responded with a vengeful glint in his eyes.
Pitou was the first to notice them, she raised her eyes to the sky, it was then only a vague presentiment, but in a few seconds it became a certainty.
But the threat was still high in the sky, Pitou's ability might be out of the ordinary, the enemy was impossible to locate.
'The En de Pitou has disappeared ?' Youpi thought.
The threat entered Pitou and Pouf's field of vision, a golden dragon approaching.
Pitou dispelled his En and took a fighting stance, but at that point the dragon split into a multitude of thinner dragons.
"Dragon Dive"
The fact of having seen the enemy and having defeated her En turned on her, she could no longer feel the two men approaching, but, the sight of an impending threat fully sharpened her senses, it allowed her to easily approach the enemy.
There was a danger far greater than this rain of dragons, it was this man, tall, muscular, wearing a look of arrogance and amusement plunging into the sky.
"Terpsichora" Pitou deployed this power of Nen to fight at full strength, but at that moment she understood her mistake.
"Impossible, say you ? Yes, that happens. It's a bit like those flashes. Just before dying, time slows down, and we see his life go by. You know what I'm talking about ? This phenomenon is even easier to apprehend.
When it occurs, we can perceive what the enemy thinks. Everyone witnesses it. A certain martial art calls it "fragmentary perception", this paradox of perception time is frequent when two great warriors clash.
The secret of the strength of this dodderer ? Well, there are several explanations. First of all, his Nen is dreadfully silent. No one is able to predict their attacks from the flow of their aura. It is not for nothing that he lives so old.
At his age his brain should be a vegetable, even without this "evolution" he received. When I was a baby, the old man was already an old man. He's the only man who was arguing with my grandfather and who is still alive.
He's a friend, that's for sure. We are a bit like ying and yang. Idiot ! I am not his equal ! It was always me who ended up in tears. Ah yes the secrets of his strength, for combat, he masters the Hundred Forms of Kannon. There is no more painful attack to deal with."
Pitou observed Netero and felt in his movements, an unparalleled fluidity and relaxation. Yet there was no doubt that they had been executed between the deployment and execution of her own Nen.
She had compressed her temporal perception as much as possible, almost as if she had suspended her own time. But she couldn't do anything but watch Netero's movements.
The truth was crystal clear, the attack would be impossible to avoid.
Netero. 46 years. Winter. Standing on the snow shirtless.
He felt the limits of his body and his art.
After thinking over and over again, he only felt one thing.
It was gratitude.
His face was serene, he was swimming in a feeling of happiness.
"So be it."
He felt infinitely indebted to the martial art that had educated him. He chooses to express his gratitude in his own way.
10 000 times a day, he would hold out his fist as a sign of gratefulness.
Concentration. Respect. Pray. Guard. And hitting !
To repeat this ritual 10,000 times, took him over 18 hours on the first day.
At the end of the day, he collapsed from fatigue.
Then he got up and started over, day after day.
Two years passed.
And he noticed a change, at the end of his exercise, it was still daylight.
It was after his 50th birthday that he metamorphosed. Performing 10 000 times his movement then took him less than an hour.
This allowed him to increase his prayer time.
When he left the mountain, the ritual took him 5 or 6 seconds. Netero's fists were faster than sound !
A monster was born.
"Do me the pleasure of disappearing from sight." were the words Pitou heard from this man before being thrown several hundred meters.