
Inhuman Battle Royale

Having been totally immersed in their fight and having a lot of fun, Skotadi and Netero hadn't noticed the fact that they had strayed from the King. At the exact moment when Netero decided to throw 99th Hand, Neferupito, Montutyupi and Shaupfufu appeared alongside Meruem in bad shape.

"King, what happened ? Did you fight against those two honorless cowards ?" Pouf asked with tears in his eyes when he saw his King in such a sorry state.

Pitou and Youpi waited impatiently for their King's answer but what they heard, they had rejected as a hallucination until Meruem repeated it a second time:

"This human alone put me in this state, I got beaten up by this man alone."

"Meruem-sama please pull yourself together, this man must have used scrupulous methods in order to win." Pouf looked for an excuse not wanting to believe it.

"Are you questioning my judgment ? I wouldn't have said those words the same way if I had, plus seeing this creature that killed my mother fighting him, I realized he was holding back still a good margin! I the King born to rule this world, to trample on anyone who stands in my way, I was humiliated by a simple human who did not give everything against me !"

"My King ..." Pitou and Youpi muttered sadly and bubbling with the same rage inhabiting their King, not knowing what to answer.

Pouf then split into several himself and said with conviction: "Eat me, my King."

"What ?" Meruem replied surprised.

"Eat me and become the King you should have been, a being unmatched by a common human or by any other living being !"

'Shit the anime doesn't do this chain justice ?! No I made Netero too powerful it's indecent !' In 2 seconds, 200 clones were destroyed while Skotadi was defeated even more violently, the clones improved in combat, the next 200 clones were dead in about 2.04 seconds, but this improvement did not change much,

Skotadi had to withdraw from the now unrecognizable battlefield in order to create more clones, but this monster left him no respite so he put it all in and sent the remaining clones to try to last as quickly as possible, but Skotadi misjudged the usefulness he had in blocking the majority of attacks, in 3 seconds all dead clones.

But these 3 seconds were more than enough for him to create 25 000 additional clones and reopen the application.

'Can this guy actually create more clones ? And why doesn't his aura drop when he creates them ? Could this be something other than the Nen ? Racial talent maybe... Did that bastard actually underestimate me from the start ?

Maybe he can even create more clones and he still underestimates me. Or no, it can only send a limited number of clones at the same time anyway, otherwise they would interfere with each other. Well my 99th Hand is still not over and this guy obviously won't come or send anyone to kill himself, so I had better stop this movement and even this Hatsu, I wouldn't be able to fight any more soon otherwise.'

'His wounds regenerate instantly and without losing weight in his aura. Should I use Zero Hand ? No it is not him that I came to kill, with his strength, if he had wanted to rule the world,

he would have started a long time ago and even if he changes his mind, I am not the only powerful human, although I'm probably the strongest now.' Netero wondered.

"You two I would only tell you once, serve me and I will let you live." A voice drifted magnanimously.

"An insect, shouldn't look down on a human." Netero without looking at the owner of the voice replied.

"You are strong now ahah so come and play at the mighty men table"

"Fools, the only thing I lacked before was just that, some decent power, now that I have it, you're no longer up to it."

"What's going on Palm ?" Knov asked.

Knov did not lose his will this time, although psychologically weak, he was not afraid of being tortured by Pitou, since their plan this time was not subtle and complex but simply consisted of a confrontation where everyone dies. or succeeded in the mission, although fearing death, his will was strengthened indirectly thanks to Vlad Dracula.

"It's strange, the president is not fighting the King, but another brown guy wearing old-looking armor, and they are so strong !"

"Very well the situation is eluding us, let's go join them, the president might need help." Morel said.

"This... It's not human."

"What monsters !"

Arrived at the scene, the group of Morel, Knov, Shoot, Knuckle, Palm, Gon, Kirua and a clone of Skotadi, observed three beings fighting each other, the Hunters could not recognize anyone before they stopped to move.

They were still more than a kilometer away when they saw Netero, Meruem and Alucard fighting each other, but at that moment they stopped advancing not wanting to be killed by accident ; indeed, the combat had violent repercussions over a few hundred meters around the combatants and the combat also moved a few hundred meters.

By the time they arrived Alucard and Netero had allied themselves against Meruem who was only gaining a few scratches even without using Nen.

The still inexperienced King, had been the victim of one of the tentacles of Nen which at this time, numbered to the count of several hundred, after having been touched Netero and Meruem one immediately understood what it was about, in a fight of this magnitude, thanks to their exceptional deduction capacity, the combat model changed several times.

The greatest danger for Netero and Alucard, was this strange capacity resembling En, but different, that possessed the King, their intentions were seen through, Netero thanks to his experience,

managed to limit this capacity by emptying his mind at the moment of acting and attacking instinctively, Alucard on the other hand although not being able to see his unveiled thoughts was seen through without problems, but during this fight his En was changing, albeit very slowly.

Meruem was like a stone that would be thrown into the sea, it would take an eternity for it to erode the said stone.

Netero had no strengths or weaknesses beneficial to the other two, Meruem had proved his absolute intelligence by finding loopholes, but the old man was no longer an old man, it took time yes, but he managed to improve, Meruem had to think longer before finding another exploitable loophole.

Alucard, well, uhh, although possessing annoying abilities such as the flute which "steal" the speed, the watch which accelerates the exhaustion as well as hypnosis, which although no longer works on Meruem or not on Netero, could distract the opponent somewhat, as if a voice whispered constantly in their ears, this is not very effective, but in a fight where every moment can decide life or death, it is a boring ability , Skotadi also possessed the ability to transform into mist,

use the Nen ?

Obviously Meruem understood it with an ease and a speed that would shame Light Yagami himself, but it was not so easy, the mist was dispersing, it no longer had the form of a man, although it was not being able to strike, it could dodge and if it dispersed enormously, without "Photon" of Meruem or En de Netero, it would be impossible to find Alucard, which had become simple molecules ; in short, although possessing these very annoying abilities, well he was the weakest when it came to the offensive aspect.

"Why don't they fight together anymore?" Killua wondered.

"Yes that's strange." Knuckle was amazed too.

Yes, Meruem and Netero had ended up allying themselves and fighting Alucard, it was no longer the conflict between humanity and Chimera Ants, which was at stake in this fight, it had become since the beginning of this battle royale, a fight between "powerful men" their own ego was at stake, especially regarding Meruem who had already lost, so when Meruem also realized that Alucard never seemed to run out, as well as never stay hurt, although Finding him not particularly powerful, he decided to attack him, Netero stopped his assault on Meruem and joined him.

'So here's a fight from the president...' the group really didn't know what to think, they weren't disgusted or jealous, just empty.

The fight lasted a long time, as soon as a fighter showed any strength or weakness, the other two united against him.

So the first light of the morning finally appeared...