
Avatar of God

What if Nanika's ability to grant wishes in exchange for requests wasn't the only Hatsu she possessed ? What if this Hatsu isn't one ? Were the known conditions obligatory ? With Killua, this ability works differently.

Does Nanika have to live in a host's body to survive, or to possess her ability ? Was she the result of an experiment, was she unique, or did she belong to a race that possessed all of this frightening ability ?

Could this ability accomplish anything ? Assuming Aruka had to travel to heal Gon, probably not, or with conditions. How to avoid dying under the effect of this ability ? Could he even really die from it ?

All these questions concerning the entity living within Aruka Zoldyck were revolving in my mind.

Many abilities in this world have requirements regarding the target's personal information, name, blood type and others, how to act accordingly ? Simple, don't communicate them.

But this world would not be this world if things were so simple, for me it was an oversight, not an ignorance of the situation, yes I have an eidetic memory, but the information prior to the moment I received this ability not work as before.

Thus, how to fix it ? Nen. Again and again the limitless capabilities that Nen offers is the way that came to my mind. I then created a useful Hatsu.

"Forget & Problems Disappears" : When the user needs to know information, "Forget & Problems Disappears" is activated automatically, he receives the information, then, after having said or thought it only once, this information disappears from the mind of the user.

When the user wishes to record a word or information, he can activate this Hatsu, which will record, then make the user forget the information.

When the user does not know a piece of information, it cannot be used in any way by anyone, it no longer exists.

When the user knows the information, it can be used by the user for a purpose only beneficial to himself (this avoids a lot of problems in a case like being controlled).

All the rules as well as the functioning of Hatsu cannot disappear.

Forget & Problems Disappears prevents the user from accessing the same information until 10 seconds have passed.

If the user hears the information, they will remember it regardless of the 10 second rule.

The weakness of this Hatsu is that if the rules and how it works are known, the person could ask me for the information, then activate the desired ability after asking me, but knowing the rules, if for example Killua asks for my name again,

I wouldn't think about it or say it again and unless the effect requiring my name was of such devastating power as Nanika's Wishes, which would kill me instantly, no risk that I get screwed a second time.

It would be best not to give out personal information to anyone, and if someone asks for my name, I should answer something else.

"Father, do you know his name ?" Silva asked.

"No, yet I have used all the resources at my disposal, no Hatsu is working, and no information about this man is circulating."

"I guess the world only knows this truth, Isaac Netero died sacrificing himself to get rid of the Chimera Ants threat, but wasn't there a leak ?"

"Yes, as yet no one has been against telling anyone about the incident, and it's good if this man doesn't have outrageous ambitions for our race, but if he does, it would have the opposite effect, no one will be prepared to fight him, not that someone can in my opinion." Zeno said somewhat concerned.

"All the same, according to what you told me of the Chimera Ants, this King was too strong, the "ordinary" Chimera Ants Kings of the Dark Continent, are not even of level possessed by the three Royal Guards of this one." Maha Zoldyck's voice was heard, all around them transported by a mist of Nen.

Some people improve their strengths through willpower, training, others through adventures or battles...

Skotadi takes a pinch from everyone, he couldn't farm for hundreds of years without doing something else like these "honorable" cultivators, he could only have adventures without a fight, he wouldn't want to go on fighting either over and over again, it would make her thirst for adventure.

After fighting he had improved his combat experience, and had become more powerful by drinking the blood of Netero and Meruem, he had also gained a pillar in his army, although the plan was to gain 2, this one was still a good deal,

especially after eating Netero and himself, he would beat Skotadi nonstop if they fought each other at night, also during the day except at noon, The One had not yet been tested, but he knew it, in this form he would master Meruem easily.

To have a person to trust is truly sublime ! And it wasn't the kind of blind trust no, of course.

Meruem, keeping his slightly haughty attitude of King, even with Skotadi, was in reality at his absolute service, no rebellion could even touch the mind of the King, on the contrary although not having a detestable servile attitude,

he would do anything for the benefit of the young and not being Pouf either, he had no strange visions of things which would make that by wanting to do well, he do the opposite. Like Dio Brando, I loathe people with a servile attitude.

After this fight, Skotadi wanted to do two things, expand his legion of real assets, like Meruem, although he did possess some supernatural races from the original, they were immortal not powerful enough to make a big difference in the fights to come,

or future assets have good potential; and to go on an adventure of the Cursed Continent, it was really in a perspective of adventures and not in a quest for power, and soldiers.

But he still didn't want to afford to underestimate humanity, so he decided to keep a low profile and tackle the Phantom Brigade first and to Hisoka, he would do it after his death and resurrection, before he unnecessarily kills Machi and Sharnalk.

'As much as I drain them of their blood, Meruem eat them and they become my soldiers if it is to die.' Stokadi thought so.

From this day, he had two months before the fight of Chrollo and Hisoka, he will use them to the maximum to feed his army of future monsters thanks to two Hatsu :

"Unveiled Potential" : "Are you worth it ?", These are the words that the user must pronounce to a living being endowed with or without sensitivity, as long as the interlocutor responds with gestures or words, little no matter what it expresses, a black word will appear above the YES or NO person.

If YES appears, that person has potential in something useful to the user according to their standards.

The user can only find out what this person is good at by testing.

"Avatar of God" : Creates a Nen avatar with no abilities that the user can control without distance or otherwise.

Once the user uses this Hatsu, he has no control over his body but can still use Nen in any form.

All injuries suffered by the user are transferred in real time to all their avatars.

An avatar can only be created within 50 meters of the user.

An avatar fades after an hour.

None of the effects suffered by an avatar apply to the user.

An avatar cannot be forcibly dispelled before the end of its duration.

Only 3 avatars can exist at the same time.

An avatar can interchange with another Avatar.

50% of the aura pool is used to activate this Hatsu, when the user controls the avatar it has all the abilities, characteristics and 100% of the user's Nen pool.

The avatar starts at 100% of the user's capacity then, every 30 seconds, the avatar increases by 10% of his starting strength ; Avatar power no longer increases after 5 minutes, namely after becoming twice as powerful.

The last 10 minutes, the strength of the avatar decreases in the same way.

The usefulness of the former went without saying, while the latter would serve as a general to counter any potential problem without taking any real risks, however "Avatar of God" had many restrictions although having no conditions.

He lay down on a very luxurious hotel bed, created 2 Avatar of God, then immediately after a 3 rd after his Nen had regenerated.

Before plunging his conscience into it, he invoked Meruem and explained the situation to him, he would serve as his personal guard, he plunged his conscience into the avatars, it was not like splitting 3 parts of his mind,

but rather like watching 4 screens at the same time and have the ability to see them all without missing the slightest detail (3 clones + himself) and via his "Avatar of God" he created as many clones that could be in his room,

explained to them the purpose of their mission, then these clones would turn into haze, so a lot more space could be used to create more, so a seemingly endless haze came out of his window, a few dozen clones remained in town to use "Unveiled Potential "on everyone, and bite the neck of interesting people.

The avatars did not stay but disperse in several directions in order to watch the clones with Gyô, flying in the sky.